Pity about EO

Submitted: Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 22:24
ThreadID: 8756 Views:2066 Replies:9 FollowUps:11
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Whilst debate is good about certain subjects it is my opinion that this forum is heading down the wrong track with Polls and requests by Politicians for information. I may agree or disagree with what ever is being touted on the forum but in general I think that we should stick to the basics of four wheel drive topics i.e. mechanical knowledge, camping ideas or destinations. If we go down the path which is the equivalent of Talk Back Radio Shows on line, we are going to experience all kinds of bigotry....yes, I know, one does not have to read the posts but in the past we have had some very interesting discussions on a wide variety of subjects and some have been quite heated and some not. Other times we have had some good laughs. So come on EO owners and forumites, lets stay away from the politics of life as we get a gutfull of it in all forms of media which only leads to dissent and unhappiness.


Always going somewhere
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Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 22:39

Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 22:39
AnswerID: 38458

Follow Up By: Slammin - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 00:19

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 00:19
And a thread later ???????????
What happened, did you read what Willem said?
FollowupID: 27957

Reply By: pauls - Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 22:42

Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 22:42
I agree fully.

Paul S
AnswerID: 38462

Follow Up By: Bazza - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 08:50

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 08:50
G'Day all,
I second that.
A lot of forums from various interest groups have died because it became too political, and because their followers became disinterested.
Not a good out-come for the forum supporters or business wise.
FollowupID: 27968

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 22:53

Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 22:53
But I DO think we need a poll to agree on this :)~~~~~~~~~~
AnswerID: 38466

Reply By: Member - Bigbear - Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 23:13

Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 23:13
Yes I agree

Bush Bappo's 4WD Club
Get out there & have a look
AnswerID: 38472

Reply By: Michelle from ExplorOz - Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 23:23

Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 23:23
Guys, if you can't see the sense in using a high-profile medium to get some messages across then you just don't get the politics of business at all. What a waste of breath we all are, if we continue to moan about issues and expect someone else to fix the problems. We are simply providing an avenue for your views to be aired and a vehicle to capture real people's feedback on these issues. We have the potential to put forward a great collection of industry issues and due to the volume of numbers here, we will be seen as a collective voice.

If you don't like the Poll, ignore it. If you don't like the post about feedback to improve camp grounds facilities then ignore it.

Willem - you've already gone off half baked with the other email I received from you off-forum earlier, simply because you didn't think 2 email responses from me in 2 weeks was fast enough for you. You are simply complaining about anything and everything today. ExplorOz
AnswerID: 38473

Follow Up By: Willem - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 07:45

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 07:45
Michelle and David,

"Willem - you've already gone off half baked with the other email I received from you off-forum earlier, simply because you didn't think 2 email responses from me in 2 weeks was fast enough for you. You are simply complaining about anything and everything today."

If you want to have a go at me for voicing an opinion...fine...but to mention a private matter in public is not acceptable. If you think that I am moaning or whinging about something then that is your perception of the matter. I state things like the way I see it and I am not afraid to say so. I try to keep my posts within the boundaries of fair play and decorum.

I respect your endeavour to create a business from your labours as we all must earn money to live. This FORUM is an excellent concept with reference to recreational activities. The FORUM however,must not become a vehicle for political debate and diverse bigotry. I am sure that many of us who use this forum to advance our knowledge of our recreational needs are not interested in reading the extreme views of either side of the equation. And YES I did vote in the Poll. And YES I voiced some concerns as the debate has grown. In hindsight however, it would have been better for this forum not to have gone down this path.

By all means use your numbers to drum up business to keep this great website in the black but keep the FORUM free from political bias.

This is my opinion and I am sticking to it. Now let us all return to talking about our trucks and what we eat when we are out camping. :-)

FollowupID: 27964

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - David - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 11:44

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 11:44

I must admit I am still a little perplexed. We run a poll talking directly about 4WD issues. This was all started by the deaths of some children in a river crossing. If the driver had done the proper checks and been correctly trained would the result be different - maybe. I think when I watch some of those ad on the box that a large percentage of poeple think the vehicle should be able to just go through anything. This is the problem. It is not meant to be a political statement more just a way of collecting a result of what people think (the purpose of the site), we are going to pass on the poll results to the main advertising trade journal that has been in contact with us about this poll. Can you please explain the ploitical motivation behind this, I want to hear your point so that we can make sure we understand?

