Landrover Discovery II TD5 vs Landrover Discovery II on LPG vs Landcruiser

Submitted: Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 10:52
ThreadID: 91313 Views:7757 Replies:6 FollowUps:15
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Dear Landrover owners,

I am comparing the Landrover Discovery II TD5 with Landover Discovery V8 on LPG (year 2000-2004). I still doubt of the following issues:

• Which one is more reliable (rarely have problems or break downs)?
• Which one is cheaper to run?
• Lastly, do you think they are more reliable and cheaper to run/maintain than 100 series Toyota Landcruiser or Patrol or Pajero?

I really appreciate all your opinion and experience on those cars.

Thank you very much to participate in this forum.

Yours sincerely,

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Reply By: The Landy - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:08

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:08
The TD5 is a very good engine and has been used for quite sometime, and is economical

However, to answer your question this way, the vehicles you are looking to compare are anything from 8-12 years old, so examples of either may be good, and or bad in both instances. A bit different to comparing current releases which might be more easily done.

What is your major concern here?

Personally, I think if you are buying something that old you will need to do a fairly big overhaul in any case to ensure it comes up to acceptable specs given the age.

In terms of reliability you'll probably find many will say the Landrover breed is less than reliable when compared to the others you mention. I've had three Defenders, and currently own two, and I can't say I've had any reliabilty issue worth mentioning. Bearing in mind we maintain both vehicles to a high standard, as anyone should who travels into remote areas. My tip in this regard is to familiarise yourself with the known issues/problems with any make you choose and make sure you monitor and address any problems before they become a reliability issue.

Good luck with it....

AnswerID: 475400

Follow Up By: Colonel T - Wednesday, Jan 25, 2012 at 11:49

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2012 at 11:49
Dear Landy,

Thank you for your reply.

I assume you are the expert of Landrover Discovery II. I just have questions to ask you:

1. How long will a TD5 (2000 - 2004) last if look after properly? Tell me a little bit about it and its reliability.
2. How long will Nissan patrol 4.5L or 4.8 L last? Are they good cars?
3. Most people/mechanics have bad impression toward Landrover TD5 in terms of its reliability. Is the Patrol or Landcruiser better than the TD5, in what respect?

I really appreciate if you can answer these questions.

Again, thank you very much for your time.



FollowupID: 750984

Follow Up By: The Landy - Friday, Jan 27, 2012 at 23:41

Friday, Jan 27, 2012 at 23:41
Hi Colonel T

Apologies for the delay in relying, we have been on holidays!
Let me answer all three questions this way…

All three brands you mention are worthy four wheel drive vehicles and each has their own individual appeal and following amongst four-wheel drive enthusiasts’.

In terms of the Landrover Discovery II, I can’t offer any specific feedback as I have only owned Defenders, one of which had the TD5 engine and in which we enjoyed around 150,000 kilometres of trouble free touring. We currently own a TDi300 Twin Cab (1995) and a TDi200 Defender (1994). Both vehicles have been fully overhauled and maintained to a high standard to ensure we enjoy trouble free touring.

But as I mentioned in an earlier response, if you are looking at a vehicle that is in the region of 8-12 years old, the chances are their will be good and bad examples of each brand simply due to the age of the vehicle, and it is almost academic to try and assess which one may be better than the other.

My tip is to pick a vehicle that suits your needs the best, familiarise yourself with their particular nuances, and maintain to a standard to ensure relatively trouble free motoring.

Beyond this, I’m not sure I can offer any further advice…

Good luck with your choice,

The Landy
FollowupID: 751173

Reply By: vk1dx - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:14

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:14
I do not know the Landrover series but may I say that depending on where you wish to go the Landcruiser would be easier to find spares and repairs for in the remote areas. Secondly after our first diesel and the fact that my son had his LPG removed, I would stick to diesel for remote travel.

Also a niece and her husband purchased a Landrover and are switching to a Landcruiser. They have had trouble with the LR.

I would listen to the Landy about the LRs though.

AnswerID: 475401

Follow Up By: Member - Paul B (WA) - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 15:49

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 15:49
Where were you a few days ago when I needed you on Thread 91268!!
FollowupID: 750356

Follow Up By: vk1dx - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 16:19

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 16:19
Boy oh boy!!! Did you get jumped on.

No more of those traps thanks.

FollowupID: 750358

Reply By: Robin Miller - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:15

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:15
All those I know who had Disco TD5's have got rid of them vowing never again.

One I play with still has Range Rover with the same 3.9lt V8 now on gas (uses a toridal tank).

These was definately cheaper to run until it needed both heads replaced.

