Re: Leaky turbo?

Submitted: Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 00:10
ThreadID: 9482 Views:1902 Replies:3 FollowUps:1
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I just saw the question from earlier last year and remembered my concerns about the same thing ove the past two years.
I had occasion to replace and rebuild my cyclinder head recently (cracked after boiling) and while things were apart, I decided to investigate the source of the black oil coming from the turbo pipe cross-over:
There are a couple of apparently common leaks: the rubber joiners on the cross-over casting wear loose and leak, and the butterfly shaft near the inlet manifold end (which is operated by a vacuum diaphragm) wears it's bushes and then destroys the seals.
However, the source of the black oil isn't the turbo as I had thought, it is the engine breather which feeds into the suction side of the turbo! This produces quite a low pressure when the turbo gets going and suck out any oil mist and smoke and by-pass gases out of the crank case - and then blows them into the inlet manifold! I ran the engine for a while with and without the breatehr connected and the turbo cross-over pipe off - and the effect is quite noticable.
The fix in my situation was to remove the very worn butterfly valve altogether, push out the shaft seals and bushes (quite easy) and make up a couple of press-fit aluminium disks which I pressed and staked into the recesses for the bushes. I also replaced the hose clamps and ensure that they are very tight. No more black leakage since - now 5000km.
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Reply By: Member - jaksun - Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 00:32

Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 00:32
Joe you are a very clever sod and i like that.
Cheers Jaksun
AnswerID: 41681

Reply By: Savvas - Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 08:52

Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 08:52
Genius! It's great when you have the ability to do that sort of thing.
AnswerID: 41705

Reply By: John from River City 4WD Club Inc. - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 14:44

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 14:44
Sorry for my ignorance, but are you talking about a butterfly shaft in the vacuum pump. My RD28T has a similar issue. Fine oil weaps out of somewhere and accumulates around the small vacuum pipes at my wastegate actuator. Pulled everything off one day to have a look. Cleaned it all up and reassembled after not finding anything obvious. A turbo crowd said it was probably a loose hose clamp. Well I don't think so considering this has now been checked. If you are talking about the vacuum pump, is it a camshaft driven one on top of the tappet cover?
AnswerID: 41960

Follow Up By: TD27T-Bendigo - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 23:19

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 23:19
No, John, I wasn't taking about the vaccum pump or pipe - I was actually talking about a butterfly valve in the PRESSURE pipe from the turbo to the inlet manifold - this is notorious for leaking....
FollowupID: 304440

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