As for the camping ground question - I thought this was an excellent undertaking from the member in Tas that requested the information. We all moan about the bollards and the lack of facilites at the camp grounds so when we have been asked to provide feedback for the forward planning of camping facilites somewhere, I cannot understand why this should be seen as anything less than a chance to have an say in what should be considered. Even if they don't take it on-board. What if they did - wouldn't we all be happy. Can you please let me know your view point on this also.

As you know we build and work on the site purely based on feedback. At this stage I cannot understand the political debate because I cannot see what is political that has been done to the site. other than the posts that say it is political. Please help me understand.Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
FollowupID: 27991

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - David - Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 23:36

Tuesday, Nov 25, 2003 at 23:36
Hi Willem,

I would have thought that the issues raised lately were excalty along the lines of your qoute "I think that we should stick to the basics of four wheel drive topics i.e. mechanical knowledge, camping ideas or destinations"

Camping ideas - A government body setting up camp facilites in TAS asked if we could source feedback to assist in camping based tourism in that state - Michelle put up a post asking this very question.

4WD Basic Topics - A series of 4WD bodies, associations and businesses is running a campaign to try to get the 4WD advertising campaigns to be a little more responsible in saftey for the travelling public. We decided to give the group the ability to generate national exposure and ask the question via the poll facility.

WHY DOES THIS UPSET YOU SO MUCH? We are posting topics and information which seem to be excatly targeted to the your stated objectives.Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
AnswerID: 38476

Follow Up By: Big Trev - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 13:12

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 13:12
I post on this forum, I post on car racing forums (my other hobbie) and I post on a local issues forum. I do this because I enjoy the interaction, I do this because I learn heaps from others experiences, I do this because in my 46 years I have picked up some experiences and I am really happy to share them to those who might not have had the same experiences as I have had.

I know that Race Car Drivers/Owners and Race Car Managments read the racing forums, and in some cases resond on the forums.

I know with the local issues forum that at least one local councillor will post the facts ( and sometimes his opinions). The fact that he reads what people are thinking is a real bonus for him. He will have my vote next time.

I am sure that Government representatives, manufacturers and suppliers of 4X4 equipment read this forum, because it is the best one in Australia. So your say (and the way you behave) it most certainly read by one (or more) of those people listed above.

I am fairly new to this forum, and found the topics that are of interest to me to be very benificial to me. I have picked up a huge amount of good information, even though I have owned a 4X4 since 1989.

I laugh at some of the info, not because its funny, but because of some peoples perception, and how what is a written statement can be construed by so many in so many ways.

Keep up the Great Work ExplorOz Team, it is a bloody sensational website.
FollowupID: 28007

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - David - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 13:16

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 13:16
Thanks Big Trev,

We will keep up the work as WE LOVE IT - well most of the time.Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
FollowupID: 28008

Follow Up By: Willem - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 19:57

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 19:57
Hi David,

It must be a generational thing. Two different trains of thought and all I have done is to express my opinion on what I think matters on this forum. I AM NOT UPSET.

I am not going to go down the path that we have been taking recently as stated in my original post suffice to say that my feeling is that the more you activate discussion on the politics of 4wdriving the more people with different vested interests will get on the bandwagon and before long politicians will take the ball and run with it to further their own narrow agendas.

I love the Australian bush. I go camping because it gives me great pleasure to get out there with my 4x4, to smell the flowers, to study the footprints, to photograph the scenery, to enjoy the bush cooking, to search for fossils and rock art and to luxuriate in the creeks and springs.

I stay away from commercialised camping, places with facilities, caravan parks, places with pine forests(bollards). When going on an extended bush trip I do a lot of research into the history of the area and pore over maps to organise my trek. I am well prepared and kitted out for my recreation. I steer clear from cluster camping with groups but will make an exception from time to time. This is what I am on about.

