Steve Irwin

Submitted: Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 22:30
ThreadID: 9504 Views:3221 Replies:27 FollowUps:66
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Just wondering what the difference was between what Steve Urwin did with his son and what we all do by putting our children in cars - I think the road toll and stats involving car accidents would out way the the probability of being eaten by a crocodile. Does this mean we dont put our kids in the car anymore without being called bad parents.

Good on Steve for encouraging his kids at an ealy age to enjoy life and its creatures.
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Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 22:56

Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 22:56
"Just wondering what the difference was between what Steve Urwin did with his son and what we all do by putting our children in cars"

Nobody could be that stupid to compare the 2..

Its school holidays again isnt it?

"Good on Steve for encouraging his kids at an ealy age to enjoy life and its creatures"
I hope the Government has the balls to take them off him, hes a waste of CO2.
AnswerID: 41763

Follow Up By: Goran - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 00:00

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 00:00
I couldn't agree more with you Truckster. This bloke provides bad example to kids by handling this animals in a very unsafe ways. They don't know any better, after all "if Crocodile hunter can do it so can i "mentality is the last thing parents need. He can place himself in danger all he likes but when he does to another person (even his own baby) that becomes a concern. If his brain was a powerhouse he would be a walking blackout.
FollowupID: 304218

Follow Up By: Robert - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 08:34

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 08:34
"Just wondering what the difference was between what Steve Urwin did with his son and what we all do by putting our children in cars"

Don’t know about you volvofh12, but I don’t place my daughter in a vehicle as a means to entertain the public!

Agree with Truckster’s comment: “Nobody could be that stupid to compare the 2..”
FollowupID: 304237

Follow Up By: cookie - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 17:06

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 17:06
So many experts! How many have even been close to a croc, handled wild animals, run a wildlife park. Steve Irwin has, we’ve all seen it, he has an association with animals that you or I will never understand, and hence most people think he’s stupid for what he does. And call me stupid, but I like seeing someone with a unique ability on our tv’s, anyone that is, not just steve irwin.
I think the comparison to taking your kids in the car is relevant. You think it’s safe to take your kids in the car, he thinks it’s perfectly safe to take his kid in with a croc. He’s probably far more in control of the situation him with a croc than us on the road. You’re not in control of someone driving across a lane of traffic and nailing you before you have time to blink. He’s constantly monitoring the croc and he knows what the croc is thinking and doing. He’s being doing it for quite a while now and he hasn’t slipped or fallen into the jaws of a croc. It comes from his natural ability to read animals, his reflexes, his sureness of footing and agility. Cause you are clumsy and scared of crocs doesn’t mean you should judge him by your own fears of being in that situation.

Talk about stupidity, some of the narrowminded waffle people have written in this thread is a joke. People threatened by someone who lives a completely different life and they need to justify their way of life by calling him stupid. No doubt he thinks that sitting in an office all day and taking our toy 4wd’s out on the weekend is stupid. So who is right? No-one.

Quote from truckster “Even if there were 10 on earth(which there wouldnt), against 10,000's aint compareable is it?”. What if 10000 people say truckster is a narrow-minded ego tripper and 10 people say he’s not. A tiny percentage of our population choose to climb Everest and 10% of them die, is that brave or stupid?

Quote from truckster “"Irwin, who had his own python at age six and was wrestling crocodiles when he was nine"
HORSE CRAP.. Who do these people think believe this tripe?”"

Who would you believe? Truckster, or The Age.

How would it improve peoples life to see Steve Irwin “removed”, only by boosting their egos by not having to see something that threatens them cause they wouldn’t do it and cause they think it’s stupid. The guy has purchased vast tracks of land all around the world with the money he has made for the purpose of conservation, so there is one reason the world is s better place because of Steve Irwin.

The big difference with Michael Jackson’s little episode is that Steve Irwin is a professional crocodile handler.

On the issue of teaching kids bad habits, how many kids risked their life and broke bones trying to be superman, I don’t remember anyone trying to ban that.


“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” Ghandi
FollowupID: 304283

Follow Up By: Graham - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 19:54

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 19:54
I wonder how many of the people who are up on their soap box bagging steve smoke cigs around their children??????? now that is child abuse. Steve Irwin has probably forgotten more about crocadiles than most of us will ever know, Sure he regrets what he has done but I was their and he was in complete control. The camera shots when he was making Bob walk to the edge of the water. The camera angle perceives that thhe croc was right there WRONG the croc was a good 20 metres away
FollowupID: 304296

Follow Up By: Members - Andrew & Jen - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:19

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:19
I don't know much about Crocs, but your dive mate was upset by it and I wonder why. What did he think could have happened to the baby? Was it that the croc might leap up and grab the baby out of Steve's arms, or that Steve might drop the baby as he was unbalanced, or that he might get muddled up and feed the baby instead of the Chook.

Agree that it was probably not that smart a move but the reaction seems a little over the top. I can see it from Steve's point of view as he feels safe around Crocs and they really are a surprise predator.

AndrewMy Toy - 2001 Landcruiser 100S Turbo Diesel
"We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing"
FollowupID: 304300

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:03

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:03
Andew and jen, you really think that the croc couldnt have taken that kid?? Really? LMAO!

"he thinks it’s perfectly safe to take his kid in with a croc."

that just shows Irwins IQ....
FollowupID: 304310

Follow Up By: volvofh12 - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 00:01

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 00:01
Hi, this is Mrs volvofh12......

Truckster after reading all your replies, i have to agree that you are one of the few pathetic people in the world who cant take the blinkers off.....oh and you have a serious issue with sizes (maybe lack of hey???). You are selfish (saying that you never speed or do anything dangerous with ure kids or grandkids in the car?) well what about my kids. when you do speed and ure kids arent in the car, and you will eventually stuff up, is it fair to say that if you hit my car, with my kids i can take everything precious to you away???

Tell me what is the difference between what Steve Irwin did and what hundreds of new parents do everyday by introducing their newborns to the family dog. Are dogs not animals? do they not run the risk of jumping up and biting at the kids. YES. but we know what our dogs are like and we can anticipate (with a little luck) what the dog will do. This is the same as steve irwin. he has grown up and reared many of these animals, and probably considers them as members of his family.

You should really take the time truckster to get off your soapbox and join us back in the real world.

