Saturday, Feb 25, 2012 at 22:59
Hi Barbara
Firstly I must confess that I am a "Garmin" man, so am bias.
I, family and mates have several Garmin units, which we all like very much, in saying that, last year I won a Polaris "in-dash" GPS unit.
I've also owned and set up, for mates, several generic Chinese GPS units, to run OziExpCE with off road, raster maps.
You didn't say if your son was after info on the "in-dash" units or stand alone windscreen mount units, and after one primarily as a "street navigator" or for "off road" mapping.
I will assume he is after info on the "in-dash" units.
The Polaris unit comes std. as a street navigator, and runs Sygic software, which does not appear to be a popular operating system, in Aust.
As a street navigator, it is probably reasonably comperable to a Garmin Unit, the few times I have used it,I tend to use the Garmin all the time.
Having used both, my main concern is that with my Garmin unit on the windscreen you don't have to take your eyes too far off the road, where as you have to actually look down, away from the road and refocus on the in-dash Polaris unit.
The Polaris is fine when using the radio, music on a usb stick or ipod input and reversing camera etc.
My Garmin has several POI (points of interest)files loaded, mainly for caravan touring, some from the net,and some personally compiled.
Some are:
Camp Aust Wide Free
Camp sites, Oz Camps, Dump Points, National Park
Camp Sites,
Public Toilets, free WiFI Sites, and Laundromats etc.
I have compiled my own poi lists of all Fire Hydrants in our brigade area, and all Fire Stations in our region, these are easily loaded into the Garmin unit, but not on to a Polaris running Sygic.
I have tried, and also checked with Polaris themselves, but to no avail.
The Polaris can be purchased with OziExpCE as an extra which will allow to load raster maps such as: Hema, Natmap and Spatial Vision mapping etc.
Although having the Polaris in the cruiser, I still run a Garmin ,as a street navigator and a generic chinese unit (7") for off road mapping, on the windscreen.
Would I buy a Polaris ?, ........ probably not.
Would I buy another generic 2 din unit ? ....... maybe, if I could load a mapping system that will take extra poi lists.
But, I do like my x 2 windscreen mounted units, works for me.
Follow Up By: Member - Captain (WA) - Sunday, Feb 26, 2012 at 00:04
Sunday, Feb 26, 2012 at 00:04
Hi Neil,
I replaced Sygic on my Polaris and run Igo8, a vastly better Nav system with POI's easily added. Its also the nav system used on the Brash unit and the unit I mentioned in the post above that I recently bought for my wife.
I also run Oziexplore on the Polaris, I can switch between Igo8 and Ozi as I drive via the touch screen. I updated this myself, plenty of info on the web on how to do this (PM me if you want to know how).
I also have two Garmin Nuvi's and find the Igo8 easier to use, but both are good and a lot is down to personal preference.
I find the larger ~7" screen of the Polaris FAR safer for driving as the bigger screen makes reading while driving so much easier than the smaller screens of my Garmins.