Saturday, Jul 02, 2011 at 23:38
I was using a 105amp Delkor,it cost around $240. Its a budget deep cycle ,no glass mat ,just thick lead plates.
Getting 4 days out of it means no kids touching the fridge and keeping it in the shade.Turning it off at night also helps.
I also had my fridge hard wired direct to the battery terminals,anything in between robs some power(inc battery boxes)
Its all wired to the cranking batteries in the front via a solenoid that isolates the deep cycle battery when the engine is off.(so you dont have flat batteries up front)
It may be possible to over charge the deep cycle battery but running the fridge while it was getting charge from the engine seem to keep it in the right range.
You can get a wet cell deep cycle at any battery retailer,but as you may have found battery world are not the cheapest.Look for other battery specialists,there is plenty in each city.
You can get the Arc battery boxes from supercheep,$60?
They have a cig lighter plug and other outlets as
well a LED battery indicator.
Make sure the battery will fit in the box.
Deep cycle batteries can only be discharged to about 80% of their max charge,any more and you shorten their lifespan(of about 1100 recharges?).
Im not great on electronics either ,so you need to study up on that.