Review: PortaDrawers Canvas Drawer Bag

My Shop Item Rating: My Rating 5/5

I have been using the Oates drawers for quite a few years, all well bound by packing straps and gaffer tape, and when I saw the Porta Drawers I knew they would be a welcome addition to my camping kit. I purchased both the two drawer and the three drawer version. The bags are very well made, strong, and house the Oates drawers perfectly. The overhead and side straps make it an easy thing to move them about. The addition of good sized open side pockets is an additional feature. They are secured at the front with a strong zip around three sides so that the drawers will not open during travel, and the front flap folds well out of the way when opened.
The flexibility of these drawers make them useful for any sort of travel. You can store kitchen utensils, food, clothing. tools, spares .. in fact anything that you might usually put in any drawer. Being able to move them around easily using the Porta Drawers is a bonus.
Having lugged my gaffer-taped drawers all the way around Australia and points in between, my only regret is "why didn't I think of this"????
The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get. (Lewis Carroll-Alice In Wonderland)

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