Friday, Dec 05, 2003 at 14:09
You could not have ever seriously taken a 3.0Tdi patrol on a rocky
hill climb to say that.
I have had both, and used both in a recent 4wd course. Both on the course were not
mine but company vehicles. It would be an understatement to say they were tested to the extreme!!!!
The 4.2 suffered stalls at low revs on steep rocky inclines without warning. The 3.0 did not suffer this as much and in situations where it did want to stall, the motors feel gave the driver time to start sliping the clutch to get engine revs up again.
Not that I recommend you slip a clutch on a
hill climb. You should let it stall, do a reverse recovery and try again but the point here is that in all 4wd situations the 3.0 was in my opinion (and the instructors) the pick.
I would only recommend the 4.2 over the 3.0 in towing situations.
I don't want to start anything but having recently experienced both under very testing conditions I thought I would have a say. IMHO anyway.
I'd like the 4.2 even accelaration, grunty note and smooth feel, but the power of the 3.0Tdi kills the 4.2