Mrs volvofh12
FollowupID: 304327

Follow Up By: ron1 - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 14:15

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 14:15
very nicely put Mrs volvofh12 couldnt agree more
sadly steve f@#$ed up so every one sticking up for him is pretty stupid, the guy made a bad choose , and then run off at the mouth to defend him self, and saying that hes in compelet control is wrong have you all forgotten only last year or 2 when one of hes workers got a bite?? and when young bindy was bit ini the face by the pyhon snake , hmmmm i think ppl are just saying its wrong to do what he did. theres nothing that child could or would have learn from being takin in with the croc at 1 month, so WAKE UP PEOPLE, what the diff between a croc and a car ??? lol a hell of a lot for 1 the crocs got its own mind , the car dont its the diver thats the problem. and as for our pet dog , ones a wild croc , the others the family pet, you do the maths
steves not a bad guy hes a complete moron, who cant under stand that in peoples apinon he did wrong ,i train and break horses have done so for the past 21years , i pass what i know on to my children as well , but i have no need to show off by taking one of my children in the round yard even at the age of 2 or 3 years i would not let one of then in, GUESS THATS THE DIFF BETWEEN BEING RESPONCIBLE AND BEING A MORON,
i think im right in saying most only watch hes shows in the hope some thing would bite him??? i know i did ,that and because there was nothing better on
now now dont go barking at me , just my view take it or leave it , as for any typOs sorry , bleep happens get over it
FollowupID: 304393

Follow Up By: cookie - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 14:45

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 14:45
Your in control of the car you are driving, but your not in control of the "moron" that runs a stop sign and hits square on your driver side door at 60 km/h, blowing a tyre, or any of the many events which could occur beyond your control. You take a risk everytime you get in your car without even really considering it. You find the risk of personal injury acceptable because of the benefit of easy transport. You could argue a croc is more predictible than the average driver.
Obviously it's also a risk to enter a crocodile enclosure, a risk that steve irwin finds very small and is accpetable for him as it's what he loves to do.
Many "pet" dogs have been known to attack young children. It's well documented. Another potentially dangerous risk you take which you feel is acceptable.
I don't consider you a moron for taking those risks.

The fact is he did it and the kid is fine. There is a response in this thread from someone who was actually there saying it was totally under control. We could talk about if's and but's all day.

FollowupID: 304397

Follow Up By: ron1 - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 15:27

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 15:27
agreed yes there is but we are not talking about cars we are talking about crocs and the fact that theres no reason for him to have done it , the 1month old learned WHAT?? not a dam thing , its also well documented the dangers of crocs

The fact is he did it and the kid is fine. There is a response in this thread from someone who was actually there saying it was totally under control. We could talk about if's and but's all day.

the fact is its hes full of bleep , we have all seen and heard why he did it, to teach little bob, TEACH him WHAT?? as for the person there , well hes what ?? an expert on the matter??? well there have been real experts that agree it was a STUPID thing to do , and i being for the country and also living in croc country in my own time apon the planet, agree IT WAS STUPID , STEVES like a A.D.D , never wants to admit that hes wrong , he talks about how he turned out alright , learning from hes dear father, well the doc-O i saw on him some time ago, hes own father said steve never listened to what he was told and was always off doing what he was not supost to be doing, to many lies to beleave what steve says i think , but thats me , any way at the end of the day you can argu all u like , but what he did was STUPID , nothing more nothing less. do i think he doesnt love hes kids?? NO i think he loves them more then most people do there own, do i think he should loose his kids?? NO i dont , we all do stupid things at times , we know more about him and what he does because hes in the spot light more then most.
how ever meeting steve , i have to say i think hes a f#$%ing idiot , acts like one doesnt listen ,only speaks all the time, wont let you get a word in , oh and felt like he had to be always right ,
but thats it for me on the matter nice picking on the wacko of the month with ya all guys
FollowupID: 304409

Follow Up By: Flash - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 07:28

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 07:28
Pull ya head in for once- for once in ya life. You really are pathetic.
This forum would be a better place if there were less people so quick to get nasty and criticise.
Perhaps if you spent some time with Steve and less time in front of your computer you'd be a better person.
I know Steve personally, and from what you write here I believe he's a far better person than you- but that's only from what you write. I DO know that Steve is a great bloke- he's the sort of guy who'll do anything to help anybody. Are you really like that? Or are you just a loud mouthed self opinionated ego-maniac?
ie:you can modify many people's opinions about you by modifying what you write. Think about it....
I don't know you, (or do I?) but I do know Steve. I'd trust Steve with my kids any day.
FollowupID: 304466

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - David - Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 13:21

Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 13:21
I have removed several followups in the post due to personal attacks on people. Why can we not all get it into our heads that everyone can have different opionions then our own. It makes me mad that people resort to personal attacks in my system. Get over it or go to another site!

I personally think that what Steve did was stupid - it showed my child that playing with crocs was OK.

Did we not just have an incident of a local NT man being taken by crocs - Steve is showing the world that it is OK to play with crocs and is safe enough to introduce kids into the area with these animals. NOT MY KIDS!

I also do not need everyone to try to tell me that my opionion is wrong. it is after all mine!Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
FollowupID: 304663

Follow Up By: cookie - Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 14:39

Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 14:39
I had a response removed that I didn’t think was “particularly” offensive. It was mostly made in response to a sexual comment that I thought was very rude and required a response, (from the moderators I would have thought), the rest was just pointing out floors in someone’s argument, good debate.
Surely such a comment though should have some consequence, at least a temporary suspension from the forum. Suspend me if you like for attacking the individual who made it. I know ideally this shouldn’t be required but……… if the moderators don’t rigidly control the boundaries then the forum members need to do their part with social pressure. My opinion.
FollowupID: 304678

Follow Up By: ron1 - Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 15:06

Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 15:06
David have to say i agree with you and my sorrys to any one i may have affended
i to beleave what steve did was wrong , and beleave any one stupid enough to say they would let steve take there children in with a croc is being just as pathetic as steve was on that day and many other days as most of us no from watching steve ,to be some want of a fool at times , but thats what makes us laugh ,(well it does me , im just waiting for the day the croc wins:) )
any one with half a brain would know that a 1month old can learn nothing at all from any thing little lone that!
i to have met and spoken to steve but am not claming to know the guy ,how ever as a 1st impression he came across as a know it all and no one else is right if i say so im the star type of guy, but hay some people handle the spot light better then others.
and yes i enjoyed his show (the one with out the baby) the one i saw was most entertaning it was funny to see him have a near miss on the day, lucky it didnt happen on little bobs day , he add the same amount of watchers on both days?? but im sure most of you are right just as steve is and accidents dont happen when steves on the job,
never mind the guy that works for him the was bitten a year or 2 ago ,or when steve got bit by the snake , but i guess thats steve and not his kids ,right oh but then theres the time young bindy got bitten on the face by a python the dauther of steve bet she was safe too oh and im sure steve and so of you saying but if steve wasnt there it would have been worse, the point is not ,what did or didnt happen its , takening a 1month old child into a croc pen and saying you did it to teach him croc sence, no really come on you really do see it was a silly move?? ive made heaps of silly judgements in my time as im sure every one has, steves no diff to any of us, having money and a bit of fame dont change that ????? just face it and move on a little wiser
FollowupID: 304684

Reply By: Mad Dog Morgan (Vic) - Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 23:06

Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 23:06
If we were all as professional at driving as Steve is with his croc handling then there would be bugger all fatalities on the road!I may be mad but I'm not crazy
AnswerID: 41765

Follow Up By: ron1 - Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 15:09

Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 15:09
ROFL smart thing to say dude LMFAO
hey have you seen that movie dumb and dumber???
FollowupID: 304685

Reply By: Mark - Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 23:23

Sunday, Jan 04, 2004 at 23:23
Do we live in a Nanny state or what!!!

