We have been planning a trip to the high country in May 2012 We were taking a Collarado 4x4 ,2 inch lift,snorkel , dual batteries . The second vehicle was to be a Jeep Cherokee standard no extras , this vehicle has now been unexpectably withdrawn.
We have a 2002 Suzuki Grand Vitara auto standard no extras that can replace the Jeep. Would this be practical as is or would we have to do some modifications.

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Reply By: Member - Bucky - Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 08:53

Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 08:53
It really depends on, if you want to do some of the tracks.

I have spent a lot of time up towards Mt Howitt, chasing Sambar Deer, but that is another story.
Your Collorado will be fine, as long as you are prepared to stick to the main tracks.
One of the downfalls of those type of vehicles, is they do not have the ability to waddle over rocks, or articulate very well, so you may get hung up at times. But in saying that, I have seen them do some amazing things.

I honestly believe that once you go onto some of the more challenging tracks up there, and mind you there are plenty, then you should have a full set of mud terrain tyres, a chainsaw, and drag chain, as AT tyres will probably let you down, if it gets real challenging.

Do not under estimate those Suzuki's either, they are an awesome little vehicle, however a 2-3 " lift, and a snorkel, will work wonders for it.

Get some good maps too, ones with all the tracks on them.
"Rooftop" Maps are good, and they have a the whole of the High Country covered.
Cheers, and safe driving

AnswerID: 480690

Reply By: NTVRX - Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 09:00

Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 09:00
It depends where you are going. If you are just visiting or camping on one of the "Flats" like sheepyard or Fry's on the Howqua for instance,well, 2 wheel drive vehicles like Fords & Holdens can access those areas. A Lot of the tracks have signs describing difficulty....anything that is slightly difficult I would leave the Suzy behind but having said that it also depends on the driver's ability and experience too. I don't have any mechanical knowledge of the Suzy whether it has high & low range I base my unqualified comment on the vehicles ground clearance. It is a very "broad" question you have asked. When it comes to trip conditions I am sometimes amused when trip leaders rate a particulat trip easy to medium!!! Have you ever been on a track in the high country areas & it has suddenly just poured heavy rain making the track trecherous? There are numerous 4X4 websites where you can ask your questions.
AnswerID: 480691

Reply By: Capt. Wrongway - Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 10:12

Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 10:12
Hi Macdrum,

We'll be down that way in May. Doing the Vic High Counrty trip from this site. If you see a white Prado & Hilux, and a high lifted Patrol, stop and say Gday. My Prado has most gear but is not lifted yet, and many people have been surprised where I've taken it. It's all about tyres and wheel placement and not not going mad. Have a great trip.
AnswerID: 480697

Reply By: Member - Roger B (VIC) - Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 21:35

Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 21:35
Ron Moons book " Bush Tracks of Victoria "contains a pretty comprehensive guide to touring in the high country. Maps,track notes and degrees of difficulty of the tracks are all included. Have a good trip. Cheers.

Roger B...
AnswerID: 480743

Reply By: Member - Ron S (SA) - Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 22:16

Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 22:16
I'm camped on top of Mt Blue Rag at present. I have a Colorado campervan. I'm a beginner and got in here with a few rough bits and hope to get out again tomorrow. This may be of some use to you. By the way its magic up here.
Only 150 photos this evening and my alarm is set before sunrise.
AnswerID: 480748

Follow Up By: Tim - Stratford (VIC) - Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 23:10

Sunday, Mar 18, 2012 at 23:10
G'day Ron,

We should have stopped for a chat! We were in the 100 Series that slipped past you when you stopped to air down on the start of Blue Rag this arvo.

We headed out on North Basalt Knob track to pick up Ritchies Track and got back onto the High Plains Road to return to Dargo and home.

All the best for your travels.

Tim, Sarah & kids.
FollowupID: 756193

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