Thursday, Aug 02, 2012 at 11:40
Hi Stephen and David,
Wow you crammed a lot into your
Cairns visit, and its good to see a comprehensive write up. I share your frustrations somewhat having had the system drop out recently while up loading photos. I have learned to get around this using the following steps:
- writing and editing the blog in word, then its a simple copy and paste to get the text in;
- breaking the text into smaller
blogs, aiming for a max of about a couple of pages of text before photos are added. That's about as much as most folk will read in one sitting. Most magazine articles these days are probably about the 1000-1500 word mark?
- uploading the text with something at the top like "more Photos to come", then uploading a few photos at a time, as time permits. This way if something happens to the site I haven't lost much time. Captions I think can be added and edited later, as can supplementary text under the captions.
- maybe I have too much time on my hands but I like to edit out the black bits around the photos - quick to do but makes it look better.
David, maybe a few pointers somewhere about how to write a blog. One of the things that puts me off reading some
blogs is the lack of paragraphs. It really is hard to read a big block of unbroken text, especially if its not broken up with photos.
Stephen, Im delighted to see that you could visit the old
Chillagoe smelter site. When we were there last year we heard radio reports that the site was to be closed to visitors, and our visit actually coincided with a site visit by a lot of
heritage and parks people considering the future of the site. Glad the site is still open and hope it stays that way.
| J and V
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
- Albert Einstein
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