Dingo news article to keep in mind

Submitted: Tuesday, Jul 17, 2012 at 18:31
ThreadID: 96934 Views:2680 Replies:6 FollowUps:9
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Came across this while looking for something else. As you do!

Dingo drags 13-year-old in sleeping bag

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Reply By: PJR (NSW) - Tuesday, Jul 17, 2012 at 18:32

Tuesday, Jul 17, 2012 at 18:32
I meant to add this

Not trying to alarm/scare people or put people off camping. Just something to remember that they are not pets.
AnswerID: 491159

Reply By: rumpig - Tuesday, Jul 17, 2012 at 18:55

Tuesday, Jul 17, 2012 at 18:55
we stayed at that park last year when we visited Kakadu, we were warned when we checked into the park not to leave towels or shoes etc outside at night, as the wild dogs that came into the park on sunset would steal them if left out.
i wonder if the dog even realized there was someone inside it when it went to drag it along? whilst we didn't let our kids out of our sight there due to the dogs, the minute i tried to get anywhere near the dogs to take a pic of them, they disappeared quick smart, and they never got aggresive with me. not saying they weren't potentially dangerous, just saying they preferred to run when a person came near them last year whilst we were there.
AnswerID: 491160

Follow Up By: Member - Joe n Mel n kids (FNQ - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:28

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:28
VERY good point to make clear to people .... they DO steal clothing, i have no idea why, the first report was she was dragged from inside a caravan, next was from inside a tent, next was outside the tent, if she was even truly in it in the first place, the dog probally shat it'self when it realised a kid was in it ...............'
I do really think it was the dog simply trying to steal the sleeping bag and nothing more and it has been taken way out of context, despite all the recent headlines DINGOS do not attack humans unless provocked, yes Frazer Island always comes up, shoot at, snare, throw rocks at and abuse them and one is going to defend it'self sooner or later, far more domestic so called "tame" dogs attack and kill kids every year than Dingos ever do...
We lived, yes lived at Cooinda for 18m and got to know the dogs around there, they are not true dingos and they would come into the workshop at night and steal the rags from the rag box .....
FollowupID: 766633

Reply By: steve21 - Tuesday, Jul 17, 2012 at 19:30

Tuesday, Jul 17, 2012 at 19:30
we camped last weekend at Myall Lakes NP NSW had a Dingo came into our site on sun down again after the kids went to bed, he walked right past me almost rubbed against my legs, kept a close eye on the kids ,, you never know! - cheers Steve
AnswerID: 491164

Follow Up By: Member - John and Val - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 09:56

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 09:56
About 30 years ago we were camped with our early teenaged boys at Myall Lakes for a few days. It was a real thrill one morning when a female dingo led her litter of young pups past our camp. No threat to us, just that we were in her "patch" and she wasn't afraid of us.

If people would just stop feeding them or leaving food scraps where dingoes could get them, all would be well.


J and V
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FollowupID: 766630

Reply By: SDG - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 00:28

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 00:28
Fraser Island use to have some interesting Dingoes. Woke up one morning to see a dingo's head looking at me through the tent door.
First night there we found that they knew how to open eskies.
At least these are supposedly pure breed. Wonder how many things are getting blamed on dingo's, when it is in reality a wild dog. Even though they are basically the same thing.
AnswerID: 491178

Reply By: Andrew & Jen - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 09:23

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 09:23
Oh dear, never let the facts get in the way of a good headline!

I watched the interview with the mother and girl last night.

They were interviewed outside the caravan.
They had been warned previously not to leave any towels, footware, clothing outside at night because the dingos come around and take them.
The girl wanted to sleep outside the van in her sleeping bag and her mother agreed to this.
The girl was not in a swag, nor did she have any other external covering over the bag.
In the night, she felt something tugging at the bag and woke to find a dingo pulling at the foot of the bag
She sat up and yelled at the dingo and it immediately ran away.
The bag had a rip in the covering near the foot of the bag.
The girl was not at any stage attacked by the dingo.

So much for the facts as reported by the mother and girl.


"Dingo drags 13 year old in sleeping bag" Not so.
"Dingo rips sleeping bag off teen camper" Not so.
"Dingo drags girl from van" Not so.

So much for accurate reporting

AnswerID: 491183

Follow Up By: PJR (NSW) - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 09:44

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 09:44
We all do it Andrew.

How many times at the pub have you heard a mate tell you of a car accident or booking and you "feel" that there is something missing.

You did it youself and I am not critising you. Okay! There isn't any mention in my reference of a swag. It is so easy to embellish or mix reports up. Even the choice of words can dramatise something. Like a car running into the rear of another. By using the word "idiot" in reference to either driver it is laying blame at that driver when in fact the driver may well be innocent.

Here is another; The reporter in my reference said the "dingo bit the bag " the bag.Well how else could he have taken hold. The "quiter" and more factual way would be to say that he took hold with his mouth and pulled. Not "dragged". Aahh The written word. No wonder Shakespear went mad.

