pommy 4wd's

Submitted: Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00
ThreadID: 935 Views:2030 Replies:16 FollowUps:17
This Thread has been Archived
Hey guys..and girls.. amazing the thread created over landrover's..lol..if you want more evidence of what sort of product they might seem to be, go to overlander.com, and check their forum, a few there on dico problems...lol..lol...oops, near fell off me chair, even a message there from a bloke who spent $73k on a new disco se v8, had it for 18 months, had a truck load of troubles, repeatedly, then traded it in for ..rofl.. $28k, on a new top of the line nissan patrol, he couldn't be happier, with the nissan.
great investment these english things seem to be, if you happen to own a tilt tray towtruck!!
Some wag here also wrote that he sees broken down jacks and pajs etc, mate, for every landrover that goes out back there are probably 100 japs out there too.
Anway, go have a look, readers, plenty of landrover laughs and disco dramas all over the place...
By the way, I am surprised that there has been no talk here about the 3.0T/D nissans carking it, and having full engine replacements..with a bigger sump..and are they not retro fitting bigger sumps to existing ones?.. going from less than 6 litres to about 8 litres..anyone got any info?
datman..( no, i don't have a datsun..err, nissans they call them now I think)
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Reply By: Tim Fitzgerald - Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00
Hello Datman, re larger sumps,thats what i thought too however nissan only shorten the dipstick and put more oil in the original sump.
AnswerID: 2732

Follow Up By: Datman - Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00
Arr, interesting..isn't that inverse to what Landrover do, to slow oil leakage from every seal, gasket and oriface..lengthen the dipstick and over fill the sump so it seems as if the oil consumption from leaking has slowed?..
FollowupID: 1024

Reply By: Ray - Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00
Hi Nissan had a recall on the 3TD and modified the sump and put in the extra oil. Apparently the problem was only showing up in extreme Offroad. Mine was fixed and goes fine. Our 4WD has found that the Jap vehicles are very reliable and that the members with the British vehicles, although very capable offroad seem to have a quality problem that makes them unreliable, which is a pity. They have both disco's and defenders.
PS all vehicles have some problems when we start to use them to their limits
AnswerID: 2733

Reply By: Bill Church - Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00
Ah, another person foisting their opinion on others... Do yourself a favour, attempt to maintain your credibility, and stop rubbishing peoples' choice of vehicle. Why has this just started??? This forum used to be informative and non-prejucidicial. If this continues, it will end up just like the others, where there is far more brnad bagging than information. Bill
AnswerID: 2735

Follow Up By: Dennisn - Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00
Well said Bill. come on you children - this sounds slmost like that other petty Aussie argument - Holden vs Ford. This forum is supposed to about sharing and helping each other with off road queries. Grow up !!!!
FollowupID: 1026

Follow Up By: Andrew - Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00
I second Bill's comments
FollowupID: 1034

Follow Up By: Fred - Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00
Hello Bill,
I guess you drive a Landrover and it's all got a bit much for you!!
FollowupID: 1035

Follow Up By: Charl Makssi - Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00
well said bill. this forum is of good quality and the people are of good nature and intentions. you only have to look at some of the lenthy reply's and detail, not to mention the time taken these guy's put in for the sake of others. the very reason land rover is targeted for ridicule is simply because of the wonderful medium that is the WWW, ten years ago it was impossible to just log on to a pool of information from the comfort of your home, so what ever problem exsited remained quiet as information gathering was a logisticaly light years away even for manufacturers. now, however any information is available to all but it should be for the benefit of the user and this is what's so mind blowing about the internet that you can access any product anywhere in the world to weed out the pro's from the con's. having said that IT IS NO FAULT of land rover owners that much negative news has come to light and public prosecution of poor products should be directed at the source of the problem. likewise those who enjoy preying on others beware because unforseen circumstaces befall us all.
FollowupID: 1037

Reply By: Bill Church - Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2002 at 00:00
Thanks for your reply, Fred. It's just a pity that it was not constructive. At no stage during this thread have I said that I have a Land Rover (which I do). If this thread had been someone attacking a Nissan or a Toyota, my response would have been exaclty the same. I for one hope against hope that this forum can remain conceptually pure. That it can be used for it's intended purpose, that of assisting each other by means of our collective experience. I feel strongly about this because I have seen too many forums degenerate into the typical brand loyalty fights, to the detriment and disappointment of those who wish to make use of the resources that the forum can offer. I hope that the members of the forum can bring it back to it's intended purpose. It is also worth noting (particularly for the owner/s of the site)that those on this forum have, at least to some extent, paid for the privilege of membership to the Exploroz group, and as such, any large group that left because of disenchantment with the forum would also be taking their business elsewhere!!! Bill
AnswerID: 2752

