Thursday, Aug 04, 2011 at 21:44
they are still the pick of the crop for mining.
Average problems for V8 owners are from my point of view only with no axe to grind.
If you keep the cruisers they will have the same problems as the
mine vehicles over time.
I have a 22 year old 75 series with the original a/c evaporator and condenser. The new condensers don't cut it like the old ones.
If used in wet conditions, mud and water crossings, a/c compressors and alternators will fail.
Get a low water alarm as with new vehicles you can't
check the bloody radiator. Radiators are not lasting like the older ones.
Starter motors are a nightmare to access and replace.
As I said doors will crack over time if used constantly with corrigations.
If you drive them as a Sunday driver they will last many, many years but that is not what they are made for.
Some will say that mining vehicles are not a bench mark, but I say it is where the respect is earned and that vehicle will go on to run for many fault free K's.
Do it easy and if you can't make someone pay