Check out the Australia Zoo website and see how their home is only 30m from a crocidile enclosure and the kids have to be trained about the dangers of wildlife early on.

I am not condoning what Steve did, but to him its a natural thing and he does not see he did anything wrong. A bit like how the treehuggers want to ban 4WDing because it wrecks the enviroment. They too do not understand our hobby and have an uninformed view of what 4WDriving is about. A bit like 4WDrivers "knowing" about crocidiles and reckoning its dangerous - was it!!!

Volvofh12 is right, statistically putting a kid into a car is FAR more dangerous, yet we understand that danger and accept it as normal. None of us enters a crocidile enclosure, hence anyone who does must be nuts - right. Wrong, just someone who dares to live their life as they want to, and cares enough to show their own baby from an early age, just as he was as a kid.

We should not be too quick to judge those who live differently than us. It takes all sorts and Steve Irwin is one guy who dares to live his life as only many of us would dream too.


AnswerID: 41768

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 00:04

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 00:04
"statistically putting a kid into a car is FAR more dangerous..."

Stupid statement. How can you compare the 2 things...

Theres only 1 moron on earth, that would put a baby in with a croc, in a Century, let alone a day...

There are 10's of thousands of people that put their kid in cars a day...

Also Noting that ALL the Professional Croc handlers around that have been speaking up, say he has manure for brains for doing it. Not one as stood by him.
FollowupID: 304220

Follow Up By: Brian - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 07:20

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 07:20
"Theres only 1 moron on earth, that would put a baby in with a croc, in a Century, let alone a day... "
I take it you have done a survey on this and have the statistics to back it up????
Tall Poppy Syndrome lives!

FollowupID: 304234

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 10:36

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 10:36
Brian, you think anyone else would be that stupid?

Even if there were 10 on earth(which there wouldnt), against 10,000's aint compareable is it?

Stupidity Breeds.
FollowupID: 304246

Reply By: ross - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 00:36

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 00:36
Its just the same as Wackco Jacko hanging his kid off a balcony. Stupid!!
Kids are not toys,nor are they stage props.
AnswerID: 41773

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 00:43

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 00:43
From The Age.
I like the bit

"Irwin, who had his own python at age six and was wrestling crocodiles when he was nine"

HORSE CRAP.. Who do these people think believe this tripe?


"The Queensland Families Department yesterday confirmed it would seek unedited copies of the tape from the Irwins to see if workplace health and safety regulations had been breached. "

GOOD ... There would have to be some fines coming out of this.

I'm hurt, snaps croc hunter
By Christine Sams, Johanna Leggatt
January 4, 2004

Crocodile hunter Steve Irwin, with baby Bob under his arm, has much of Australia - even the world - steamed up.
Picture: Steve Barnes

TV star Steve Irwin had his back to the wall yesterday, defending his actions in holding his baby son close to a crocodile on Friday.

He claimed he was hurt by the accusations. "I am hurt - I am as hurt as I get," he told reporters outside Australia Zoo, in Beerwah, Queensland, yesterday, flanked by his father Bob, wife Terri and daughter Bindi Sue, 5, but no baby Bob, all of a month old.

Irwin was particularly upset by comparisons to singer Michael Jackson, who had dangled his own baby off a balcony, a zoo spokesman said.

"Steve is very upset he would be compared to Michael Jackson in any way, just as any dad would be," he said.

He said more than 500 calls had come from international media.

When asked about the Jackson comparison, Irwin said: "Give me a break. That would just make me vomit."

The Queensland Families Department yesterday confirmed it would seek unedited copies of the tape from the Irwins to see if workplace health and safety regulations had been breached.

Scores of Queenslanders rang the department's care crisis hotline on Friday night after the footage appeared on the news.

Police say they are not seeking criminal charges, and acting Queensland Premier Terry Mackenroth said no charges would be laid.

"The Irwins claim that the child was not in danger," he said. "They understand people's concerns and have assured children's services that it won't happen again."

Irwin, who had his own python at age six and was wrestling crocodiles when he was nine, seemed shocked and distressed by the public's reaction.
FollowupID: 304223

Follow Up By: Chris (W.A.) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:05

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:05
It would be good if the Queensland Families Dept seized all the kids off druggy parents - but alas when it comes to "baby near croc" the baby is in a hell of alot more danger than those crawling around a syringe infested home.
All a druggie mother has to do is front court, agree to 'go clean' for a few months than they give the kid back - that's child endangerment.
There just making an example of him because it's their job to give the bureaucratic bullsh*t talk to the ozzie public, after all they can't just sit there and do nothing can they?

Nice southerly coastal fishing trip someday.
FollowupID: 304297

Reply By: Brian - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 07:03

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 07:03
TALL POPPY SYNDROME LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take a guy who is a bit different in his approach to life.... give him a little publicity... the public gets warmed up to him... give him a tv show.... the public starts to adore him.... he makes stacks of money and becomes an international celebrity....

Then the Australian way is to knock him down as quick as we can!!!!!!!

(There...that'll teach him to become famous!!!!)

How many "celebrities" make oodles of money and re-invest it in the Australian outback??

Steve Irwin is a "larger-than-life" figure who is about a passionate for wildlife as anyone can get..... and he puts his money where his mouth is!!!! (Think about it.. he could easily pocket the dough and live the high life!)

There ain't too many others out there I can say that about! (there may be some, but not many!)

If YOU don't like him.... fine...

You don't HAVE to watch his tv shows....
You don't HAVE to watch his movie
You don't HAVE to visit his zoo

but , just because you don't like him or agree with his ways...
Doesn't make him a MORON!

Ok... there's an old saying, the thing about opinions is they're like ars***les, everyone's got one!

And I say it's ars***les whose opinions are biased by their own narrow minds!

If there were more Steve Irwins, this would be a better world!!

Just my opinion
AnswerID: 41781

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 10:40

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 10:40
but , just because you don't like him or agree with his ways...
Doesn't make him a MORON!

Tall Poppy Syndrome? LMAO...

Holding his 1 month old kid less and 1mtr from an uncontrollable, unpredictable 2 ton Croc - makes him dumber than a box of rocks.

