Tuesday, Aug 30, 2011 at 14:31
Thanks for the detail, Alan.
Even though we were on the Net while away, didn't get your reply till we got
home yesterday.
Had a good run across the Sandover last Thur arvo, & Friday. Thought most of it was pretty good too, and as you say, better than the Plenty. We turned off and went up through Austral, as were going into
Camooweal. Spent a few years around the 'Dangi, some time back, so know it reasonably
well. Part of that road used to "wall to wall" bulldust, about 15 km north of Urandangie.
Plenty of flowers about so we were stopping regularly for kodak moments. The amount of burnt country is extensive, so can imagine your concern at the time.
That stretch of bitumen was only 17 km, though admit it seemed further. My cynicism was running rife as we cruised along that tar, but won't say any more!!!
Thanks again,