Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 at 17:47
G'day Rik, as you have said you can pay big bucks for the top end C/ts, but you wont
get into a Jayco type too cheap either. I put together my C/t for under $5k by
buying a new offroad trailer & adding an Oztrail top. It is basic but has served us
over 40k of outback touring. The cost difference is in how many toys you want
attached to your C/t. If you want water tanks,pumps, battery setup, inbuilt kitchen,
fridge etc etc you will pay plenty..if you want heavy Aust. canvas on a Aussie built pay plenty as
well. Nothing wrong with any of it, & if cost isnt an issue,the
sky is the limit. Many folk have some or all of the ancillary camping gear they need
already & dont need to duplicate again. The point I make is that camping can be as
exy as you want to make it, from a basic C/t from $5k to $40k plus for an Ultimate.
The setup time for a C/t as opposed to a Jayco windup is very similar, A c/t has much
more storage than a wind up. An offroad c/t will take you
places you would be brave
to take a windup. While $5k will get you into an entry level C/t, another $10k will be
needed to get into a reasonable windup. Decisions..decisions...any amount of used
c/ts around too. good luck with it.......oldbaz.
Follow Up By: Rik C - Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 at 18:46
Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 at 18:46
Thanks very much both comments are great, i think it might be back to the drwing board and do some more
home work