"If there were more Steve Irwins, this would be a better world!! "
Oh yea, wonderful. How the hell do you work that out?

FollowupID: 304247

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 10:43

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 10:43

I used to Scuba Dive with David Ireland (the bloke on Ch 9 Today show) for few years, he worked with crocs (, and talkin to him, he cant believe how dumb it was, he even mentioned it on tele.

FollowupID: 304249

Follow Up By: David N. - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 16:20

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 16:20
So David Ireland knows more about Crocs than Steve....
Give me a break, you've gotta be kidding!
Truckster, you've Really Gotta be pulling my leg.... surely.
FollowupID: 304277

Follow Up By: ross - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 16:36

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 16:36
Tall poppy syndrome!!??
Read some of the comments by experts in the field of reptiles.
It has nothing to do with being a tall poppy,I and many others would condemn this irresponsible act regardless of who it was.
If you want to shift the blame way from Steve Irwin ,blame the ratings on his incredibly dull show which are causing him to annoy and torment animals in new and different ways to keep awake the viewers that tune into this drivel.
FollowupID: 304280

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 21:58

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 21:58
David N...
His ringhole pimples knows more about it than you and me and 99.9999% of this forum put together..

You Obviously are impressed by Steves actions... Good for you Mr.
And if the baby had been snatched, you would ALL.. YES 100% OF YOU ALL be on the bandwagon of "oh what a moron"....

did you see him try to explain it on Current affair, HE ADMITTED HE WILL DO IT AGAIN AT SOME TIME... Rid him from out gene pool someone.
FollowupID: 304308

Follow Up By: ron1 - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 14:27

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 14:27
i think its more amazing that there are some fools that cant see what was done was WRONG
got to laugh at some of the comments.
most will know whats right and wrong in there life time, there is some that know there wrong but cant help but to argu the point
night all
FollowupID: 304506

Reply By: Members - Andrew & Jen - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 07:45

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 07:45
What odds would I get that the Croc would leap up and snatch the baby out of Steve's arms - pretty long odds I would reckon. I don't think that crocs are that smart.My Toy - 2001 Landcruiser 100S Turbo Diesel
"We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing"
AnswerID: 41783

Follow Up By: Robert - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 09:07

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 09:07
So you don’t reckon these captive crocs make any connection at all, that food comes from human hands!
FollowupID: 304240

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 11:02

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 11:02
yer, from the hand outstretched with the dangling meat in itLaterally Literal
Seriously Cerebral
FollowupID: 304251

Follow Up By: Robert - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 11:28

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 11:28
Perhaps Steve might be good enough to test this for us, by holding a chicken to his chest at feeding time!

FollowupID: 304255

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:00

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:00
The odds a croc could jump up are Long?

Some people actually believe his crap! LMAO! I really find it hard to believe

They maybe prehistoric, and BIG, but they aint dumb or slow, or they wouldnt be millions of years old..
FollowupID: 304309

Follow Up By: Members - Andrew & Jen - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:12

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:12
I gather that Crocs have a brain the size of a hens egg - so they are not really very smart. I gather that on land that they are pretty slow and that a person can out run them pretty easily. I wouldn't have thought that they were very good at jumping up to chest hight of a grown man and plucking something out of his arms. Now from the water - maybe...
The lichen on my roof has been around for millions of years and I would call it dumb and slow - though I could be wrong again. LOL LOL. Any that E.coli in my bowel - was part of the primordial soup that we all came from that God created in the beginning!
How many people have been attacked by a croc quite a distance from water where it was not a surprise attack?? How fast can they run on land?
My Toy - 2001 Landcruiser 100S Turbo Diesel
"We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing"
FollowupID: 304313

Follow Up By: Dennis (Brisbane) - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 13:00

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 13:00
Andrew & Jen.

I think you will find that in short bursts (a few metres) they are quicker than humans. Oh and they can jump.

See this link

croc info

"Galloping crocodiles?
Most people see crocodiles as sluggish, lazy animals, barely capable of moving themselves from one place to another. But most crocodiles have the ability to move with lightning speed and agility when required.
The most spectacular crocodilian gait is the gallop, which only a handful of crocodile species such as the Australian freshwater crocodile can do. It allows crocodiles to jump over rocks and logs when trying to get to the water in a hurry. Speeds have been measured up to 17 kph!"

So based on that, over lets say 3 metres, my money would be on the croc running forward over the person trying to go backwards juggling an object in their arms.
FollowupID: 304386

Follow Up By: landie - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 14:00

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 14:00
They are talking about Freshwater crocs, not salties.
FollowupID: 304392

Follow Up By: Dennis (Brisbane) - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 15:02

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 15:02

But it highlights that the species in general can move if/when they choose to on land.

I am sure the salties would have similar characteristics, and they are generally considered to be more aggressive anyway. That may make up for a couple of km/h of speed that they lack.

I (note ***I***) certainly wouldn't be testing the theory with my newborn in my hands. And I would consider anyone who did, foolish.
FollowupID: 304406

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 23:46

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 23:46
Dennis, dont bring facts into the arguement, people will cry LMAO!
FollowupID: 304447

Follow Up By: landie - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 08:55

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 08:55
A freshie is not a saltie, that is a fact..good point Truckster
FollowupID: 304474

Reply By: Member - Eskimo - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 08:20

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 08:20
I agree with Truckster....he is a moron...
Can anyone here that believes that what he did is Ok please explain to me (as Steve has publicly stated)

1)how his 1 month old baby had any comprehension of what his stupid Dad was susposedly teaching him.

How or what dad would have done if the croc lunged the otherway and even mangaed to just scratch the baby....please explain to me how this would have also been acceptable.

He is in my opinion another Whacko....and sooner or later he will cause grief if he carries on with these might even be him!!!

Not the first time that some one who thought they knew and had all the outs had become caught by there own stunts which went wrong...yeah we can all see the error afterwards but its the "What If" the unknown factor that comes into play. and then its too late!!!

They are teaching those crocs up north how to jump for food ......when will a really saavy croc jump into the boat because the temptation on the end of the pole was just too hard....crocs dont care what colour the meat red or White.Wow! am I cute
If yer ain't fishing, Yer ain't livin
AnswerID: 41784

Reply By: Members - Andrew & Jen - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 09:38

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 09:38
What is it that everyone gets into character assassination mode when someone else says something or does something that they disagree with. Surely as adults we can debate the issue without being so aggressive with respect to our opinions about the person.

I don't really think that there was much chance that the Croc would jump up and snatch poor Bobby from Steve's arms. I sure that he manages the risk down to a miniscule level and that poor (not $$) old Steve was more at risk than the baby. And the baby wouldn't have had a clue what was going on.

