You Know You Are Really Hooked On 4WDing If . . .

Submitted: Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 16:27
ThreadID: 8797 Views:3293 Replies:9 FollowUps:1
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Worth a laugh!

You Know You Are Really Hooked On 4WDing If . . .

· You use a hose to clean the inside and the outside
· You take your date home early on a Saturday night so you can work on your truck
· You determine that the best route from Point A to Point B is through a rock pile or over a mountain
· You call a scratch or a dent, a beauty mark
· You roll it over and don't get upset
· Your Mum or your sister can't get in without help
· You judge every hill you see by how much fun it would be to climb
· You get custom pin-striping from trail brush
· A low-rider RAV4 pulls up next to you, and you want to get out and slap the driver
· It takes more than 6 hours to get the weekend newspaper
· You take your friends wheeling and they say "What trail; I don't see a trail!"
· You've been forced to add bullbar, 'Lux, Surf, Locka etc to your spell-checker
· You can see OVER a Suburban
· You carry emergency supplies and clothing because you never know where you will end up
· You change your plugs in the parking lot at work on a break
· Your "Parts Department" is on blocks behind your house
· You take your Mum 4WDing and she has to help you flip the truck back onto its wheels again
· You get more ventilation from holes in the floor than through the vents
· Every page of your repair manual has greasy fingerprints
· You spend more time under your truck than under your significant other
· You spend more on car washes than on insurance
· Even worse, the car wash won't let you in
· You fix almost everything yourself
· You feel sorry for someone in a $60,000 Landcruiser
· You have the phone numbers for all of your favourite mail-order accessory houses memorized
· You have all your credit card numbers memorized
· You slam the door and chunks of dried mud crumble to the ground
· Your wife/girlfriend refuses to get in it
· You are dating the Service, Parts, or Sales Manager at your local 4WD dealership
· You can't hear your $2000 stereo over the howl of your tyres on the highway
· You have a high-water mark INSIDE the truck
· After your answer to "What did you do this weekend?", the next question is always: "And you do this for fun, right?"
· Your criteria for selecting a "significant other" includes auto repair skills--air tools optional
· You can't take a girl, who's wearing a dress, on a date without carrying along a set of steps
· You plan your wedding around the Club's trail ride schedule
· You save broken parts as "mementos" and know the exact story behind every one
· When someone refers to "The Good Book", you think of "Workshop Owner’s Manual"
· Your truck no longer fits in the garage
· You always have your drinks "on the rocks"
· You think that any tyre that isn't waist high looks like a bagel
· You can't sneak into home late because the engine is too loud
· You know your ring gear size, but not your wedding ring size
· All of your shirts have some sort of grease or oil stains, or battery acid holes, from not planning on working on your (or a frend's) truck
· You have a dirt heap at the end of your driveway from the mud that got washed off of your truck
· You think that an "airline" is something that connects your differential to your air compressor
· You stop trying to get the dirt out from under your fingernails
· You buy parts for your truck instead of food for your family
· You spend Grand Final Footy Sunday turning wrenches rather than watching the game
· Your e-mail address refers to your truck rather than you
· Your garage holds more diff centres than your house has bedrooms
· You have enough spare parts to build another truck
· You have 4WD parts in your cubicle at work
· You have to wash your hands before you go to the restroom
· You carry along enough tools to supply a small garage
· You nickname your 4x4 after the noises it makes or it's most damaging trail accident
· You carry along a replacement part for every drive component on your rig
· You can air up your tyres without stopping at a gas station
· You're constantly getting passed on the highway
· The Service Department has to let all of the air out of your front tyres in order to reach the engine
· Your wallet is always empty!

:o) MelissaPetrol 4.5L GU Patrol &
Camprite TL8 offroad camper
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Reply By: Member - Peter (WA) - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 16:32

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 16:32
LOVE IT , I answered yes to most of the above .Born to drive a 4x4 , not a keyboard
Peter York 4x4
AnswerID: 38693

Reply By: Andrew - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 17:23

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 17:23
....and.... is my home page.
AnswerID: 38695

Reply By: Member -BJ (Sydney) - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 18:49

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 18:49
Yep i think i'm hooked.Regards Bob
Where to next
AnswerID: 38704

Reply By: bruce.h (WA) - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 19:09

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 19:09
god now im depressed , i fit 90% of that especialy the empty wallet part
AnswerID: 38711

Reply By: Tim - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 21:12

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 21:12
Love it-thats a bleep er!!!!!!!
AnswerID: 38724

Reply By: Member - Glenn(VIC) - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 21:49

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 21:49
I want that on a t-shirt..hahahahahahaJust Do It!

AnswerID: 38735

Reply By: Brian - Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 22:27

Thursday, Nov 27, 2003 at 22:27
As a very new "soft off roader" owner I am looking forward to ticking each one off as it happens.
I have been laughing in my homebrew while reading it.
Certainly a bloody classic.
Don't know where you are from Melissa but sure would like to share a homebrew over a campfire one day. Also think your sense of humour is great as most of the forum users are.
AnswerID: 38739

Follow Up By: Member - Melissa - Friday, Nov 28, 2003 at 12:16

Friday, Nov 28, 2003 at 12:16
Anytime you're in WA Brian...

:o) MelissaPetrol 4.5L GU Patrol &
Camprite TL8 offroad camper
FollowupID: 82652

Reply By: Member - Toonfish - Friday, Nov 28, 2003 at 00:15

Friday, Nov 28, 2003 at 00:15
yes to most of them
2 awestruck kids (dads driving!)
AnswerID: 38748

Reply By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Friday, Nov 28, 2003 at 10:22

Friday, Nov 28, 2003 at 10:22
Sorry but if I have to start dating the service manager or sales manager, I'm selling the truck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOLne cede malis
AnswerID: 38768

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