HJ80 landcruiser ABS fault

Submitted: Friday, Sep 16, 2011 at 19:42
ThreadID: 89063 Views:1494 Replies:1 FollowUps:2
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hi all, i am looking for ideas about an ABS fault on my dad's HJ80 landcruiser.

the problem...
-ABS has always worked just fine
-several months ago, i personally took the air con blower box apart from under the dash, to remove the grass the mice on his farm had so thoughtfully deposited there.
-the only electrical thing involved with that was disconnecting the plug which powers the fan.
-when i put it all back together, the ABS light was on, and has been on ever since.
-it isnt just the light - the ABS does not actually work, it has had a 4WD specialist where usually serviced, attempt to fix it, and a Toyota dealer attempt to fix it. neither of them has any suggestions other than 'replace the ABS'..

i cant see how disconnecting a plug which powers the fan could be the problem, but the problem appeared at that time, so let's not discount anything! however, that leaves the problem of why the light is on all the time, the ABS doesnt work, and why professional mechanics cant figure it out.

does anyone have any brainwaves on the subject!?

thanks in advance.
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Reply By: member - mazcan - Friday, Sep 16, 2011 at 19:55

Friday, Sep 16, 2011 at 19:55
hi alex
my guess is the mice have eaten through the wiring in behind the dash and just a small pull on it while you were removing the plug to the blower may have broken the chewed wire which might be part of the same wiring harness
i could be totally wrong but our tractors/ trucks and ute suffered quiet a bit of wiring problems from a mouse plaque years ago on the farm and it was hard to find some of their handy work
cheers hope this helps somewhat
AnswerID: 465219

Follow Up By: alexanderstollznow - Friday, Sep 16, 2011 at 20:25

Friday, Sep 16, 2011 at 20:25
thanks, barry. that is very useful. i will have good look at the wiring in that area. i know that dad did previously had to have under-bonnet wiring replaced for that very reason.

FollowupID: 739198

Follow Up By: dbish - Friday, Sep 16, 2011 at 22:30

Friday, Sep 16, 2011 at 22:30
Unfortunately these days if a mechanic isnt good at Electronics, then they wont be very good at fixing modern vehicles. A lot of mechanics these days think that hooking up there diagnostic equipment is going to tell them where the fault is. Sorry doesnt always work that way, especialy if there is wiring damage by mice (Electronics was my speciality as a Ford dealership mechanic)
FollowupID: 739218

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