I would like to learn more of places I have not been to and would like to help those with whatever knowledge I have on the chosen subject. This is why Exploroz attracted me in the first place and eventually I was given membership by yourself and have since renewed that membership. I wish to continue along that vein but I will make comments and give my opinion on this forum which from time to time may disagree with the general concensus. Love me or hate me,, I do not care as long as we keep things nice. :-)



Always going somewhere
FollowupID: 28578

Reply By: John - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 00:07

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 00:07
Hi All
A Forum is the means for all interested and concerned parties to have a voice on any and everything that may or may not be of interest or concern.

I enjoy all aspects of this forum, I enjoy the interest that other like minded people take in other people's problems, concerns and interests.
I have learned a hell of a lot from all of you, I have also disagreed with various comments from time to time, but have elected to perhaps not reply to those few cases.

This is the purpose of a forum, to canvas interest and opinion on all topics.
I think they used to call it conversation.
In this I agree with Michele and David, by all means use this media to create interest and get people to think about what they want from this world and maybe influence it for the better.

I believe that we are all able to relise that we all will not agree all of the time, I believe it would be a boring world if we did.

Willem keep up the posts and answers it shows you have an interest in what goes on, Truckster your dry humour is a great feature of this forum, both of you are good examples of the great people that we have in this country that do take an interest in whats happening. Besides that you both contribute with a lot of welcome experience and a few good laughs.

See what I mean about forums a great means of comment and conversation.
Don't knock it, If you didn't have EO you would have nowhere to voice your complaint's.


AnswerID: 38482

Follow Up By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 10:50

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 10:50
Well put.ne cede malis
FollowupID: 27981

Reply By: Tony - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 08:15

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 08:15
Isn't this the type of subjects we all talk about around the camp fire at night after a full days drive with a stubbie or port in the hand, sitting under the Southern Cross and enjoying what our great country has to offer.

Lets keep it that way.
AnswerID: 38507

Follow Up By: Willem - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 08:25

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 08:25
If you are referring to politics then the answers is NO as there is never an outcome. In the past, when we were a lot younger, sitting around the camp fire, drinking copious amounts of liquid, we used to get into all kinds of arguments. That is one of the reasons I quit the club scene and for that matter travelling with other vehicles. If meeting and conversing with strangers at camp fires then the discussions are more reserved and we generally steer clear of highly contentious issues.

Always going somewhere
FollowupID: 27966

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - David - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 11:57

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 11:57

I think these points are things that are discussed around the camp fire.

We always moan about the location of the bollards in camp grounds, or the smelly toliets, or how far we have to walk to get to one. We have given people a chance to discuss this and provide feedback to a tourism guys in Tas. Maybe we needed to title the topic - Camp ground feedback sought. Because the only part that is political about this post is the word Polie (BTW: This can be spelt either way Pollie or Polie according to the Theasuras).

As for the advertising poll - again this has been done with NO political motivation at all. We are gathering results and raising awareness of the thoughts of many 4WD operators and associations. I have been around a camp fire and heard comments about advertising campaigns and ripping up the beach on TV etc.

We like Willem do not travel in groups and usually travel solo. I think for almost exactly the same reasons, I am still perplexed at why some poeple think this issue has gone political.

Anyway hope to meet you and Willem around a camp fire one day.Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
FollowupID: 27994

Reply By: Member - Peter (WA) - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 10:22

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 10:22
The word FORUM to me means an open arena in which we can talk about all things related to 4WD ,camping etc be it general info or political , if Jesus had a 4x4 to cross the desert we could add religion LOL Born to drive a 4x4 , not a keyboard
Peter York 4x4
AnswerID: 38516

Follow Up By: Member - Mal (Brisbane) - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 10:54

Wednesday, Nov 26, 2003 at 10:54

He had a donkey or camel. Both are 4 Hoof Drives. lol

Mal T.
FollowupID: 27982

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