Monday, May 14, 2012 at 00:07
Best Satellite Finder SF-500 or WS-6906
About a month ago I posted my results using the WS-6906 satellite finder.
ExplorOz member P2D2, responded by saying that the SF-500 was better and that in fact it was the best satellite finder available.
Based on this advice I advised a friend to buy one – he is now a bit disappointed.
While the SF-500 is better than the old squealer type strength meter - it doesn’t match up to the WS-6906 for accuracy.
I tested both meters side by side and while they are better than the old strength meter, in that they ignore bad signals from other satellites, they both lock onto the Optus B3 and Optus C1 satellites.
Only the WS-6906 has the ability to differentiate between the two.
That being said; I have nothing against the SF-500, its good value for money, it is easy to operate and it doesn’t take long to adapt your technique to deciding which satellite you’ve hit.
It’s a bit a disappointment that people don’t do some simple research, before making misleading claims about their equipment on this website.