Reliability - only towed the Rangie home once , Disco's 3 times I think.
Robin Miller

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AnswerID: 475402

Follow Up By: The Landy - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:27

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:27
And it is fair to relate your experience with Land rovers, but being a Nissan man are you able to provide a count on how many of those engines have blown-up, you know the ones that are regularly spoken of on these pages... It would give some balance to reliability bewtween 'breeds'.

FollowupID: 750333

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:54

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:54
Morning Landy

No I don't think that would be answering the question.

My opinions that the 3lt Patrol engine is the least reliable of all and that the 4800 Patrol engine is probably the most reliable have been spelled out many times.

I also don't think that the odd experience of any of us with any given vehicle means a lot by itself as it is stastically small.

It has been a common impression of mine though, and backed by statistics (recently reffered to on this site) that show that Landrover and Jeep to be the most unreliable of brands.

However I differentiate between models, the GU's with different engines being a glaring example, and while I have many experiences with
discoveries I have never had any with say "Defenders" hence I have never commented on them.

P.S. Surpizingly I'm not actually a Nissan man - hence the matched competition , winner take all between a Disco TD5 and Gu I managed to arrange with dealers in 2002.
I support only what can be demonstratably be shown to be the best for my requirements - hence our history of 3 Rav4's for around town use.

Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 750339

Follow Up By: AlanTH - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 12:34

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 12:34
Try for all things Landy Colonel. Quite refreshing to see good responses to your question here though, instead of the more usual anti anything LR rant.
For what it's worth I've had 3 Landies - 300Tdi Disco no problems in 3 years. 2003 Td5 Defender purchased new. One problem which stopped us and that was the throttle potentiometer.
No one in Newman could look at it so LRA sent it back to Perth with our camper attached.... that took nearly 3 weeks as the lazy Austrans truck drivers didn't like it having a spare on the roof as that meant juggling their load around.
Sold that after 4 years as we no longer trusted it and bought a 300Tdi Defender thinking it'd be easier to fix if anything broke. Nothing did in over 2 years but I then wanted a change so went to a plastic Prado and have had no problems in the last 3 years with it.
Good luckfinding the vehicle of your choice.
FollowupID: 750344

Follow Up By: The Landy - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 13:19

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 13:19
Hi Robin...

Yes, perhaps it doesn’t answer the Colonel’s specific question in this particular thread, although I think he also has another thread running asking similar questions and comparing the reliability of Toyota’s, Nissan’s, and Land Rovers in general.

But there is no doubt the Nissan ZD30 engine has a serious reliability issue that has caused much angst, and financial cost, not to mention inconvenience to many (many) owners. And many owners vowing to never hop behind the drivers wheel of a Nissan ever again.

And to my point, the best advice when purchasing any ‘breed’ of vehicle is to understand their faults and short-comings, and deal with them before they become a reliability issue...if you do this you will most likely never encounter major problems, in the least you’ll lessen the likelihood of it.

As for statistics, let’s face it we can make them tell any story we like!

FollowupID: 750348

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 14:08

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 14:08

Don't be discouraged by statistics - ultimately they are all we have , but with so
much spin around these days we do have to work hard at getting to the real story.

I like to practise this and last night watched several news bits on the Shane Warne bike rider incident.

One thing that became apparent was that despite some opportunities the bike rider was careful to stay away from commenting on the vigorous assertion that the whole thing started when he latched onto the car to help get thru traffic, an illegal practise.
Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 750352

Follow Up By: The Landy - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 14:57

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 14:57
"Don't be discouraged by statistics - ultimately they are all we have"

True, how many ZD30's do you reckon have blown up in Australia, be an interesting statisic to see...

FollowupID: 750354

Follow Up By: Axle - Friday, Jan 20, 2012 at 00:10

Friday, Jan 20, 2012 at 00:10
G/Day Robin,.. I presume you are talking about the Nissan motors and which you are quoting are the most unreliable (ZD30), and the most reliable( 4.8L Pedo).. Or if you mean all Brands,.. Then really i think you are very biased as you stated from your old vehicle 250,000ks no problems, Everyone has done 250,000ks in some vehicle or other without problems, whether it be a 72mod VW, or a bloody Valiant, This 4.8L patrol thing with you is really a disease!!(sorry mate). but its got to be said, If you really wan't to know what the best Nissan engine ever built was,It is the 4.2L Non Turbo Diesel that was fitted to the GQs,......600,000,KM.not touched was a common occurance,.......Remember Willem and his travels into ball breaking country, with no troubles, ......Thats reliability!