Next we will be telling mothers that they shouldn't carry their babies around without a safety harness just in case they drop them on the concrete!!

Storm in a teacup really.

AndrewMy Toy - 2001 Landcruiser 100S Turbo Diesel
"We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing"
AnswerID: 41791

Follow Up By: ron1 - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 14:27

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 14:27
sorry dude BUT WHAT A CROC OF bleep
and i agree like steve you didnt think
think theres a big diff between being in a croc yard and carring your child down the street ??? what a stupid think to say,
and yes steve was probably more likely to be the one jumped at , now who catches the baby???? when it hits the ground SMASHING ITS HEAD OPEN, right infront of my children who are there watching and are now scared for life , just one of the many things that could have gone wrong,
and RIGHT nothing did happen , but that doesnt mean it wasnt one of the STUPIDest things to do in the first place ,

surely your not that BLIND are you ??
FollowupID: 304395

Reply By: landie - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 09:50

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 09:50
I think the guy was mad for doing this as he was on a hiding to now-where despite his experience.

If one good thing is to come out of this will be the heightened awareness it has brought about the dangers of crocodiles (I'm not suggesting that putting a baby in a croc pen is good - just the media interest it has brought !)

How many have been up North and seen kids playing at the waters edge while Mum and Dad have sat back and watch - it is easy to overlook the dangers while we are out enjoying the great land of ous. Maybe this act will drawn attention to the real dangers of crocodiles in the wild and it might actually save someone in the future.

AnswerID: 41793

Reply By: Justin - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 10:05

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 10:05
Poor kid. Who names their baby Bob anyway?
AnswerID: 41797

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 11:03

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 11:03
Same bloke who names his daughter BindiLaterally Literal
Seriously Cerebral
FollowupID: 304252

Follow Up By: Justin - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 12:07

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 12:07
Aren't they those annoying little things that stick into your feet?
FollowupID: 304258

Reply By: Dennis (Brisbane) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 10:23

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 10:23
A simple everyday trip a$$ over head as he was holding the food could have made things ugly.

And to the croc, it would probably consider what he had in both hands to be food.

Stupid act, with a bullsh*t story about teaching the kid a lesson used in an attempt to cover the mistake.

As already mentioned, what odds do you give a 1 month old baby remembering the days lesson?
AnswerID: 41798

Reply By: Member - Alan- Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 13:02

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 13:02
I don't like him and I think he's definitely got a couple of roos loose in the top paddock!
I don't watch his show.
I won't watch his film.
And I won't go to his zoo ........ except to see him in a pen.

His type and his antics are the reason so many people think crocs. aren't dangerous, and he gives the rest of the world a belief that all Aussies are more than a bit thick!
I don't think those expressing their dislike of him and his antics is "cutting down a tall poppy", it's them showing their dislike of a tosser.
AnswerID: 41810

Follow Up By: David N. - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 15:44

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 15:44
Each to his own!
IMHO you're the tosser for giving him a hard time!
The man has done a bloody lot for wildlife conservation, and made a lot of people happy in the process, not to mention employing a large number of people.
Have you done any of this?
No-one forces you to like him or watch his shows or his film- but if you haven't then how can you criticise them!
You remind me of the prudes who ring up and complain about graffic scenes or language in some movie or show, but of course they keep watching.
Get a life!
FollowupID: 304274

Follow Up By: Brian - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:39

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:39
Well said David!!!!
FollowupID: 304303

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:42

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:42
Well said Alan!! At last someone with a bigger IQ than a rock!
FollowupID: 304318

Follow Up By: Brian - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 07:44

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 07:44
So now its an IQ thing.....

On the one hand is someone who lives his life the way he wants to, is in command of his life, doing the work he wants to and makes piles of cash out of it, a great percentage of which he invests back into conservation.

On the other hand is someone doesn't like what he see's.... so therefore he ridicules and personally attacks, not just the "someone" he doesn't agree with, but anyone else who dares to oppose him! IQ bigger than a rock??? C'mon... gimme a break! That's just childish!

Truckster... I tell you this.. your copying-and-pasteing from forum to forum indicates you are a wealth of useful information.... your sad personal attacks against those who disagree with you are a rather solid indicator of your inflated view of your own importance.......

Just my opinion...... and everyones entitled to their opinion!

FollowupID: 304342

Reply By: David N. - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 15:34

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 15:34
I agree with Brian.
The good old Aussie tradition of knocking tall poppies is alive and well!
So for once I disagree with you, Truckster! You've just gone down in my estimation, mate!
I guess all you guys out there who have NEVER made a stupid mistake have every right to criticise him!
Never had a prang which was even slightly your fault
Never driven after a drink or three
Never driven through an amber/red light
Never driven a few (or more than a few) kays over the limit
Never driven while tired and risked falling asleep at the wheel
etc etc etc etc- the list is endless!
and finally
Never yelled at or whacked your kids after a bad day at work.

Any or all of these are probably more dangerous than what Steve did, so if you've done none of the above, go ahead and give him a hard time. Otherwise IMHO "Shut the #@%$ up!"
Tall Poppy syndrome is very much alive and well.
Steve made a bloody stupid mistake- just like every one of us has at some time!
He's learnt his lesson I guarantee you- but it's no excuse to hang, draw, and quarter the man!
He HAS been a very good ambassador for Australia
He HAS done more for wildlife conservation than you and I could in a hundred lifetimes.
No one forces you to like the man, but how about getting some perspective
AnswerID: 41831

Follow Up By: Member - Alan- Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 16:56

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 16:56
Done all of those things and will no doubt make some mistakes in the future .......... but never, ever with the kids in the vehicle, and never ever with the grand kids in the vehicle either!
I did watch his program once, which is what I've based my opinion of him on.
We're all entitled to an opinion and if it doesn't happen to be the same as yours, tough luck.
FollowupID: 304281

Follow Up By: Member - Luxoluk - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 17:05

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 17:05
Who cares whether the man is popular or not...hardly the point! When most people muck up the ones who recover best are those who acknowledge the mistake, learn and move on. Most people tend to forgive an honest mistake?? If ya wanna dig in and spin the media bullsh*t then expect to get whacked. Tall poppy syndrome.....don't think so! That's a weak defence against the indefensible and lacks intellectual rigor. What he did with that kid was just plain risky and geared around self/business promotion. Good thing he didn't slip eh?? I only wish the kid had the ability to make his own rational decisions.......or maybe that's already been taken care of by all the tall poppy bashers? Good on yer Truckster...I still respect your views!Butcher Country Track
FollowupID: 304282

Follow Up By: David N. - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 17:25

