Sunday, Jul 08, 2012 at 19:54
Don't worry Steve, it doesn't put me off. I am relatively new to this site and the forums. I am slowly, very slowly starting to learn how things work. I think some of my problem is my language. Maybe its an English thing? Our words and the way we put things may get lost in translation in the written word, so as to speak. It is not the first time I've asked what I thought was a straight forward question and people have misinterrpretted it. We all speak English but can use it in different ways.
I think in this case I should have phrased the question differently. I was just wanting frank, uncomplicated answers. As I've posted later in the thread, it was a kind of info gathering session. I wasn't asking people for approval etc. I KNOW I WOULDN'T be putting a 3 tonne van on a 2000kg ball.
If I went into too much detail at the start I wouldn't get the answers I was hoping for. I am a novice when it comes to towing and caravaning. I am not a stupid person and have a degree of intelligence. At this point in the story, I wasn't prepared to go forward based on just what ` I believed' to be correct. I was therefore canvassing opinion to back up my own chain of thought.
Now it unfortunately seems that people have me down as some kind of numb nut, with zero brain cells. Oh
well them's the breaks. Again, my fault possibly for the way I have approached the situation. I just didn't want to asking leading questions by fluffing it out and therefore possibly not getting untainted or prejudice answers. Does that make any sense???