Deep cycle batteries
Submitted: Friday, Feb 03, 2012 at 10:16
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Liza H
I need to replace my deep cycle batteries and want to go from calcium 3x All rounder 120AH to
2x Haze 12v 230 AH N200 GEL deep cycle does anyone have any knowledge on the Haze Batteries and their quality are they good value brand batteries
I want to use only dedicated deep cycle not starter/deep cycle
experienced valued opinions appreciated cheers
Reply By: PeterInSa - Friday, Feb 03, 2012 at 14:11
Friday, Feb 03, 2012 at 14:11
We recently replaced a Calcium 100AH Deep Cycle wiith a 120AH Flooded Cell, from memory had to change the Sola Controller Setting and the battery cost around $250. We have 3 way frig so 120AH is sufficient.
Good idea to change over from starter/Deep cycle to deep cycle only. Am wary about hi capacity Flooded Cell batteries and do not know about Gel deep cycle
If you have space for 3x 120AH batteries is 3 Flooded Cell ( sealed) batteries a better cost benefits. with sola/low voltage cutout should last for 4 or 5 years depending upon your load/usage/Sola/Storage location
Reply By: The Bantam - Friday, Feb 03, 2012 at 18:06
Friday, Feb 03, 2012 at 18:06
Just a couple of points...lots of people seem to have a bee in their bonnet over "calcium batteries", the truth is you will be hard pressed to find a battery that does not have some calcium in the plates these days..and realy that is not a bad thing...its the calcium (among other things) that minimises gassing and improves efficiency.
as for the "all rounders", thay aren't a deep cycle battery they are a two bob each way battery....they are more of less a marine style battery that has had some improvement in it deep cycling performance.......but from what I understand they are far from a hard core deep cycle battery.
The single biggest improvement the proposed rig will provide is increased AH capacity..from 360 to 460 AH
And that will be an improvement regardless of battery brand.
as for the battery in matter what the brand or type you have to look at the spec's, because you can not rely on battery type generalisations any more.
Is there any particular reason you want a gell battery.
there will always be a very heavy cost penalty when you go up market to good quality AGM or GELL.........typicaly you will be talking about twice the price of same size and quality in a wet cell battery.
will you get twice the performance...I doubt it very much..personally the only reason I would be going to AGM or GELL would be if I needed to have a spill proof battery.......remember there is no such thing as a copletely sealed battery.
If you have the space and weight, you will be better served using the extra money to increase battery size.
Have a look at the Trojan, deep cycles, they are very strongly favored, or down market the Amptec, deep cycle......made by the same company that does the all rounders.
Reply By: Battery Value Pty Ltd - Friday, Feb 03, 2012 at 19:27
Friday, Feb 03, 2012 at 19:27
Hello Liza,
when it comes to batteries, the following applies:
No matter what type/brand of battery - it's only as good as the battery charger.
So before you
fork out big money for new batteries, did you have someone competent looking at the charging side of things?
How are the batteries going to be charged?
Remember, charging a battery isn't quite as easy as filling up the fuel tank.
There are many pitfalls to be avoided, if you want your new batteries to go the distance.
You're most welcome to get in touch with us directly for qualified advice on the options available, just follow the link to our profile beside the logo below.
regards, Peter
Follow Up By: Liza H - Monday, Feb 06, 2012 at 02:18
Monday, Feb 06, 2012 at 02:18
Hi Thanks
for responding our battery charger is up there amongst the best a plasmatronic 140 ...our biggest problem was bad advice on the allrounder batteries and there location... but i will make contacat with you as i am open to any advice that is available...