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 17:25
Firstly I don't believe you've never done ANY of those things "with the kids in the vehicle...."
And even if you had no kids in the vehicle WHAT ABOUT OTHER PEOPLES KIDS IN OTHER VEHICLES?
My point is, we are all human.
You and I can make stupid mistakes, and usually nobody cares or knows. hopefully we learn....
But I guarantee Steve has learnt his lesson, (and by the way I'm not all that fond of his style either.)
I just hope he hasn't learnt his lesson SO well that he's now scared to expose his kids to what he had a lot of in his youth, ie: life outside a (padded cell) home in the big city.
Are people going to criticise him every time now, when he exposes his growing children to anything other than their bedroom/living room/kitchen? (Actually most accidents happen in the home- ask any doctor!)
FollowupID: 304287

Follow Up By: Tim - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 23:00

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 23:00
You are dead right-I would still take my hat off to Steve any day.
FollowupID: 304320

Reply By: glenno - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 17:40

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 17:40
i think taking a baby into a crocodile enclosure with a live croc is child abuse. p.s. keep up the good conservation work steve .
AnswerID: 41844

Follow Up By: cookie - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:17

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:17
The whole point is to ordinary people a croc enclosure is a dangerous and uncontrollable environment and it would be totally stupid for one us to go in their let alone with a baby. To Steve Irwin he is totally in control of that environment, to him it's like walking down the street and patting a dog.
FollowupID: 304299

Follow Up By: Mikell - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 21:35

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 21:35
How can you say he is in total control of that environment (croc enclosure).
He has very little if any control over what a croc will do. He may anticipate and 2nd guess what will happen, but then all he can do is react to each situation as it arises. If he slipped he and his son could have been in trouble. To put himself in that situation is fine. To bring a one month old in with him is just stupid.
I think what he has done over the years for wildlife is fantastic, the amount of money he invests to this cause is incredible. However what he did with his son was nothing more than a stunt. A one month old would have no comprehension of what was going on so any claims that it was to teach him anything is crap.
Hopefully nothing more comes of this as I think it was just a case of a proud dad showing off his kid to the public - unfortunatley in the wrong place. He made a mistake and should have admitted it at the time, not tried to cover it up by saying it was to get the baby used to wildlife.
FollowupID: 304306

Reply By: TonyT - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:30

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:30
Jeez Steve- I bet you wouldn't pull that stunt again if you had the time over again- wouldn't be suprised if it stays with you for quite a while- those yanks (where you are seriously popular) have had a bit of experience with babies in risky situations- it's all in the perception.
AnswerID: 41857

Follow Up By: Members - Andrew & Jen - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:13

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:13
You can say that again.....My Toy - 2001 Landcruiser 100S Turbo Diesel
"We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing"
FollowupID: 304314

Reply By: TonyT - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:31

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 20:31
Jeez Steve- I bet you wouldn't pull that stunt again if you had the time over again- wouldn't be suprised if it stays with you for quite a while- those yanks (where you are seriously popular) have had a bit of experience with babies in risky situations- it's all in the perception.
AnswerID: 41859

Follow Up By: Members - Andrew & Jen - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:14

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:14
Thanks lol lolMy Toy - 2001 Landcruiser 100S Turbo Diesel
"We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing"
FollowupID: 304315

Reply By: nugsdad - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:35

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 22:35
I hear that Russell Crowe is going to dangle his child over Michael Jackson !!!!!
AnswerID: 41874

Reply By: volvofh12 - Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 23:24

Monday, Jan 05, 2004 at 23:24
well trucktster (MR EGO) I believe there is only one person who is that rapped up in their own beliefs and ideals that they can never listen to anyone elses views but their own ... I bet your one of these wankers that knows every thing and noone else could know anything. Take your head out of your arse and consider other peoples opiions. I would lay bets that you have never done anything your dreams...get a life....if you cannot understand my comparsion then it shows what a real tosser you are. Here is a simpler comparison for you....for you take you kids in the national parks when 4wding.... if so you have placed your kids at the same risk...but then again because of the type of person you are you would have known that there are no dangers near you in the bush as you are just to good.

I dont wont to continuing this arguing in the forum so you can email at with your stupid comments.. I sure you know how to copy and paste you use it all the time to be little people on this forum.

Grow up trucksters and learn to shut up and listen
AnswerID: 41887

Follow Up By: Member - Luxoluk - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 08:44

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 08:44
Fantastic commentary! You are obviously a fair way down the food chain??Butcher Country Track
FollowupID: 304347

Follow Up By: volvofh12 - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 10:02

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 10:02
Luxoluk - Im still a lot higher than you scumbag.....suprised you where actually able to read it all.....would you like a summary so you can understand it. Better watch out....people as far down the food chain as yourself need to a little special crawl back under your rock looser
FollowupID: 304358

Follow Up By: Member - Luxoluk - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 12:20

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 12:20
Thanks for the confirmation.Butcher Country Track
FollowupID: 304376

Follow Up By: Dennis (Brisbane) - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 13:11

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 13:11
Belittle is one word, if you are going to criticise peoples typo's volvo, then be prepared to achieve perfection yourself.
FollowupID: 304389

Reply By: Prado Boy - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 01:55

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 01:55
Steve Urwin has been a wonderful ambassador for our country and worked tirelessly to preserve threatened environment's and wildlife across the world. He is - in my opinion - one of this country's finest citizens.

How much money do you give to charity or contribute to the improvement or preservation of our environment and endangered species every year Truckster? I'll bet it's not a pinch compared to Steve.

Having had to handle wild animals, done contract shooting of ferals and seen many skilled animal handlers at work during my years - I judge that Steve's skill means that his little fella was never seriously in danger.

Shame on all those who've taken this trivial incident as an opportunity to tall poppy bash such a wonderful human being as Steve Urwin. Have a serious look at yourselves and examine what it means to be Australian and whether you fit that image... I highly doubt it.

Prado Boy
AnswerID: 41901

Follow Up By: Goran - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 08:11

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 08:11
Oh, for christ sake man. Why is everyone taking this as a personal attack against this bloke. It is not that at all. Here it is plain and simple.
How many of you out there would like our hero Steve to hold YOUR children in his arms while doing this sort of stunt ? Well NOT ME.
FollowupID: 304344

Follow Up By: Robert - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 08:54

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 08:54
Yes Goran good point, but no doubt there would be people stupid enough to let their child be taken into a crocodile enclosure, and see nothing wrong with it!

It's also amazing how some say it was safe simply because Steve is an expert!

I wonder how that expert Tiger handler: Roy from Siegfried & Roy is going after being attacked by one of their Tigers?
Do you reckon he would say that being with dangerous animals is 100 % safe?

