Cape York with a young Family.

Submitted: Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:13
ThreadID: 96592 Views:2393 Replies:6 FollowUps:2
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We leave on our first trip to the tip in 4 weeks time !! Food and clothing is my biggest problem...What to take, what to leave behind, and what should be the first thing to go in the car.. ??? We have a 5y/o boy and 16 month old little girl. Any tips you be great, TIA :)
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Reply By: Rangiephil - Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:53

Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:53
I wouldn't worry too much about food.
There is a Woolies in Weipa which is resupplied every Tuesday by truck.
There is IMHO a good little supermarket in Seisia which is resupplied weekly by the barge from Cairns.
There are two pretty small shops in Coen which nevertheless carry the basics.

Place to stock up is Mareeba which has a big Woolies ? ( or maybe Coles)

There is a great little french bakery in of all places Bamaga , and the cream buns are to die for. Good one in Weipa also , and I was amazed that all the locals buy prepared sammos there for lunch.

The only real problem up there is that there is only one Chemist on the Cape and it is not really on the cape as it is on Thursday Island, so make sure your scripts are up to date. Anything more serious can be taken to the meduical centres, particularly Weipa.
re clothes It never really gets cold up there , but may be cool. It never exceeded 25C when we were there last year.
AnswerID: 489742

Follow Up By: Member - Budsy - Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:58

Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:58
Thanks do much for that info ! That makes it a bit easier if there is decent size supermarkets to shop at. I will make sure all the kids panadols etc are stocked up.. And not having to pack heavy warm clothes is a bonus :)
FollowupID: 764862

Reply By: becboo68 - Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 14:06

Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 14:06

It is lovely and warm up here so you don't need warm clothes. I live in Weipa.
There is a chemist in Weipa and a Woollies which is stocked weekly but with most things but not everything that you get in the cities. the shop at Seisia and Bamaga are good little stores for most things.
I would bring a good personal insect repellant spray as the midgies, march flies, etc. are out in force.
Most kids live in board shorts up here, so just basic clothing, but a good wide brim hat for them. Don't worry too much about toys as they will be to busy!

Most of all....... Have Fun and make some memories!!


AnswerID: 489756

Follow Up By: Bigfish - Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 15:27

Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 15:27
A good point about the midgees.
Many southeners come up here and in no time are covered in sores from midgees.
Have known several people end up in hospital because of the little buggers. Make sure the kids have bushmans spray on em of an evening or early morning. If camping ensure you tent is MIDGEE proof, not just mozzie proof.
Seen kids withscars on their legs from infected midgee bites, Do yourself a favour and google the subject.
Not being alarmist but many people, particularly southeners, do have a hard time with them.
FollowupID: 764887

Reply By: Member - Judy and Laurie - Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 19:26

Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 19:26
Hi , don't forget to take at least minimal spares for the 4wd and recovery gear and water . Do a bit of research before you go, a lot of magazines have articles on what to take on a long trip in the way of spares, etc . Take care and have fun oh! don't forget the camera . regards Judy and Laurie
AnswerID: 489787

Reply By: Member - Budsy - Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 20:25

Saturday, Jun 30, 2012 at 20:25
Thanks again for all the replies. We've made sure the first aid kit is well stocked. We live in central Queensland so mozzie spray is a must too !! Our car is really well prepared and going with 3 other cars- 2 of which have been before. Great to hear all the tips to help make it a great and memorable trip !! My biggest concern was making sure we had enough supplies to last as I really wasn't sure what it would be like to shop up that way.. Any recipes for a tasty quick meal are welcome too :)
AnswerID: 489799

Reply By: Member - OnYaBike - Sunday, Jul 01, 2012 at 00:53

Sunday, Jul 01, 2012 at 00:53
Although prices are naturally higher than Cairns at the Seisia supermarket, there is a fair range of Black and Gold brand products. Two things very expensive at the top that kids can go through in large amounts and I would stock up on if you have room: Milo and their favourite breakfast cereal.
The road was quite good last week although very busy on the return trip with vehicles heading North. It may settle after the school holidays but it is the peak season. The occasional mild corrugations will probably worsen as the season progresses.
AnswerID: 489816

Reply By: getmethehelloutahere - Sunday, Jul 01, 2012 at 09:48

Sunday, Jul 01, 2012 at 09:48
floaties or similar for the 5 yr old so he enjoy the swimming holes more, a floatation vest for your little girl, all with supervision of course. twin falls was perfect for our kids (4 &7) kids.
AnswerID: 489835

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