Monday, Aug 08, 2011 at 17:23
I received this email below from Mud Maps a couple of days ago.
I have Mud Maps & VMS on my iPad2.
Road Map of MUD MAP & VMS apps
To all the iPad users, we apologize for MUD MAP not been a universal app. We would like to share our road map and plans of where we are headed to help you make more informative decision when purchasing.
We are focusing the MUD MAP brand towards Outdoor Recreational Activities EXCLUDING 4WD. This is clear in all the info we have published on the App Store & our website. This is one of the reasons why V3 is an iPhone app. The other reason is that there is a lot of work we need to do so it can be a universal app and since the iPad as a navigation tool is only useful for vehicle orientated activities, therefor we made the decision to release MUD MAP as an iPhone app.
For the 4WDers out there, VMS will be represented in this space. As updates appear, you can expect features relevant to 4WDing to become available in the VMS app. If you have suggestions on how to improve the app thats related to 4WDing, it most likely will in included in the VMS app.
This approach will allow us to better
tailor features of each app to suit the activities they are intended for.
Now, we are working on an update of the VMS app. It will include all the features on MUD MAP v3. Like the previous versions, the VMS will be bundled with iTOPO &
Gregory's maps as
well and will retail for $199. Any customers who already own the VMS app will receive a free update to VMS v3. Oh, and the VMS app will be universal on both iPhone & iPad. Our goal is to have VMS V3 out within 1 month.
For customers who intend to use our products for 4WDing, please, please follow our advise and get the VMS app. For those who have purchased MUD MAP v3 but feel that you should of got the VMS app instead, we would like to extend a offer to migrate to VMS free of charge. What you need to do is purchase the VMS app, send us the invoice from iTunes that clearly indicate the purchase of both MUD MAP v3 & VMS app. We will also require your paypal email address. Once we verify all this info, we'll pay $59.99 to your nominated PayPal account. This offer is valid until the end of August. Alternatively, you can get in touch with Apple and request a refund on the purchase of MUD MAP v3, then buy the VMS app.
If you have purchase any of the iTOPO or
Gregory’s maps from and would also like to upgrade to VMS, email us the iTunes invoice for the VMS app & the invoice for the maps you purchased & your nominated PayPal account, we’ll credit your map purchases.
Please note, if you purchase the VMS app right now, it is V2. But when we update it to V3, you'll get the upgrade free of charge.
We hope that this post has reduced confusion and also demonstrate that we really care about our customer's and satisfaction with our product. From all of us at MUD MAP, thank you so much for your support. We couldn't of reached #1 navigation app in the App Store without your help. We promise to make our apps the best they can possibly be and we hope this care comes across when you use our apps. Thank you all for your support.
Yours Sincerely
Li Xia
Founder of MUD INC.