Wednesday, Jul 04, 2012 at 04:32
I run BFG AT's, as I said in my post.
Please do not read too much into my post. It is not meant to be complicated
I have just found that over the years that 12 psi front and 15psi rear works
well. Sidewall bulge is secondary, as footprint is the length of the tyre on the grouond. I have written about this in previous posts.
Never had any trouble attacking anything the Canning threw up at me.
Mind you for the first 20 minutes or so she handled like a boat, as those pressures were hot.
I believe that you can go as low as necessary to do the job as easy on your vehicle as possible. Remembering that we were 4.7 tonne out there, and ate the dunes, easily. Mind you still had to think about what I was doing.
Tyres are the lowest cost of anything to do with a 4x4, and the pressures in them determine how fast, safe, the surface you are on, and how easy you are being on your vehicle,
ie.... if you break something it can cost a lot more than a tyre, so I put my faith in top quality tyres and sidewalls, and a bit of commom sence.