Review: Accessories

Submitted: Thursday, Mar 01, 2012 at 14:06
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I have had a 92 turbo GXL for many years, my first accessory purchase was a new set of springs as the first trip to Fraser with it we never made it as far as the barge without getting bogged, the suspension was too low and the spare tyre acted like an anchor. I ended up taking the spare off and putting it in the boat. I bought a set of Dobinson springs, I asked for the tallest ones they had that wouldn't upset the uni joints and 500kgs carrying capacity in the rear, I installed these myself and think they were the best purchase I ever made. I also installed an ARB front locker, in the sand it is a waste of time, I find it best even to leave the centre diff free, I have found the best thing for traction in the sand is to let your tyres down, one time to get over Nakala rocks on Fraser towing my boat, I had to let the tyres down to 6 psi and then got over no problems, pumping the tyres back up to 18 psi on the other side. I have used the diff lock on occasions, but I can't say I really need it, I also drive a beach buggy and tyre pressures are critical In the buggy I would have no aversion to going do to 1 psi you have to just remember to drive accordingly so you don't pop the bead off the rim. I take my cruiser up the beach towing my boat regularly, my first line of attack is to let my tyres down, if that doesn't work I let them down some more, I have never popped a bead off a rim yet.
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