Reply By: Jeff Harwood - Thursday, Apr 11, 2002 at 00:00

Thursday, Apr 11, 2002 at 00:00
Bill, Fred and all that will read this...
I am the proud owner of a 96' Landrover Discovery V8, which I will add, is my 5th 4WD, including 3 x Landcruiser's and two Patrol's. There is good and bad in all makes and models, and to criticise the make and model's of fellow 4WD enthusiast vehicles is belittling and senseless. As an 4WD instructor, I have experienced all types of 4WD's in all sorts of situations and find the major source of complaint being the nut behind the wheel, lack of preperation, lack of maintenance and commonsense. Yes, all 4WD's have faults, but this site is available for all to gain information to be better able to enjoy this great land that we have, and to voice opinion, not bastardise each other. Keep up the good work EXPLOREOZ.
AnswerID: 2753

Reply By: alreadytaken69 - Thursday, Apr 11, 2002 at 00:00

Thursday, Apr 11, 2002 at 00:00
too true bill. I'm sure datman and goran have made no friends by boasting how their 4wd is better than your 4wd. my guess is they have no friends but each other.
AnswerID: 2756

Reply By: Goran - Friday, Apr 12, 2002 at 00:00

Friday, Apr 12, 2002 at 00:00
Here is another Landrover owner.I heard all of them got the secret handshake.
No wonder they wawe on the road only to each other, only they know what they are putting up with.
AnswerID: 2770

Follow Up By: Slunnie - Friday, Apr 12, 2002 at 00:00

Friday, Apr 12, 2002 at 00:00
Goran, I’m just curious about this comment. You’ve stated that the question you previously posed was to make people aware of Landrovers and how you perceive them. OK, opinions are fine and a fairly large thread resulted. I can read what you have said here, but why did you write this comment? Belittling doesn’t. As I’ve said, opinions are fine but I can’t see the reason for this one. I can see quite plainly that those who have contributed to this thread lately are working towards a constructive and informative forum. I would assume (correct me if I’m wrong) most would also prefer to maintain a positive tone within the contributions. I’ll return from the bush on Monday and look forward to a positive informative response.
FollowupID: 1061

Follow Up By: Who Dares Wins - Friday, Apr 12, 2002 at 00:00

Friday, Apr 12, 2002 at 00:00
Hey Goran. I dunno about secret handshakes or whatever, but if you see any SAS boys on an outback track in 6X6 Land Rover "Perentie" long range patrol vehicles, you havd better wave, smile and "kow tow" obsequiously or they might just blow you away for all your nasty petty little comments about their vehicle of choice. Yes - the Land Rober Perentie is the SAS VEHICLE OF CHOICE, and it would take a very brave man to call a member of our finest fighting outfit some sort of 4WD whimp because he drives a Rover. Enough said - lets all get back to some real 4WD comment and leave Goran wandering in the wilderness :)
FollowupID: 1062

Reply By: slunnie - Friday, Apr 12, 2002 at 00:00

Friday, Apr 12, 2002 at 00:00
Hmmm. Diplomacy, courtesy and good-natured camaraderie I would suspect. Role models I would think.
AnswerID: 2772

Reply By: alreadytaken69 - Friday, Apr 12, 2002 at 00:00

Friday, Apr 12, 2002 at 00:00
hey WHO DARES WINS. haven't you heard? The SAS landed in NW WA last week but, thank god, were fought off by girl guides in a m1 hilux. oh, what a feeling....hmmmm, we're are my tablets.
AnswerID: 2794

Follow Up By: Goran - Saturday, Apr 13, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Apr 13, 2002 at 00:00
Who dares wins
I am shaking in my boots already.As for the fighting force......you ever been in the gunfight?.......i dont think so.
SAS drive landrovers as they would any vehicle goverment gives them,so i am not calling anyone any names. Incidently SAS is not the only one armed in the bush you know......see you there mate
FollowupID: 1074

Follow Up By: Jack - Saturday, Apr 13, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Apr 13, 2002 at 00:00
Who dares wins, how nice of you to represent SAS here.I like that comment about blowing people in the scrub.With the mouth like yours i bet you are SAS field cook.You make us all proud.
FollowupID: 1075

Follow Up By: Slunnie - Sunday, Apr 14, 2002 at 00:00

Sunday, Apr 14, 2002 at 00:00
LOL! Cheques in the mail alreadytaken69, I want some of those tabbies. ;)
FollowupID: 1088

Follow Up By: Alreadytaken69 - Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00

Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00
well slunnie ol' mate, better stop payment on that rubbery cos' I've a feeling I'm gunna need these babies (lest I just stay at that other site)
FollowupID: 1101

Reply By: Paul - Saturday, Apr 13, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Apr 13, 2002 at 00:00
AnswerID: 2796

Reply By: Mick- Saturday, Apr 13, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Apr 13, 2002 at 00:00
Better be carefull,who dares wins.I heard some of the Yugos are very good shot.
AnswerID: 2797

