Monday, Apr 16, 2012 at 22:02
Hello Peter,
"That regulation only applies to 50mm balls."
I see I omitted the size of the towball diameter as stated in the "National Caravan and recreational towing guide" only because it dose not mention towball diameter.
Are you suggesting a hitch point could for a towed caravan can be 1000mm from ground level if it dose not have a 50mm towbball. ( that dosen't sound too logical)
Could you inform us where this regulation is spelled out.
I think caravan manufacturers have a bit to answer for if they can't build their hitch points to within towing guides as specified in ( National caravan and receational towing guide)
It's easy to understand that the higher the hitch point is above the ground level and more importantly above the rear axle height of any vehicle that when under full power the inertia of the heavy towed trailer or caravan can result in lessoning of steering control of the towing vehicle.
Regards alpero