Chosing a camp site - Sunrise or sunset ?
Submitted: Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 09:15
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True Blue
....and on a lighter note I just thought I would ask this question because it's one of the silly type of things that run through my mind from time to time.
You have arrived at a nice
camping area which includes positions where you may enjoy either the sunset at the end of the day or sunrise at the beginning. I know there are spots that include both but if you had to choose at that moment whether to enjoy the sunset or sunrise what actually goes through your mind at that moment.
Personally, as much as I love a good sunset, the day is almost done and it is time to enjoy and reflect on it. Sunrise, on the other hand, get's me started earlier with more energy, enthusiasm and promise of things to enjoy. It helps set the positive frame of mind that carries you through the day. Sort of like ' getting out of bed on the right side'.
Or on the other hand, does it not matter either way to you ?
Thoughts ?
happy travels
Reply By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 09:31
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 09:31
Hi Wayne
As they say in the Real Estate game....Location, Location.
Both times of the day are great, but I set my own personal set up so the morning sun will dry any frost and dew from the swag.
You can always place your chair in a position to watch the sun going down, but it is great to have the sun on you first thing in the morning.
My personal choice only.
Reply By: Mick O - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 10:01
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 10:01
My "Rule No.1";
"All travel should cease a good time before sunset to allow
camp to be set-up and the fire set to farewell the day. All
camp occupants should be facing west, preferrably with refreshing beverage in hand to bid the end of a good days travel."
Cheers Mick.
Follow Up By: Member - MUZBRY(Vic) - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 15:58
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 15:58
Gday Mick O
Lil Wes and I have our chair turned West in the evening,in the morning we just turn he chair around and the esky is just on the other side, no probs.
Reply By: Kris and Kev - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 10:21
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 10:21
I love that last rule.
But I think it also depends on where you are and what time of the year it is. On a warm day the last thing you want is a hot sun beaming into the annex while you are trying to sit and relax in the afternoon. But on a cold day, the warmth from the sun would be welcome. Ah, the problems of being on the road. Just wish I was out there now trying to make the decision! Kevin
Reply By: Member - Paul B (WA) - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 10:27
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 10:27
You can have the best of both worlds. We generally set up to enjoy the sunset from the
camp and the sunrise from the bed. And if it's a particularly nice sunrise sometimes there might be a little extra morning glory from the boss as
And all's right with the world.
Follow Up By: True Blue - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 14:49
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 14:49
Gee! Some blokes have all the luck.
Reply By: Member - Cruiser74 - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 10:31
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 10:31
Image Could Not Be FoundInteresting! For me, being into Landscape Photography this is a question I ask myself all of the time. Having been chasing (or waiting for that matter) the light for the best photo conditions I can usually tell when the sunset is going to be a spectacular one by looking at the clouds a few hours before the sun dips below the horizon. If I think it's going to be on I do everything I can to be somewhere in time to explore and scout for a good location and set up in time to set the tripod up and get all my gear ready (including cold beer in stubby holder). Having said that if it's all blue skies we might push on a bit further and use that time to find a decent sunrise location, especially in the cooler months when you get all of that lovely mist rising off the land as the first rays of sun break the horizon.
I've attached a shot I took last year down at South Beach in the Margaret River region. We had set up
camp at the Point Rd
camp ground in Boranup and even though it had started to get dark we decided to jump in the 4by and take the track down to
the beach to enjoy the show. I remember being in a bit of a hurry to set up
camp as the sky was shaping up really nicely. It was incredible, even
well after the sun had disappeared the light continued to change colour and the clouds changed form. It's very rewarding when you find a great spot and witness an amazing sunset, especially if you are alone. It's a unique experience and I hope you have some of the luck I have had!
Follow Up By: True Blue - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 14:54
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 14:54
That's absolutely magnificient Craig.
Thank you for your response. It's a great dilemna to ponder over isn't it. Sunrise, sunset, both? Love it.
Have yet to experience basically any of W.A. yet in my life apart from a week in
Perth learning to drive dump trucks.
Have been trying to get to see the wildflower season but for one reason or another something comes up to stop us. I guess we shall see them when fate decrees it.
Happy travels and keep those great shots coming.
Follow Up By: Member - Paul B (WA) - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 16:13
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 16:13
Dead right - it is magnificent Craig.
If you're in the southern half of WA Wayne, there probably won't be lots of
wildflowers, until later in August at the earliest, in the northern Goldfields and Murchison but there will be lots, if the rain we've had lately is anything to go by.
Book out the September long weekend or a week of the October school holidays and you'll be in for a feast.
Follow Up By: GREENDOG ! - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 20:09
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 20:09
Hay Craig what a fantastic
pic mate,can you tell me what camera and lense and setting's you had it on to capture that shot,i have a Cannon SLR 550D with a EFS18-135mm Lense could i get a great shot like this,as i am still learning to use this camera at it's full potenial ,appreciate your feed back .thanks GREENDOG
Follow Up By: Member - Cruiser74 - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 20:48
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 20:48
Hi Greendog, cheers mate! I took the
pic with a Canon EOS 5DMKII with a 16-35mm f2.8 lens @ 16mm. I don't have the exif info handy but from memory it was about f8, ISO 100 with a shutter speed of about 1/2 - 1 second. I also used a Neutral density graduated filter over the lens to allow me to evenly expose the sky and foreground. You don't really need the filters but I like to use them instead of taking 2 separate exposures (one exposed for sky and 1 exposed for foreground) and messing around blending in photoshop.
You can most definitely take a shot like this with your gear. I started out with a very similar set-up and got some great results. One thing that you can not do without when taking these sorts of shots (especially in lower light conditions when exposures need to be longer) is a decent sturdy tripod. Without one it's nigh on impossible to get a good crisp shot that's
well exposed.
I could bang on for ages about the intracacies of Photography and the best way to get a great shot but I won't. I will give you the following advice though....PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! Get out there and experiment with your camera and take it OFF the auto setting. Get a decent tripod and cable release and look online for info and get the magazines. Better Photography magazine is fantastic (not affiliated just recommending). If you want to know more or want to ask specific questions I'm happy to help just MM me. All the best!
Follow Up By: Member - Cruiser74 - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 21:03
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 21:03
I feel it only fair to warn you once you get into Photography and develop your skills you will find your bank balance decreases as your knowledge level increases. Pair this with your already obvious interest in 4WD's and camping and you might find yourself eating a lot more baked beans than usual. You'ver been warned :)
Reply By: GREENDOG ! - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 16:07
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 16:07
True Blue we If we are on a 2 week trip north in to the S.A out back lets say
Birdsville to Innaminka we would start looking for a
camp spot around 3-4 oclk in the afternoon,enough time to set up grab some fire wood and then relax think about doing tea before dark.Sun set or Sunrise to for me any where in the Outback is a awsome time,it's just nice to pull off the road early and enjoy the end off the day.cheer's GREENDOG
Reply By: Villatranquilla - Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 19:20
Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 at 19:20
I prefer to put my back to the wind so generally face the awning and door side to the north - this also puts my fridge vent on the southern side - I then might put one annex end in if it turns wet or windy
Reply By: River Swaggie - Monday, Apr 16, 2012 at 09:55
Monday, Apr 16, 2012 at 09:55
Your on holiday for crying out loud,getting up before 9am just don't cut it...
So its "SUNSET"