Waeco CF 50 getting too cold

Submitted: Thursday, Jan 01, 2004 at 19:46
ThreadID: 9435 Views:9420 Replies:8 FollowUps:0
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I just purchased a Waeco fridge and ran it on 240 volt at home for a couple of days. The settings had to be on 'LOW' on the side with only 2 lights going on the top to maintain just the right temp (sorry do not have a gauge to measure the temp). On my recent trip to the Bunya Mountains, this thing just froze everything inside on the same settings and even turning it down to the lowest possible setting (1 light on top), it would freeze all the food and drinks.
Anybody got some ideas what is wrong with it? Do they work differently while the car is travelling?
Thanks fellow travellers
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Reply By: Member - Vince - Thursday, Jan 01, 2004 at 20:33

Thursday, Jan 01, 2004 at 20:33
HI Pepper.
I have had my 50l waeco for over 12 months.On setting 2 lights it runs on 3/4 degrees.On setting 3 lights, it runs between-1 & 1 degree.I have found the meat
at the bottom to freeze & the rest of the fridge is OK.
Does the compressor cycle on & off when only 1 light is on? If it stays running all the time I would email waeco for some technical info.
AnswerID: 41492

Reply By: Member - Eskimo - Thursday, Jan 01, 2004 at 21:21

Thursday, Jan 01, 2004 at 21:21
If it still frezes at "highest" (warmest ) then something is clearly wrong.Wow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
AnswerID: 41494

Reply By: Eric Experience. - Thursday, Jan 01, 2004 at 22:09

Thursday, Jan 01, 2004 at 22:09
The waeco fridge has a thermostat conected to a thermister on the side of the inner chamber. The thermister is attached the innerchamber with a dob of silastick. this dob of silastic does not hold on some units so the thermister is not in contact with the cold. Waeco are well aware of this problem and will give you a new unit. Eric.
AnswerID: 41498

Reply By: Member - AndrewPatrol - Thursday, Jan 01, 2004 at 23:24

Thursday, Jan 01, 2004 at 23:24
also make sure that the emergency switch is set to "off". it over-rides the thermo
AnswerID: 41512

Reply By: Member - Ken - Friday, Jan 02, 2004 at 12:16

Friday, Jan 02, 2004 at 12:16
bleep mate, your having a bad trot.

Boiling Car and freezing Fridge, whats next for the new year.

I have an upright Waeco 50litre with the freezer up the top and it works like a dream.

We turn it the night before leave (240V) and then fill it to capacity, including frozen goods in the freezer.

It then basically stays on 12V from then on.

We have had somethings freeze in the bottom on occasion when we had it adjusted too high, however a little experimentation has corrected that.

Take the others advice and stick with it, because they are a good item.


Ken Robinson
AnswerID: 41541

Reply By: Time - Friday, Jan 02, 2004 at 16:47

Friday, Jan 02, 2004 at 16:47
Had mine do the same thing on it's first outing. Took it to the local Waeco service man. He plugged it into his test gear overnight. Found 3 things wrong with it, not sure exactly what. Anyway he rang me to say he had spoken to Waeco, they said don't stuff around trying to fix it, they sent a brand new replacement a couple of days later.

Had no problems with the new one in the past year.


AnswerID: 41572

Reply By: Paul Q - Friday, Jan 02, 2004 at 23:23

Friday, Jan 02, 2004 at 23:23
If the emergency switch which is under the hi-lo switch on the side is ON it will cause the fridge to freeze. This is to bypass the LED controls in case of failure. The compressor runs continuously and turns the fridge in to a freezer.
AnswerID: 41601

Reply By: Pepper - Saturday, Jan 03, 2004 at 19:57

Saturday, Jan 03, 2004 at 19:57
Thanks to all you fellows for the responses to my fridge problem. Andrew and Paul hit the nail on the head. I had the emergency switch in the 'on' position which I did mistake for a general on/off switch (what a dummy). All's well now thanks to you guys.
Cheers Pepper
AnswerID: 41661

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