Caravan Parks & Email addresses

Submitted: Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 07:48
ThreadID: 96007 Views:2312 Replies:8 FollowUps:2
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Why do caravan parks bother with having an email address? In the last week I have sent enquiry emails to 5 caravan parks re: booking a site for the week and for the long weekend, 10 nights in total.
Only one replied.
They obviously don't need our business.
Just a thought.
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Reply By: Hairs & Fysh - Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 08:17

Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 08:17
G'day PeteM,
Could be a couple of reasons behind it.
Maybe their spam filter picks it up as spam, therefore they don't even know the inquiry has been sent. Maybe they don't understand their own Email system.
Also they might not realize what an important part of their business online bookings & inquiries has become and don't devote enough time to it.
I know this technology has abeen around for awhile now, but some people still struggle with it.
Yeah, it would be frustrating not getting replies.
I don't believe they are doing it on purpose

AnswerID: 487565

Reply By: Member - KYLE S - Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 08:35

Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 08:35
Its not only Caravan Parks.
It has been my experience that a "lot" of businesses do not respond to E-mails.
Those that trade on-line do. Other types of businesses don't often. I think they just don't dedicate "someone" to check for incoming.

AnswerID: 487566

Reply By: GT Campers - Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 10:06

Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 10:06
The good ol' dog-an-bone is still a great way to make enquiries
AnswerID: 487578

Reply By: olcoolone - Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 10:50

Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 10:50
Peter as a business owner I find emails for the first contact very annoying, in person or phone contact is a better way of building a relationship with a customer or in your case with a business.

What may take 4 or 5 emails back and fourth taking 15 minutes of both parties time can be handled within minutes over the phone and with better results.

As an example we get on average 30 to 40 emails a day with about half being junk, we run a very good spam filtering system on our server that filters out these emails but the down side is it will also filter out some Gmail and Hotmail email accounts.

There might be many reasons why they haven't replied... maybe their email service is down, the person looking after the office may of not checked them, new staff or there email address that you got out of a 3yr old book may be one of many that float around cyberspace and is out of date.

Texting from a mobile phone is another one ..."G'day how much to fix my 2001 Commodore.... end of text"...... pet hate.

I think we are fast becoming a society where personnel and verbal contact is starting to be forgotten.... maybe people don't want confrontation or in have better ideas offered to them, maybe they have lost the 40000 year old art of communications...... "this is what I want and when..... NOTHING ELSE"..... maybe it comes down to "I know best".

AnswerID: 487582

Follow Up By: Fiona & Paul - Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 11:45

Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 11:45
Peter M

I have been conducting business over the internet since the mid 80's when it was in BBS mode and there is the occasional hiccup, however my success rate has been well into the 90% mark almost across the board. I reckon spam filters cause lots of rejects.

I agree with you re the original contact when getting to know who or what you are dealing with, when my evening email gets a hit I also call the phone the sender of the best offer initially and that usually kicks off a business relationship.

These 'spam' filters they put up do work to some degree, but, they also deny access to those emails where someone has forgot (or don't know) about the subject line and it's makeup.

Generally I need stuff at weekends or during the night and emails to numerous business houses will have a response pretty early on the next business day, including caravan parks, but generally my success has been really good.

Although I can, I don't turn the Ad's off on this or any other website and if I'm interested I go and check it out.

Paul H
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FollowupID: 762867

Follow Up By: olcoolone - Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 20:52

Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 20:52
We use email a lot with our customers and a far few of them schedule service calls using email, our email success rate is very high, most of the emails that get rejected are from China plus we filter Gmail and Hotmail ones.....

The filters we use are on our own server and will read up to the first 1000 words of an email, we can specify single words, groups of words, phrases and how words are used (broken english) ..... it filters out about 99% of junk emails but like all, we loose less then 1% of first time email addresses unless from a known internet provider, Aussie registered companies and businesses or where the commercial suffixes is Australian based like,, .

An example is if we get an email containing the works "win, receive, $, bank" the email will get booted before we see it.

We usually pre read all emails that come through unless the have been flagged from previous times by us.
FollowupID: 762910

Reply By: Member - Kevin S (QLD) - Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 15:38

Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 15:38
Like most things it's horses for courses. I make most initial enquiries by email unless the date is less than a week away, then I phone. Mostly I get a reply. If I don't and I want to stop at that park I phone. I find that when I phone most parks look at their email and find mine, unanswered.

The main reason is that they are busy and didn't get around to their emails. It mostly happens with parks in small or outback centres. in my experience. Things will change. Education can be a low process. Sometimes it doesn't kick in until the next generation.

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AnswerID: 487597

Reply By: Motherhen - Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 16:56

Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 16:56
Hi Pete

Perhaps your heading could have been slightly better worded; you are talking about four parks only. I have communicated with a number of caravan parks by email successfully, so your experience is not all encompassing. As said, their Spam filter may have picked it up as it was sent to a group, or they may have computer problems. For small businesses not as tech savvy as most of us here, some can be off line for weeks. If i wanted to stay there, as much as i hate using phones, i would ring after the second non reply.

I also ask for a read receipt on my emails, although not all email programmes or systems allow this at the recipients end, and even if it does, they still have the choice of saying no. It does help as on most occasions you get a read receipt back when they have seen your email.

Does the one that replied get your custom for the weekend?


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AnswerID: 487603

Reply By: Witi Repartee - Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 21:22

Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 21:22
I am not good on the dog and bone. I detest the things.
However, I am computer literate. I use emails, where I can consider what I have said, can check the dates and requirements...and then send it. If i don't get a reply...well it's not my loss...I simply remove them from the equation. You have to remember its 2012 not 1990. If the recipients are managers..why don't they have sufficient skills.
AnswerID: 487644

Reply By: Member - Joe n Mel n kids (FNQ - Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 23:43

Monday, Jun 04, 2012 at 23:43
interesting post .... i will say that YES, most parks probally dont need the business these days .....
But i will also comment that we as a remote business rely on e-mails as a VERY essential contact method, to be honest i think the days of phone and "voice" contact are dying very quickly, if i do almost anything these days i request it to be replied to via e-mail in the first instance and this has a few good strong points for it ....
1) that we then have it "in writing", a very useful tool in almost all events...
2) time zones and barriers dont affect e-mails, i have a "shadow" copy of all e-mails sent to my home address and if i get an e-mail after i get home (to work) i can read it, assess it and even reply or work on it before i get back to work the next day ...
3) it sorts out any position requirements that need computer skills, if they are reluctent to use e-mails or sloppy in the way they use it, saves me a heap of time..
4) time is money, some people dribble absolute cud on the phone yet when put into an e-mail it is short and to the point ...
5) For quotes for example for catering we do NOT bother even thinking about doing it until the request is in writing via e-mail, you would be suprised how many ring and ask for all sorts of things, when told to place all that in an e-mail it come in half of what they "asked" for via the phone ...
In short ..... i will reply an e-mail, if you ring and i am very busy it is very likly you will never get an answer ....
Sign of the times, we used to all sit around a big campfire and talk about this very subject, now we all "write" on this forum ...... little do we know we are just sending in an "e-mail"... like it or not !!!!!
AnswerID: 487656

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