Cheers Axle.
FollowupID: 750407

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Friday, Jan 20, 2012 at 08:36

Friday, Jan 20, 2012 at 08:36
Hi Axle

Couldn't agree with you there , best relate to factors other than longest life, I remember test driving a GQ 4.2 D once and it was so hopelessly underpowered, I'd rate the 4.2 lt TD as a better engine.

The 4.2 TD is in what has been rated as Australia best touring wagon the GU.

Moving on to my claim - opinions are fine but really search thru these and other forums and you will find a very low incidence of 4800 failures , in fact I can't recall any other than one I reported which turned out to be leaving some bolts undone.
I don't include head failures either due to fitting aftermarket gas conversions cause these or other modifications are hardly the manufacturers fault.

On top of this the 4800 engine delivered more power than virtually any other for the first 6 years of its life , including more than its V8 cruiser rivals.

So I do feel there is some basis to what I suggest Axle - and after all , if it didn't come up with a high score I would never have got one , let alone a second one.

P.S. Yes I do remember Willem well , I remember helping him get started once , and your right on one thing I'm pretty sure I won't have my GU when it is approaching 600,000. I guess though thats for other reasons as when at uni I once had an ex-taxi FB holden with 600,000 plus on it.
Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 750413

Reply By: Echucan Bob - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 16:22

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 16:22
My TD5 has done 160,000 and the engine/driveline feel very tight. I have been driving a friend's TD5 for a few weeks and at 265,000 it feels substantially older and I suspect the injectors need replacing, judging by the blue smoke on cold start. Once its running it is smooth and effortless for cruising. We both have LPG gas injection which improves range power and torque. I would never use a gas converted V8 as gas availability in the bush is an issue.

My TD5 has been hammered. The rear diff whines a bit but I'm told it won't let me down. The rear disc stone guards have disintegrated twice, so I won't be replacing them. After market Bilsteins failed and jammed up the front wheels. The dash lights have recently failed - haven't had a chance to investigate yet. The 'three Amigo's' warning light issue bothered me for quite a while but was solved by replacing a rear ABS sensor.

There are some very clean low km TD5s out there, and can be had for a song. Something around 100,000 kms would give you many years reliable service.

AnswerID: 475426

Reply By: wade66 - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 20:35

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 20:35
Hi Colonel

My friends sister has a 100series with the 4.5 on gas and has had no problems.

If you are looking at gas suggest you getting LPG Liquid Injection, instead of using lpg gas vapour to power the motor, it injects liquid lpg and what i've read much improved fuel usage and better power over the vapour.

Ford's gas Falcon now have this system and has been around 8 years in europe

Hope this is a help

AnswerID: 475442

Reply By: lindsay - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 20:53

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 20:53
Robin, Now I know why I don't have anything to do with 4X4 clubs, all know-alls that hang s*** on any other vehicles. I have had 5 landrovers my 1 st trip 1972 have been where most only dream of. Since that time with a trip of 3 to 12 weeks every year in my landies I have broken down once where I did a bearing in a water current 2000 td5 has been Canning three times, Colsen track, Simpson twice Anne Beadell, Gulf tracks Gibb River road. Currently has 210 thousand K's just replaced fuel pump and two uni's on front drive shaft. Look after them and they will look after you. By the way travelled with new Landcruiser broke jack windows would not wind up or down. Went up the Canning with a new Nissan and to Mitchell Falls it cracked the front diff to where it was undriveable. Had a tojo hilux after Cape York had to rebuild the front springs at Cairns with holden leaves from the tip. Have a client who will never buy another hilux due to clutch problems, a brother who had to replace all injectors at 10 thousand K's. So they all have problems and if you want to find out about particular vehicles , vans, fridges or any other stuff , don't ask here as they are all biased or don't know what they are talking about. Reminds me of 4X4 club outings.
Thats my rant.
AnswerID: 475445

Follow Up By: Axle - Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 21:37

Thursday, Jan 19, 2012 at 21:37
Hahahahahahahaha!!!,...every so often someone lays it on the line!

Good onya Lindsay ...LOL;

Cheers Axle.

FollowupID: 750397

Follow Up By: Colonel T - Friday, Jan 20, 2012 at 08:52

Friday, Jan 20, 2012 at 08:52
Dear Lindsay,

Thank for your comments. I have further questions to ask you:

• Are you happy with your TD5? Is that a good car?
• Which one is of those 4WD is the most reliable one?
• Which one do you like best?

Again, thank you for your time to answer my questions.

Kind regards,

FollowupID: 750416

Follow Up By: lindsay - Friday, Jan 20, 2012 at 13:02

Friday, Jan 20, 2012 at 13:02
Colonel, Quite happy to talk to you re td5's. Too much detail for here. email me at with your contact phone and I will ring you and tell you the pros & cons .
FollowupID: 750436

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