Saturday, Jun 25, 2011 at 20:42
I have a ref. to the Southern Ocean:
First gazetted in the letters patent describing the Colony of Western Australia 23/10/1890 page 787. In 1913, Commonwealth maps of Australia showed the "Southern Ocean" to the south of the continent. As the Government Statistician could find no reliable reference to either the "Southern Ocean" or the "Great Southern Ocean" research was conducted in to the matter. In 1914 on the Surveyor General's suggestion, the Premier of WA approved that the ocean washing the southern coast of Australia be separated from the Indian Ocean and named the "Great Southern Ocean", he wrote to the Prime Minister requesting this alteration.In September the Prime Minister approved the name as "Southern Ocean" and noted that the Indian Ocean did not extend east of the meridian of
Cape Leeuwin. In 1915 advice was received from the Governments of New Zealand and the Union of South Africa concurring with adoption of the name "Southern Ocean" and that its limits be; on the north, a line joining the southern portions of South America, Africa, Australia and New Zealand and on the southby the Antarctic Continent. (Corr 807/67 pp17-18) In 1972, following compilation by the RAN Hydrographic Office of the Nomenclature and limits of water bodies surrounding Australia, the limits of this ocean was modified to read as follows: ON THE NORTH -From
Cape Leeuwin (34 22'S, 115 08'E) the southern extremity of the west coast of Australia, eastward along the high water-line to
Cape Otway (38 51'S, 143 30'E), thence along a line southeast to Cape Wickam (39 35'S, 143 56'E) King Island, along the high water-line of the western coast to Stokes Point, the southern extremity of King Island, thence southeast along a line to
Cape Grim (40 39'S, 144 43'E) Tasmania, south along the high water-line to
south East Cape (43 39'S, 146 49'E) the southern extremity; thence southeast along a line to the southern extremity of Auckland Islands (50 55'S, 166 05'E); thence southeast along a line to latitude 53 S to longitude 180 E, from this point eastward along a line to Cape Horn (55 59'S. 67 17'W), the southern extremity of South America; east to the northern extremity of South Georgia(53 50'S, 37 50'W); thence east to Marion Island (46 54'S, 37 44'E) the southern island of the Prince Edward Islands; thence east to the northern point of Iles Crozet; thence east along a line to
Cape Leeuwin, Australia.ON THE SOUTH -The coastline of the Antarctic continent.See Misc Chart 18, Limits of Ocean and Seas. File 4318/69 and 807/67 pp35.