Follow Up By: Bob - Saturday, Apr 13, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Apr 13, 2002 at 00:00
Why does it come as no surprise that Goran carries a gun with him in the bush? He comes across as a guy sporting a massive genital inadequacy complex.
FollowupID: 1080

Reply By: Goran - Sunday, Apr 14, 2002 at 00:00

Sunday, Apr 14, 2002 at 00:00
Bob,if you know anything about survival in the bush you would know how valuable a firearm is out there.Not to speak about safety of my occupants.
But, person with your intelectual deficiency could not comprehand something like that.
Get your bruised ego and you sorry arse out of this forum.Do us all a favor
AnswerID: 2822

Follow Up By: Bob - Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00

Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00
I am interested to hear how a firearm can be so valuable 'out there'. I suspect the biggest threat to the safety of your occupants is you and your propensity for leading with your chin. The real value of your firearm would be realised if you turned it on yourself. Meanwhile the rest of us wonder if we are going to bump into a crazed Serb in a Japanese 4WD with an AK47 under the seat. Maybe you could let us know where you are going to be so we can stay away.

FollowupID: 1097

Reply By: Goran - Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00

Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00
Uncle bob, first i am not a Serb.
Second you dont have to worry about bumping into me in the bush because where i get to go, you in your British piece of crap would never get there on the first place.
Third AK style weapons are ilegal and ordinary hi power rifle is more than suficient for my needs.
My time is too valuable for me to teach you bush survival skills here dear bob, but here are some of the use and need for firearms in the bush.
On long trips by my self i like to be able to suplement my food supply if something goes wrong rather than to call for external help.
I also do a lot of pest control, due to stupiditu of your ancestors who introduced cats,foxes,pigs and alike into this sensitive ecological enviroment.It is people like me that help keep their number down and ensure good chances of indigenous species to survive.You would not comprehend this i believe ,as you strike me as a person responsible for some of the roadside bush daisies we all see so much this days.I bet you never wash your hands after either.You must be one of this city people who believe Troy Dann when he musters roos and relocates them from padock to padock.Dear bob that just does not happen.Just because you sit in your car and wonder into the bush it does not mean you are safe.Remember that German idiot a decade or so ago that shoot all them turists.Well bob i refuse to be a victim. Maybe the decades of inbreading in place you come from has robbed you of common sense along some other vital bodily functions,but even you know that we loose more people every year due to road toll than any other reason.Guns come amongst the last on the list.Please use that Landrover you got in a proper manner,and drop it on your had next time you change a tyre.
AnswerID: 2853

Follow Up By: Rich - Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00

Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00
Im with Bob. You tell me where your next taking your lunatic car, gun, bad attitude and mates to match, no doubt; and we will do our best to avoid you.
FollowupID: 1102

Reply By: alreadytaken69 - Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00

Monday, Apr 15, 2002 at 00:00
un#######believable. ok goran, you win. you're the best. numero uno. top dog. big kahuna. king of the jungle. best 4b in the world. but really, what is your point in all this ridicule. ok, we acknowledge that rovers might not be the most reliable vechicle ever built. so what. are you just sick and tired of having to pull over and display some humanity to people less fortunate than yourself? is that it? or do you just get your kicks by insulting people on a web forum? man, I thought I had a bit of red neck in me but you take the cake. I acknowledge that a gun can be a useful tool in the bush but unless your a cocky, I hardly think its a necessity. I just hope your licensed (for each state you carry it in), you have permits to cull or permission from the landholder, and can get it out of its locked case quick enough to avoid being a victim. well, maybe not that last bit.
I have to admit though, it's been an education.
AnswerID: 2855

Follow Up By: Mick - Tuesday, Apr 16, 2002 at 00:00

Tuesday, Apr 16, 2002 at 00:00
All of you Landrover owners,take your loving cars and showe them up your arse
FollowupID: 1104

Follow Up By: Chameleon - Wednesday, Apr 17, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 17, 2002 at 00:00
what an intelligent comment. I think my 3yo grandaughter would have a better command of the Eenglish languag than that. Mick, Is you comment any indication of the level of your IQ????
FollowupID: 1115

Follow Up By: Chameleon - Wednesday, Apr 17, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Apr 17, 2002 at 00:00
Excuse my "typos" folks. Please read "English" for Eenglish, "Language" for languag, and "Your" for you. fingers not working this morning, and I would hate the world to think my IQ was level with Mick's :) :) :)
FollowupID: 1116

Reply By: Goran - Tuesday, Apr 16, 2002 at 00:00

Tuesday, Apr 16, 2002 at 00:00
Man,if you refer to my original question you will se that it is Bob who started with insults.
AnswerID: 2868

Reply By: alreadytaken69 - Tuesday, Apr 16, 2002 at 00:00

Tuesday, Apr 16, 2002 at 00:00
Guess wot mick, I don't own a Landrover.....japanese, buddy.
AnswerID: 2870

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