Stop to see the wild flowers, at what cost, how bad is this?

Submitted: Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 02:07
ThreadID: 88790 Views:4279 Replies:13 FollowUps:18
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This was the second lot of people we saw that were still on the tar, but were out of their vehicles checking out the flowers, on a blind rise at that. Don't people think anymore?
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Reply By: Hairs & Fysh - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 06:14

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 06:14
Hi Michael,
It's mind numbing at times and you have to be so vigilant these days.
It's the 'ME' generation. It's all about ME.
Unfortunately, I don't believe it's going to get any better.
Safe travels.
AnswerID: 463967

Reply By: olcoolone - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 07:54

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 07:54
People switch to "holiday mode" and haven't got a care about anything... it's only them and the big blue world with no specific time to be some where, unfortunately they forget about other road users and being courteous and safe.

My favorite one,s are travelers stopped in the middle of a "T" intersections trying to work out left or right and the classic is they pull off a busy 100kph road 5mm's.... hell can't get the new tow tug dirty by driving it on dirt.

AnswerID: 463970

Reply By: get outmore - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 09:14

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 09:14
if thats the stretch of road im thinking of it has sighns that the wreath flowers are along near the road and from memory it warns of parked traffick as theres not much room to pull off

in other words heed the warning sighns and slow down
AnswerID: 463976

Reply By: Mick O - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 09:31

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 09:31

the photo you attached is so small I can't make out any detail. Any chance of posting a larger version to the forum? Many an example of bad or careless driving these days. Hopefully it was just that, a case of poor driving. Had a lot do similar (like pull up on the highway to check the map rather than pull to the side) on our recent trip, particularly in the more tourist and easy access areas like the Merenee Loop.

I agree with a lot of the sentiment that H&F expresses but would dispute adding the word “generation” to it. Yep I have no disagreement with the Gen X generalisation of being self centred and wanting everything now but that’s Gen X, and they’re largely still kids. I think the issue is more widespread and is more an entrenched attitude that crosses all age groups from the young to our most senior. Sad but perhaps that’s what society is coming too.

An example from 2 days ago.Young girl broke down at a busy intersection during peak. Rather than assist, a bloke in his audi just sat on his horn behind her. When another woman got out to help and asked the audi driver to assist, the bloke just drives up onto the footpath around her followed by any number of vehicles being driven by people of all persuasions, gender and age. One minutes work by two blokes and the woman, the young lass is out of the way and life goes on. Finding the three to help was the hardest thing. No one wants to get involved these days. Perhaps we are all too self absorbed.

We lament the apparent self interest most times we head outback these days. This and other forums always mention the incidents where; people who didn’t stop to help, the people who set up next door at a remote location and then run their generator all night, the people who cut fences and pull gates, the people who leave litter where they’ve camped, the ones who bath in waterholes with shampoo and soap, leave fires going etc etc. It’s not just a recent generation, unfortunately it appears to be an across the board attitude.

My 2c worth on the soapbox ;-)

Cheers Mick
''We knew from the experience of well-known travelers that the
trip would doubtless be attended with much hardship.''
Richard Maurice - 1903

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AnswerID: 463977

Follow Up By: Member - Fred B (NT) - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 09:49

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 09:49
SO... did you get booked for driving on the footpath Mick? ... lol.... (:

Sorry Mick... couldn't resist... lol.....

Just like the newspapers and TV.... good news (according to them...) never sells.... so all we ever get is the bad news. Problem is, we are atracted to the bad news..... And yes, we all behave badly at some time or other.

It's a shame we can't love one another and treat each other with respect.
Fred B
VKS 737: Mobile/Selcall 1334

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FollowupID: 737878

Follow Up By: Hairs & Fysh - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:21

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:21
Hi Mick,
The 'Me' Generation spans all generations. Doesn't matter whether they are teenagers or seniors.
Now, please don't get me wrong, there are fantastic kids out there with a great sense of where they are in the world, just as at the other end there are some pretty rude, grumpy old folk out there.
That's why I call it the 'ME' generation.

Hi CSeaJay,
It may seem a little harsh,but the criticism is deserving I would think.
I can't say I know what or what they are not thinking, but I would believe that they are causing a traffic hazard.
It does appear to be an open section of road, but lets just say a wide load traveling in either direction were to meet another vehicle at that point on the road.

Just the other day coming home from town, there is a car(late model Merc) parked half on the road, no hazard lights flashing ,a busy road, all vehicles have to slow down to get around it, the occupants are in the paddock picking mushrooms.
Seriously, some people don't think.

FollowupID: 737881

Follow Up By: Member Al (Sunshine Coast) - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:25

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:25
Mick, Pity the young girl did not walk back to the Audi driver and say "How about I lean on your horn while you go and start my car?" LOL


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FollowupID: 737883

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:27

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:27
Its a disease that constantly removes responsibility one cell at a time by believing that xyz regulation/restriction can fix zyx problem.

Anyway , who said everybody behaves badly sometimes - now Bad driving , thats a different matter.
Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 737884

Follow Up By: S.A. Blaze - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 13:29

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 13:29

The thing that gets me and I have seen over the years, people like your Audi driver are the first to complain also if they need help and no one assists.

I can only guess at the time they have the "It can never happen to me" attitude.. Pssssss me off though to see them.

