Mobile Phone coverage Inskip/Cooloola/Fraser island
Submitted: Thursday, Mar 15, 2012 at 23:58
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Mark, Michelle & Abraham (NT)
OK before everyone jumps down my throat about mobiles and travelling, Our son is attending the Scout Jamboree in
Maryborough next January for 10/11 days. While he is there other half and I want to find a spot to chiill, set up the camper, maybe canoe a bit etc etc. BUT!!! we need to be contactable by the Jamboree mob in case there are any problems. My question, can anyone tell us what mobile coverage is really like in the Fraser Island/Inskip/Cooloola area. Parks mob say none or intermittent. Have a Samsung Galaxy 2 with external antennae which boost reception in Central Australia by 20-30 kms. Thanks in advance.
Reply By: David H - Friday, Mar 16, 2012 at 00:47
Friday, Mar 16, 2012 at 00:47
Hi Mark & Michelle,
From my experience, if you are with Telstra, you'll have no problem anywhere from Cooloola,
Rainbow beach, Inskip, bottom of Fraser to
Eurong, it will drop out about between
Eurong &
Happy valley for a few Km's, if you are with Vodafail, it will drop out around Cooloola to Double Island,
Rainbow beach is ok but will drop out again between
Rainbow & Inskip, you will get a signal at Inskip and
Hook point on Fraser but anywhere north of
Hook point, forget it.
This is what I have found, I have Telstra & my son is with Vodafail & my daughter is with 3 and that's even worse.
Hope this helps, cheers,
Reply By: Member - Boobook - Friday, Mar 16, 2012 at 05:36
Friday, Mar 16, 2012 at 05:36
It might help if you state the carrier you are with.
If you are with Telstra they have a good and accurate map of coverage on their website under mobiles.
If you are with Vodafone then the answer is you won't be able to make a call regardless of your location.
Optus is somewhere in between.
Reply By: Member - Troll 81 (QLD) - Friday, Mar 16, 2012 at 08:49
Friday, Mar 16, 2012 at 08:49
I have found the same as David
Cooloola is patchy but I find if I stand on the dunes I get reception.If I plug in my external antenna I get a instant boost and don't need to venture away from the car. Inskip is no problem.
My normal phone is with Vodafone and I have a little prepaid camping phone with Telstra NextG that gets good coverage up there and if you drop out you don't have to drive far to get a bar to send a text or make a call.
Reply By: Kris and Kev - Friday, Mar 16, 2012 at 09:40
Friday, Mar 16, 2012 at 09:40
We stayed in a house at Poyungan Rocks on Fraser last year. The house was in amongst trees and our Telstra phone had no coverage without our external antenna. The antenna worked a treat. Beach coverage was good without the antenna.
We live in
Maryborough and I believe the Jamboree is going to be huge. I am sure your son will have heaps of fun.
Reply By: Mark, Michelle & Abraham (NT) - Friday, Mar 16, 2012 at 10:30
Friday, Mar 16, 2012 at 10:30
Thanks all, apologies, our service provider is Telstra (living in Central Australia and travelling out of town regularly means it is really the only option up here unfortunately). Thanks for the information, maybe we can revise a bit and get away from a Caravan Park on the Sunny Coast for 10 days. Inskip and Fraser are looking good. And I am sure the
young bloke will have a ball at the Jamboree with about 13000 other scouts from all over.