Cape York

We are heading to the Cape in August and just trying to sort out the new camping permit arrangements applied this season by QPWS / DERM
I cannot see how this system can work ! It's impossible to plan where one will want to camp each and every night then book weeks or even days in advance and then accurately maintain such a rigorously defined timetable during this type of trip. Managing OUR over pressured and under funded NP's by frustrating and discouraging people away from using them is surely not acceptable. Does anyone else have other thoughts on this ?
Cheers and safe travels !

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Reply By: Ozhumvee - Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 15:26

Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 15:26
I'd reckon that is exactly what they're trying to do, if people cqn't stay or visit then they don't have to maintain them.
The system has been thought up by some biro pilot sitting in an office who has never travelled on their own. But it is ideal for tour groups as they will then have a guaranteed campsite each night, maybe that is another reason for its introduction ;-))
Down the track they will throw their hands up because the system doesn't work and close these places off.
To put it simply there will be lots that will not bother booking as the system is unusable and there will be plenty of grief every evening as people rock up to find someone in their booked spot.
AnswerID: 483458

Reply By: Member - Tom C - Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 15:52

Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 15:52
Nevs4b, your'e on the money. We are heading up there in May and I have given up trying to plan and book campsites because, as you say, there is no way you can plan in advance to the degree required. It's a lludicrous system they have come up with. We are just going to take it as it comes and rely on animal cunning. It's a big country.
AnswerID: 483462

Reply By: Tonyfish#58 - Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 17:06

Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 17:06
I agree it is a bad joke. Try booking Cape Melville before August.

The Council blames National Parks and National Parks blame the Council Bla Bla Bla.

Locking up more & more land and making it harder and harder to get in to it. A revolt is in the air :-)

Cheers Tony
AnswerID: 483470

Follow Up By: Member - MIKE.G - Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:43

Thursday, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:43
Hi Tony. I have been booking camp sites on Cape York for later in the year and Cape Melville camp site is closed until August due to roads being impassable but bookings can be made for after Aug 1st.

I have also spoken to DERM in Brisbane and have been advised that if bookings are not made prior to arrival (by phone, in person at a booking office or online) and the sites are booked out, the Rangers will move you on/fine you. I feel sorry for the rangers in this as it's not their decision to change the booking format.
Hopefully, for everyone's sake, the system will work?


FollowupID: 758773

Reply By: snailbait (Blue mntns) - Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 21:05

Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 21:05
Hi all
I hope you take into consideration the rain up there before you pay for NPS i would find out about the condit of the road it is likely to be very wet
Life MEMBER snailbait Oberon HF RADIO CLUB VKE237 mobile 7661

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AnswerID: 483496

Reply By: Sapper D - Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 21:09

Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012 at 21:09
Spoke to a parks rep at the recent Melbourne Caravan show about this very issue, as we are doing the same in or about August.---He absolutely assured me that if the election result saw a change of government in Qld, this stupid law would be thrown out by the new government.--when I asked how sure he was, his reply was that he had been assured by Liberal members on the matter
For what it's worth, let's hope he's right
Cheers..... Sapper D
AnswerID: 483497

Reply By: Franrick - Sunday, Apr 22, 2012 at 21:28

Sunday, Apr 22, 2012 at 21:28
We are a group of 11 heading up there in June/July. We will book as far as Kalpower and they can get stuffed after that. There is no way we can predict when and where we will be after Kalpower as we have a loose timetable and a month up our sleeves. This is just another Govt department stuff up, I pity the rangers. Dont bank on it changing with the new Govt, they will be quite happy sitting on their hands and blaming the last Govt. We ALL know it cant work but they will keep it in place for a few years at least then invent another crappy solution. You can be your bottom dollar that the people travelling the cape areas will be the last people they will be thinking about when they make changes.
I can't believe public servants on decent salaries can make decisions like this without any sort of consultation.
AnswerID: 483868

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