Reversing sign

Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 19:11
ThreadID: 94966 Views:4421 Replies:6 FollowUps:3
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Can anyone point us in the right direction - we want to purchase one of those signs to place on the road "caution - caravanning reversing" (or similar) to warn oncoming motorists - we live right on a corner and it's rather dangerous.

Any ideas?
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Reply By: Bunny - Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 19:11

Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 19:11
Ooops....should read "caution - caravan reversing"
AnswerID: 483389

Reply By: Wilko (Parkes NSW) - Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 19:30

Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 19:30
Hi Bunny,

I'd go to a sign maker and get them to make it, Just draw it and they can make it.

Cheers Wilko
AnswerID: 483393

Reply By: Member - MUZBRY(Vic) - Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 19:50

Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 19:50
Gday Bunny
Write to Lil Wes and ask him. He designed all the new signs on the melbourne freeway up grade a couple of years back. His mate makes them. Or just go to google and look up "signs"

Great place to be Mt Blue Rag 27/12/2012

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AnswerID: 483396

Reply By: Motherhen - Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 20:11

Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 20:11
Hi Bunny

Check with your local Council before purchasing or putting up signs - they will have a policy about signs. Try pointing out to them that there is a dangerous situation for you when reversing onto the road and see if they can offer a solution first.


Red desert dreaming

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AnswerID: 483400

Follow Up By: Member - Josh- Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 22:02

Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 22:02
I agree Motherhen, There could be legal issues involved by putting up a sign. Contact the councel first.

FollowupID: 758666

Follow Up By: Motherhen - Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 23:14

Tuesday, Apr 17, 2012 at 23:14
A further thought i had after posting Bunny, was that most motorists take no notice of such signs, and regardless of any signage, if someone hits you, you could be found liable for entering the street when not safe. Common sense and courteous driving won't come into it.

Perhaps the best way would be to co-opt a couple of neighbours to try and stop the traffic while you back out.

Some time ago, we had to take the caravan to an auto electrician in Mandurah WA on a busy Saturday morning, and needed to back into their premises from near a t-junction. The apprentice and i had to stand out and stop the traffic from three directions. Similarly in Darwin we had to back into a premises to have the air conditioner looked at, and not being a busy street, i guarded both directions.


Red desert dreaming

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FollowupID: 758674

Reply By: 325 - Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 20:13

Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 20:13
Hi Bunny!

All road warning signs MUST be AS compliant in all states of Australia. Any signage on the road that changes the road conditions [speed, warnings] must also be placed by certified traffic management personelle.

If an loss or damage is caused by a non AS , planned sign of any description , the person/party who places it is directly responsible and may be held liable.

In reality , you could have just taken responsibility for any accident by some numpty who isn't watching what he is doing.
The safest way to circumnavigate this is to place witches/reflective warning devices on the road that are visible form 200m, [or max distance if 200m is not possible].

This then places the ownus on the driver then [theoretically] , as they have seen the devices and are now responsible for their action from that point on. This is still a very grey area , and is open to interpretation if it gets messy.
As Mother Hen stated , people blocking the road [which is still actually illegal], may be your best bet, as they are now pedestrians and come under a different juristriction legally. : /

Also to Mother Hen , I think I know the Auto sparky you referred to in Mandurah as we have to back a semi-trailer full of counterweights for cranes next door. Drivers will actually drive over the curb while the truck is still reversing in order to save 10 seconds. Idiots.
AnswerID: 483486

Reply By: Joker - Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 at 07:18

Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 at 07:18
Have you considered reversing your van into your property ? I also live on a corner block and find other drivers don't mind waiting a few seconds for me to get the van into the driveway. It's a lot safer than reversing out into oncoming traffic.

AnswerID: 483507

Follow Up By: Bunny - Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 at 19:10

Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 at 19:10
That is actually what we are doing...reversing the van onto our property. We live on a curse/corner, so those coming down our street are unaware we are taking up the road whilst reversing, hence our problem. No one minds waiting, that's for sure....I usually stand at one end and try to warn that traffic, but the other side is a little hairy!!!!
FollowupID: 758845

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