But then Steve is a super expert who has never made a mistake and been bitten, or has he?
FollowupID: 304349

Reply By: David N. - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 09:58

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 09:58
Like I said earlier-
Would all those who've never made a stupid mistake (which has put their family OR someone else's family in some danger) feel free to criticise. Otherwise you are just proving what an idiot you are and keeping alive the sad Aussie tradation of "cutting down tall poppies."
By the way, probably every one of you has done more dangerous things behind the wheel than Steve did with his baby, and the thing is that most of you will continue to do those stupid things from time to time. Most of you don't even realize..... or atleast admit, that some of your actions are dangerous to yourself, your family, or others.
We are all human. To Err is human. Think about it.

Have you ever been the first on the scene of a bad road "accident"? Most "accidents" are NOT ACCIDENTS but the result of stupid mistakes or even intentional actions. What was last year's road toll? How many people were also maimed ?(That figure doesnt even show in the statistics usually!!)

Who's the next person to show they're so perfect they can criticise Steve?
C'mon, I'm waiting with baited breath!

That is my final post on this topic.
Cheers and happy 2004
AnswerID: 41919

Follow Up By: Robert - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 11:48

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 11:48

I think you could be missing the point, Steve Irwin isn’t admitting he has done something stupid – he reckons it was okay.

No one is perfect, we all make mistakes or do something stupid (some maybe more so than others) – who here is claiming they are perfect?

The point is that hopefully one would have enough sense or courage to admit what they did was stupid or dangerous.
Certainly not say they would repeat it.
FollowupID: 304372

Follow Up By: Flash - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 07:04

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 07:04
Hey David, and Robert,
did ya see the video from a different angle?
Seems (surprise surprise) it was a media beat-up!
How unusual!!!
Steve's not going to say he was wrong because that's how he is. He tells the truth, and says what he believes, and I admire him for that. He's a great bloke and one similarity with me (there aren't many) is that he's not politically correct.
Robert, he's got lots of courage and by sticking to his line he's proving that. It is so refreshing to see somebody who has the courage of his convictions. He knows more about crocs than 99.999999% of Australians and I guarantee you his son is in more danger of being hit by a meteorite than he was from that croc in his dad's arms.
The guy is no fool!
Good on ya Steve, tell them to stick it!
FollowupID: 304463

Follow Up By: Robert - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 08:46

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 08:46
“He tells the truth, and says what he believes, and I admire him for that.”

Yeah right.

The guy was exposed years ago as a fraud with an incident that occurred in one of his early TV specials. From memory it was the current affairs program 60 Minutes, that showed how a scene involving a snake dropping in their dinghy at night where his wife ended up in the water was all staged. It also had interviews with leading reptile experts who also thought Steve Irwin was quite questionable when it came to him telling the truth about handling crocodiles.

The man is so over the top he belongs in Hollywood.

Whatever the camera angle, the crocodile was close enough to take the meal from his hand wasn’t it!

“He knows more about crocs than 99.999999% of Australians”

This comment is actually quite reasonably correct, as it is sadly shown here by some of the replies that some people have no idea about crocodiles. No wonder we have people getting themselves killed.
FollowupID: 304472

Follow Up By: Flash - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 17:53

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 17:53
You are totally off the mark.
No offence, but I mean "personally" when I say he tells the truth.
If you believe absolutely everything you see on ANY television show then I have bad news for you- much of any show including nature documentaries is somewhat "staged" or "set up". That's how they're able to make them, for goodness sake. They have to try to keep the viewers interest and attention!
You don't judge a man's honesty by his bloomin' TV shows.

However, I DO know him personally, and have the utmost respect for his honesty and character.
Do you REALLY believe everything you see on telly? Do you REALLY believe everything you see on 60 minutes? (That is even more bizarre!)I'm afraid to be the bearer of bad news.....
Perhaps you need to spend more time in the bush and less in front of telly!
FollowupID: 304547

Follow Up By: Robert - Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 08:47

Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 08:47
“You don't judge a man's honesty by his bloomin' TV shows.”

No – but I do question his honesty when leading reptile experts think he is suspect when it comes to the truth!

FollowupID: 304637

Reply By: landie - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 10:03

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 10:03
I feel that Steve was on a hiding for nothing when he took his young son into the enclosure. However, at least Steve, as a professional crocodile handler, has an intimate understanding of crocodiles.

Each year, in increasing numbers, people are travelling to Northern Australia, with young children (and that is a wonderful thing!) to experience Australia at it best. I wonder though just how many parents truly understood the dangers their children were exposed to as the kids played near the waters edge, or helped Dad retrieve the tinnie from the creek.

At least Steve has the knowledge to make a value judgement of the risks associated in taking Bob into the croc pen. This knowledge would no doubt surpass the knowledge that the majority of the general population has.

Steve does not believe he has wronged or exposed his son to any undue danger and I congratulate him for not succumbing to the condemnation of the kangaroo court or the armchair critics that surfaced over the past few days.

I for one believe Australia would be a far better place if we had more role models like Steve Irwin.

AnswerID: 41920

Reply By: Justin - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 11:48

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 11:48
OK. He feeds hand feeds a four metre croc with baby Bob firmly in his grasp. There seems to be a perception that because he has worked with crocs for years he is in complete control becouse he knows the anilmals and We don't understand because he lives around crocs and all that. How many people would hand feed their pet rottweiller with a one month old baby in their arms? You cannot 100% know what an animal will do. And sure the chance of the croc lunging at bob might be slim but it's still a chance that didn't need to be taken.
And to top it all off he realises he made a mistake - he got caught on film doing it!
AnswerID: 41927

Follow Up By: Member - Alan- Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 12:24

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 12:24
At least he now knows that the whole world isn't in love with Steve Irwin, must have been a big blow to his over inflated ego!
Good on him for his conservation work and if I had his money I like to think I'd do what I could as well.
As for my feeble effort, I try not to run over straying wildlife, or rubbish the country we all enjoy so much
We can rest assured he'll think twice before another silly publicity stunt like that, and he'll be better liked for it.
FollowupID: 304377

Reply By: Dion - Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 22:41

Tuesday, Jan 06, 2004 at 22:41



Yeap, I couldn't think of better words to describe the gutless money hungry sleazebag that went running to the media with camcorder in hand hoping for a quick buck.
I could quite convincingly say that everyday I am at work my life and about fifty others are more at risk than a tin lid in a croc enclosure.

Keep up the good work Steve!


AnswerID: 41999

Reply By: Flash - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 06:49

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 06:49
I know the guy personally and he's a bloody decent human being.
A "fool"- sorry, but he's smarter than most of us put together.
"Different"- yes very.
"Like me"- not even a tiny bit.
His kids will NOT grow up in front of television and I admire him for that. They WILL grow up "hands on" with wildlife just as he did.
His son was in less danger than mine when they walk down a set of stairs or cross the road.
And I get sick to death of all the armchair experts giving opinions about what the croc might do, how close it was etc. Did you see the video from a different angle- guess what, the telefoto lens gave a false picture as they nearly always do.

