Jackaroo - Noisy drive train
Submitted: Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 19:18
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Member - Matthew
Hi all,
Have any Jackaroo owners had problems with noise through the drive train of 3.5l petrol manuals? Its been getting worse for a while now. it sounds like a rumble that gets louder with speed. We had Cooper A/T 245/70 16 which are slighlt more aggresive but I don't believe this is contributing to the problem significantly. I've had it checked by the dealer under warranty and as expected they found nothing wrong.
It started whilst on the "Big Trip" towing a Jayco. The load in the car was about 500kg including passengers and the tow ball weight about 80kg. I don't know if its bearings or what. It also has a shudder through the clutch in first gear(clutch has been replaced under warranty but problem is still occuring)
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Reply By: Mixo - Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 21:01
Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 21:01
It is an issue - let us know the year of manufacture - my 99 TD SE was a bit "whiney" but settled down, and is very good now at 77k (grumbles are another matter though).You must search the archives...there has been a fair bit of discussion on this already....above all, don't let the dealer fob you off, because they WILL if you let them. If you are not satisfied with their attention to the issue, get onto Holden's Customer Hotline and stir them up. Failing that, get an independent / accredited, expert report on it ... Motoring Org etc. Go back and get into Holden with that......your car should be as sophisticated as they say in the promo brochures !.....and finally, every time you go there and leave it with them to "look it over", make sure you leave with documentation, even if you pay nothing (everything they do has a job docket and you need your copy). ...I feel better now.Why I am here looking at this screen ?
Reply By: Brian from Bi-Tron Fuel & Oil Metal Treatment - Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 22:42
Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 22:42
Hi Matt,
I have been involved with the Bi-tron Metal Treatments for over 6 years, and I have have had numerous users of the Bi-tron Metal Treatment give testimonies as to the relief of whining through gear trains in all types of vehicles and machinery.
If, as you say the experts have checked out your box for damaged parts and given the all clear, then I am almost certain the Bi-tron Metal Treatment will eliminate your problem. The Bi-tron Metal Treatment as with all the other Products are 100% OIL BASED with NO ADDITIVE. The Product is about 30 SAE in wt. and as there is NO ADDITIVE in the Bi-tron it cannot void warranty. The oil in your box at present is a mixture of BASE OIL plus ADDITIVES as recommended by the transmission manufacturers; the Bi-tron is the same BASE OIL with NO ADDITIVES.
The Bi-tron Product has been "reversed engineered" and will adhere to and fuse to the metal surfaces even under the most extreme and heat conditions. The Bi-tron MT. will not allow the metals to rub together and consequently the whining should disappear as it has done many times previously.
Please contact me and I will explain this to you. I do advertise in the Exploroz;
check out the "Press Lease".
Regards, Brian Rogers. I.D. 525Bi-Tron Fuel & Oil Metal Treatment