Still searching for UST the right rig :(

Good morning all.

Why... whhhhhyyyyy is it so hard to find JUST the right rig for us to go around Oz in? (OK I know that's not supposed to be easy but...)

We currently have a cavalier camper trailer, which is lovely, but it takes a good half an hour for two adults to put up the annexe and we have a tiny tacker on board. Call me lazy, but I can do that when camping...but living... nope.

We had fallen in love with a newer jayco expanda, but as neither of our banks would take one on board unless it was new... the finance was a no go for that. :(

So now we are literally back to square one. For people who have travelled extensively with tackers on board (she will just start crawling by the time we go) - am I being a princess, or is a camper trailer a no go...

We are looking now at old campervans, with the thought of getting a cheap one in good condition, whipping it into the local service centre and modernising the electrics and putting on a roll out annexe. I see lime green and brown in our future, but we could afford to do that without any finance, which whilst hubby is a bit of a snob in the vehicle stakes... I quite like.

HEEELLLPPPP anyone? We have access to finance of about $15K if we would like it, and about $10k cash. And we have gone trailer, van, expanda, trailer, van, epxanda, full van...around and around and around and MY HEAD HURTS!!


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Reply By: Dede1 - Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 12:11

Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 12:11
Hi liahealy

I can sympathise. We had a camper trailer which I loved but the setting up and packing up became a nightmare. We purchased a 25 year old 17' pop top van with the exact set up we were looking for. Saw it on the side of the road for sale, we were in the right place at the right time. Not really looking but thinking about upgrading from the camper. Older vans seem to be lighter than the modern day versions. No on board battery system, but fridge works on 12 v (car), 240 v and gas. We use battery lights when free camping. My suggestion is don't forego the older style of van (some are in very good condition). We bought ours and towed it from Melb to Queensland for an extended trip and had no problems. Towed with a ford falcon. Oh! and our annex is brown striped. Yep we are usually the oldest van in the park but I figure our van cost 1/3 to 1/4 what others paid and it has more than paid for itself.

AnswerID: 461232

Follow Up By: timothy - Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 13:48

Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 13:48
I agree, don't discount the older vans. My wife and I chose a 1982 Viscount Grand tourer which is serving us very well. She made new covers for the seat cushions and new curtains to modernise the interior, it already had 240/12V power and just needed a solar controller and a couple of solar panels to complete the setup. It has travelled a lap of Australia plus month long trips through SA, QLD and most recently the Oodnadatta track and Strzelecki track through to Cameron Corner.
FollowupID: 734920

Reply By: Member - Troll 81 (QLD) - Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 12:59

Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 12:59
We have certainly not done the big lap but we do allot of camping, mainly long weekends or a week here and there. We have a Lifestyle Camper and a nearly 2 year old now and she started going camping since 4 months old, back then we only had the tent. Since upgrading to the trailer about 6 months ago we have done around 6 trips away and now can’t go anywhere without out. Once you nail down your setup/packing up routine you should be right. It takes us around 10 min to fold the trailer out and then 10-15 for the Annexe, the packing up can take a big longer. These numbers were much higher when we first got it but we have it down pat now.

The little one even helps to carry the pegs around and throw them all over the floor for me ? it’s all part of the fun and at the end of the day you make of it what you make of it.

AnswerID: 461235

Reply By: Old Dave - Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 14:34

Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 14:34
Hi liahealy

Have a look on Gumtree or trading post i was looking at them yesterday

and there was quite a few expanders.

Regards Dave.
AnswerID: 461251

Reply By: Member - Oldbaz. NSW. - Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 16:51

Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 16:51
I'm not sure if you are considering a wind up type campervan, but if so ,be warned
they take as long to set up as a camper trailer. Friends with a Jayco Finch came with us to WA & they took just as long to set up & pack up as we did with a soft floor C/t.
And that didnt include any annex. Any annex with walls will take a bit of time. Maybe
you should be looking at a used pop top caravan, many come with an annex but can
be usable with only the top to push up. Have you thought of a portable enclosure to
contain the princess, stick with the C/t & only put the annex up for extended stays.
AnswerID: 461267

Follow Up By: Mrbrush - Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 22:29

Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 22:29
Exactly, I have a soft floor camper and we can set up and pack up just as quick as my mate with his Jayco Eagle.
The difference is about about $15,000.
When you travell with a camper trailer small and light for towing, Does it really matter if you allow an hour to setup or packup ?

If you don`t go over 12`ft in tent size on a camper trailer which is ample for most familiy`s you will be just as quick as a van.

Optiion is your comfort needs.

FollowupID: 734970

Reply By: Doomadgee Roadhouse - Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 18:24

Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 18:24
one liddle tackker eh, dont go the Camper van, it was a wonderful idea but when we finally got one it just was not what we wanted ........ and a big full on van would restrict you a lot .....
The best i have seen so far to suit all worlds and kids is the Winsor Rapid with the pop top and fold out beds at each end .......... and like you i would have it if only i could have gotten the bit more $...........
I have been looking for 10 years, intently for the last 3 and we have worked remote so have seen the worst and best, seen the dreamers and "real" people, have owned a van and lived in it for 3 months with kids, owned a camper and camped with kids, owned tents and rolled in dust with kids ....
And the winner is ................
Winsor Rapid (off road)..... hands down..
(do the "google" and see what others have to say)
Cheers Joe
AnswerID: 461277

Follow Up By: Member - Bill B1 (NSW) - Saturday, Jul 30, 2011 at 18:19

Saturday, Jul 30, 2011 at 18:19
We have a 4.42 Windsor Rapid; double ender; and have been away for 15 months around Oz. Just coming back down the Qld coast.
The Rapid is an ideal van, small enough to tow and place in tight sites, big enough inside to not fall over each other. Ours has the table at the front which is the better layout.
All vans are a compromise and the Rapid will have things that some people don't like but overall the positives outweigh the others.
Lots of cupboards, cork floor and if you cannot find an Outback, put the springs on top of the axle and you will have enough clearance for anything you want to do.
I have been to El Questro (slowly at the end), Lawn Hill via Riversleigh and any number of other spots. Just take it easy.

Bill B

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FollowupID: 735014

Reply By: liahealy - Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 21:20

Friday, Jul 29, 2011 at 21:20
Thank You everyone! I have been reading a blog tonight from a family with three littles going around (well, went around) and having tough days setting up with a full on van. Im thinking OMG how would we go with the camper trailer?? LOL

Im thinking about scenarios like stopping for feeds several times a day, stopping to prepare lunch etc and just working through which one would suit best.

I think hubby is afraid that a caravan will make him old LOL...we recently got sat at the 'old people's table' at a 21st and he's not recovered yet... ;)
AnswerID: 461296

Follow Up By: AJB - Saturday, Jul 30, 2011 at 18:14

Saturday, Jul 30, 2011 at 18:14
I have a 2004 off road expanda that I am considering selling. The advantage of the expanda, as you are probably aware of, is their size when erected, their ease and speed of set up and their useability for lunch time stops. Ours has been great for either one night stays or extended stays and towing it is easy as.
FollowupID: 735013

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