Unfortunately, I can't call him a "best" mate, but I do know him very well and he's a bloody good bloke, a very successful bloke, and a very charitable bloke. So why are we all so quick to try to destroy him? I think it has a lot to do with jealousy.

He's doing something he loves, and he's doing it well, AND making money doing it.
Good on ya Steve- keep it up -I hate political correctness.
Oh, and BTW Truckster- you are absolutely full of it- full to overflowing. Why for once can't you limit your comments to a subject on which you have some knowledge?
AnswerID: 42013

Reply By: captnsnooze - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 09:26

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 09:26
It seems to me that both sides of this argument are contributing extensively to the publixcity machine that is known as Steve Irwin..I personally have never had any time for the man I think he is about as representative of Australia nand the people in Australia, particularly the true bush people as Vegemite is represenativie of a Bulkl FDly having an orgasm....
The man is a show pony who has found something he can do to make money from good on him for for entertainment value well CRIKEY that would be somewhere about zero..

as for the taking of his child into a dangerous situation, why dont we just let his conscience be the judge of that........His ratings must be getting down if he has to take to such stunts...But I guess the upside si that the kid now knows he can take his kid into a similar situation quite safely ( I cant think of anything else the kid could have learned fromt he exercise...

Personally it makes no difference to my already low opinion of the man...
AnswerID: 42023

Reply By: Member - Melissa - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 17:13

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2004 at 17:13
Well this debate has certainly ruffled a few feathers. My two cents worth...I was alarmed when I saw the footage. I couldn't help it...a month old baby being dangled in front of a 4 metre croc! Then I had to remind myself that hey, this guy is supposed to know what he's doing. As already said by someone else...I'm sure Steve loves his kids as much as the rest of us love ours and would never wish to see anything harm them. And I believe that in Steve's mind, taking Bob into the enclosure was not exposing him to danger. He was probably just a proud dad showing off his son.

Do I personally agree with what Steve did - no I don't. Even though the most recent footage is less alarming than the first footage and despite Steve's expertise, crocs are unpredicatable and wild animals. Despite his confidence and his response during one interview I saw with him, that no way in hell would he have tripped or stumbled...he could have (has he already forgotten falling off the stage at the Logies which resulted in the python in his hands biting a guest in the audience?). Like the rest of us, no one is infallible and he does and has made mistakes...he has been bitten by venemous snakes several times, daughter Bindi bitten by a python, his best mate and also a very experienced croc handler grabbed by a croc in Steve's presence and I'm sure there are many other incidents that we don't know of.

I fully understand Steve wanting to introduce his kids to that which he is obviously very passionate about and what is right outside their doorstep...wildlife. It is for the same reason we take our son camping and out into the bush. Because we want him to share in our love for that type of thing. And I agree absolutely that because of their proximity and close association with wild animals that his children need to be educated about them (or made "croc savvy" as Steve himself put it). But nothing will ever convince me that one month old Bob got anything of value or learning out of his close encounter and therefore was unecessarily put at risk, however miniscule or managed Steve claims it was.

Steve may believe Bob can and does comprehend such things at such a young age and that the whole thing was merely Bob's first lesson. That's his perogative but the lesson that concerns me most is the one that my toddler son and no doubt many, many other children around the world who saw the footage got. Kids like my son who comprehend pictures but are too young to comprehend the debate and general condemnation saw a baby being dangled in front of a crocodile. My not yet 3 yr old pointed to the TV and said "Look, a crocodile", then "Crocodile playing with the baby". Thanks very much Steve...a wonderful lesson that was. You've just made it so much harder to teach my child how to be "croc savvy" when we travel up north and have to instill in him the vital message about staying away from the waters edge etc etc.

That is the part of this whole incident that has ruffled my feathers. I'm not a Steve Irwin fan and I don't watch his shows, mainly because I find his "effusiveness" too over the top but I am not as some have been accused of above, simply knocking down a tall poppy. I have and still do admire Steve's passion for wildlife and conservation and have respect the guy for being able to (very successfully) make this passion his livelihood. But as far as being a role model and wildife educator, this incident has caused Steve Irwin to fall more than a few notches IMHO.

:o) MelissaPetrol 4.5L GU Patrol &
Camprite TL8 offroad camper
AnswerID: 42086

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - David - Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 12:52

Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 12:52

I could not agree with you more. Your answer is exaclty in line with my thoughts. We have just had a horiffic incident in the NT with a local being taken by a croc and then we show the world that even babies can play in the pen with a croc. Like your child our child Leah was watching and indicated similiar reaction. We now need to tell her that playing with crocs is very dangerous.

Our kids rightly or wrongly have been shown/taught a VERY BAD LESSON by this incident.Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
FollowupID: 304662

Follow Up By: cookie - Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 18:08

Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 18:08
Appreciate your point Melissa/David, I don’t have kids so it’s not so important to me. But what about when your kids see superman jump off a tall building, tarzan talking to wild animals, tight rope walkers at the circus, people swallowing fire, any of the multitude of stupid/dangerous things you see in life. You would have to ban your kids from tv and stop them going out in public to stop them witnessing something dangerous that they might try. Isn’t that part of growing up and your responsibility as a parent to protect them and educate them while they are vunerable. I say that with all respect as a non-parent. Fair enough steve irwin rightly or wrongly put a bad idea in your kids head but if are going to condemn him for that where do you stop? What about the fire eater busking in the mall.
FollowupID: 304700

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - David - Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 19:04

Thursday, Jan 08, 2004 at 19:04
I am not condeming Steve for everything - just doing the wrong thing - I am just saying what he did was wrong and irresponsible. It did not need to be made into a media event/stunt.

Steve is a media star and as such has responsibilties that others do not.

As for Buskers eating fire that is fine - they choose to eat fire they do not force the fire down the throat of there 1 month old child and say they are teaching them how to breath fire!

Superman and Tarzan are not real people - It is hard enough the teach kids this and have them not jump off buildings etc. In fact I remember hearing how Superman and co costums were being banned from child care centres because kids started beating each other up and jumping off equipment in mock battles - we need to teach our kids not give them more reasons. To have a real person with a real baby in an dangerous situtation for a stunt - that is very poor and not required.

Steve can go in the pen and play with the crocs no problem and I am happy for my kids to see it. I am not so happy when a child is used for a stunt and placed in danger for no reason. The kid after all could not say NO DAD I DO NOT WANT TO GO IN. Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
FollowupID: 304705

Reply By: Stuart - Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 23:22

Saturday, Jan 10, 2004 at 23:22
good on ya Steve, keep up the good work, and to quote him "CROC'S RULE!!"
AnswerID: 42527

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