But I must admit that what you said at the start is very true. "never let the facts get in the way of a good headline"
FollowupID: 766627

Follow Up By: Andrew & Jen - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:09

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:09
Ref the swag. I was not referring only to your news link - there are others.
For example, one had the girl sleeping in a tent.
I guees I am old fashioned enough to expect better reporting standards than stories in a pub
FollowupID: 766631

Follow Up By: PJR (NSW) - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:20

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:20
Me too Andrew.

I thought that may be the case but when I first read it if I hadn't gone back to my original reference then I may have thought it was there. A good example. More that I expected.

Just like the pollie who said something like "unpopular leaders lose the leadership" They do and have done so throughout history. But according to some journos he said she will be kicked out. Its a real laugh. You read it and then believe 10% of it.Well it did happen in Kakadu at least.

A little truth goes a long way.
FollowupID: 766632

Reply By: The Bantam - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 12:24

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 12:24
People have this romantic vision of "sleeping under the stars".....sorry I don't get it, never have.

In many other countries people simply would not entertain it.

In Australia we have lulled into a false sence of security because we have so very few large agressive predators.

Make no mistake dingoes and other wild dogs can be very dangerous under certain circumstances....they are very inteligent wild animals and have absolutly no notion of morals or right and wrong....and they are sneaky...realy sneaky

If a dingo is hungy enough and or it sees a situation that it can get the better of, it will atack humans...perhaps not a full grown healthy adult walking upright...but certainly a child or an injured and helpless adult on the ground.

In some pleces thay have grown very bold and have no fear of humans whatsoever.

Sure the story was a bit over stated but to say that dingoes are no threat is just foolishness.

Then there are all sorts of other animal threats that people do not take serioulsy.
Pigs, crocks, wild domestic dogs, snakes and all sorts of things the creep and crawl.

Even getting bitten by a misquito in many parts of Australia can bring a world of suffering.......If you've copped a dose of Denguie, Barmah Forest or any of the related arboviruses you'll know whet I am talking about..

I'd sleep on the ground in the open if I had to, but I'd rather be off the ground and or inside a tent......better still in the back of my truck where I am almost as comfortable as I am at home in my own bed.

One of the funniest things I ever heard of, years ago, a group of us where sleeping on some friends property....like about 20 of us......me, I was sleeping IN A TENT...quite a few otheres where sleeping arround the fire......
Stevo woke from pre-dawn, dew covered sleep in pain, as he came too he traced this pain to his arm, progressing into being fully awake, it became obvious that this pain was comming from his hand.......and his hand would not move.......as his bleary eyes cleared, the reason became obvious.......there was a horse standing on it.

Now this horse knew exactly what it was doing......IF it had put all its weight on that hoof, Stevo's hand would have been a mess of broken bones.

Horses are curious creatures and do have a sence of humour.......I thaught it was very funny.

Sleep under the stars.......only if I have to.

AnswerID: 491193

Follow Up By: Bazooka - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 17:21

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 17:21
Sleeping under the stars is great Bantam, although it can have some drawbacks as you say. Some (many) years back I went on a 2 day bushwalk with a mate and his German Shepherd 'Sam' in the mountains. We slept in sleeping bags on top of those thin closed-cell foam mats which were all the go at the time. This particular night we camped in a nice clearing with a bit of grass. The ground was soft and there had been pig rooting in some areas - which we noticed but weren't concerned about. After all, we had Sam to look after us. Middle of the night I woke up with a start when a cold nose rubbed against my face. Must have been dreaming about wild pigs I got such a fright, but of course it was just Sam checking I was okay (a habit of his apparently).
FollowupID: 766665

Follow Up By: The Bantam - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 18:39

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 18:39
bcak when I was in scouts, sleeping in Jamboree tents, one of the other patrolls had not been as keen as they should have been lacing up the tent flaps.

These boys woke up to find a cow with its whole head in the tent......probably been there a while....we reconed its nose was cold and in the tent was warm.

FollowupID: 766673

Follow Up By: Member - Scott M (NSW) - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 21:35

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 21:35
Best laid plans of mice & men....

Back in the A-Res days hunkered down in a Platoon night perimeter way back of Singleton somewhere - dozen or so hoochies low to the ground - perimeter posts all set for possible contact drills - got it all sorted right?

Nope - nothing you can do about a mob of spooked Roos coming through at about 2 in the morning tripping and somersaulting over tie-ropes & hoochies - still amazes me to this day no-one got seriously hurt .... some of the tents looked like they'd been run through an industrial shredder.

Cured me of any desire to camp in the open.

FollowupID: 766684

Follow Up By: Member - eighty matey - Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 23:36

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2012 at 23:36
Most of my sleeping in the open memories involved a large amount of alcohol being consumed leading up to them.

The most confusing was waking up in the middle of a herd of Fresians just after dawn, with a sleeping bag wrapped around my head. A bottle of tequila preceded this.
The worst part was trying to find where the house was.....

If a dingo had seen me he would have kept going.

FollowupID: 766689

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