Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 21:44
Geez, Craig, if I'd known the
shop was only up the road from me, in Ozzy Park, I'd have gone for a drive, done a personal professional inspection, and given you a written opinion! - all for a modest fee, of course, as they say! [;-)
I need to go over to Balcatta again soon, to see some blokes - I could have just popped around the corner, to inspect it for ya! [:-)
I've just had a horrible thought. I wonder if the 'Cruiser has been in a prang, and the end of one of chassis rails is kinked a bit?
You can have a slight kink in chassis rails, and the body will still fit O.K., because the bodies are designed to be a sloppy fit, and most panel holes aren't a precise fit, so you can move them around.
Panel shops are supposed to do chassis alignment checks to the precise factory dimensions, as outlined in the repair manual - but not all of them go to that trouble, particularly if it's only been a modest bingle.
I'm with Tim, I'm struggling to see how ARB could have ballsed up the bar, when the components are cut out with profile cutters or lasers, and welded in jigs that hold them precisely in the correct alignment. I suppose one part of one jig could have slipped slightly out of alignment, and not been noticed - but QC is supposed to pick that up, too.
Cheers - Ron.