Getting back to the original post, last time I came out of Mitchell Falls, we were driving up the steepest piece (not real bad) with a large washway down one side, as I crested the top, which includes a left hand sweeper parked in the middle of the track was to vehicles taking pictures of the view, if they had backed up 50 mtrs and walked down to where they wanted to take pictures "no problems" but I guess that involved walking.. :-)

FollowupID: 737896

Reply By: CSeaJay - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 09:39

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 09:39
It actually looks to me as if they parked in an OK spot:
They are clearly visible from both directions

Much worse if they stopped just over the hill wouldn't it? Or aound a bend? Of many places to stop that one ain't bad

Bit harsh to say they didn't think.

AnswerID: 463978

Reply By: Rob! - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:13

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:13
Ah, the old common sense nugget.
To me it looks as though they parked at the top of the rise so that they are seen from both directions. Makes sense to me. Where would you prefer them to stop?

If common sense prevailed the approaching driver would slow down and pass them when it is clear to do so.
AnswerID: 463979

Follow Up By: Rip64 - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:18

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:18
Rob - the fact that you would have to be at least partially on the other side of the road going over a crest makes it DEADLY I would think ????
FollowupID: 737879

Follow Up By: Rob! - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:22

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:22
But you would only proceed if it is clear. It is better that they are parked on the crest and seen cleary, rather then just before or after it, where they would be a nasty surprise.
FollowupID: 737882

Reply By: ben_gv3 - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:20

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 10:20
Looks OK to me as well.
AnswerID: 463980

Reply By: Member - jlAU (SA) - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 11:42

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 11:42
how about stopping on a straight flat stretch of road and getting completely off the tar? if that's not available don't stop. Doesn't sound too much too ask for the supposedly smarter species on earth??
AnswerID: 463984

Follow Up By: landseka - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 13:58

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 13:58 would need to get right off the road reserve into the bush...just in can an aircraft having an emergency needed that straight stretch of road to make a forced landing. His wings would also need the gravel shoulder to be safe.

We must anticipate ANY possible eventuality you know. :-)
FollowupID: 737899

Follow Up By: Member - jlAU (SA) - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 14:12

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 14:12
I clearly said get completely off the road.
FollowupID: 737901

Follow Up By: Bazooka - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 18:10

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 18:10
Might not be ideal but looks like he stopped in a place with plenty of sight distance and not much traffic so can't see a whole lot wrong myself.
FollowupID: 737914

Follow Up By: Member - jlAU (SA) - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 19:07

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 19:07
top off rise you must be kidding
FollowupID: 737920

Follow Up By: Bazooka - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 20:04

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 20:04
Not at all. He/she is clearly visible from a log way away. My guess is that he weighed up the risk - excellent visibility, low traffic, decent road. Possibly even expected that others would observe normal driving prsactice and slow down as they went by, if not for safety reasons then to check if they were okay. Not a lot of difference to a breakdown.
FollowupID: 737925

Reply By: Bob Y. - Qld - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 15:54

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 15:54
Well, I've got eyestrain trying look at the photo, but he does look to be over the fogline, if only by Olcoolone's "5mm". But way!!!

Only needs a vehicle with an extra coat of paint, to side swipe him... not worth it for a bunch of flowers.

Wonder what he's done wrong, to need to get the missus some flowers?

Seen it all, Done it all.
Can't remember most of it.

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AnswerID: 463994

Reply By: Rod W - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 21:03

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 21:03
As others have said that photo is so small that it just looks like something on the road in the distance and means diddlesquat.
AnswerID: 464020

Reply By: Hairy (WA) - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 22:40

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 22:40
I cant see a vehicle?.....Let a lone people looking at flowers......LOL
AnswerID: 464021

Follow Up By: Member - Michael C (WA) - Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 23:21

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011 at 23:21
Image Could Not Be FoundImage Could Not Be Found Hope that I have got the picture correct this time.I have resized the photos. It is my opinion that they could have gone further off the road as they had plenty of space,
FollowupID: 737943

Follow Up By: fisho64 - Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 02:31

Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 02:31
Is this the same pic as the original link?
Cos reading the posts first without seeing the pics I thought they were parked ON the road?

Seriously-a thread with 20 odd comments (mostly negative) on that?
Its not ideal, but while I would probably pull alittle further over, any vehicle that hit them would be AT FAULT.
A driver who couldnt avoid them will have no chance against a MOVING target such as a camel or big grasshopper.
FollowupID: 737948

Follow Up By: Member - Noldi (WA) - Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 12:42

Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 12:42
lol Look on the bright side, if this is all we have to be concerned about then life must be very good indead ;-) lol lol lol
FollowupID: 737961

Follow Up By: fisho64 - Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 12:54

Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 12:54
Too right noldi- wouldnt get away with that in tripoli!
FollowupID: 737962

Follow Up By: Member - Oldbaz. NSW. - Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 14:31

Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 14:31
I'll agree they could have pulled over further, I would have, but dangerous ? No more
than any suburban St with parallel parking. That wouldnt have raised a second glance with me, but I might be wrong....I was once...:))))).......oldbaz.
FollowupID: 737966

Follow Up By: fisho64 - Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 14:35

Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 14:35
Agree oldbaz.

I thought i was wrong once, but i was mistaken
FollowupID: 737967

Reply By: Madfisher - Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 20:25

Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 20:25
I dunno, I could drive a b double past and not have to get over the centre line, No where near as bad as driving down Patrramatta rd.
Cheers Pete
AnswerID: 464078

Reply By: BrownyGU - Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 22:49

Friday, Sep 02, 2011 at 22:49

No wonder you kept the first pic so small, "still on the tar" a picture tells a thousand words!, in this case it discounts just a few of yours.

Gee you got a lot of support too, apologies all round Michael.

Keep the dream real!

AnswerID: 464089

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