Wednesday, Sep 26, 2012 at 00:56
Hi Patrol22
You are obviously not aware, what is main difference in safety of diesel fuel, compare to petrol. But don’t worry, you not only one.
Even in medium temperatures petrol fuel evaporates fast as it is very volatile fuel. With bushfire of cause comes extremely high temperature. Petrol evaporates even faster, and actually evaporates in fuel lines
well before reaching an engine. With no fuel in engine, there is no way to drive off.
When it comes to diesel, it is very simple. You must normally per-heat diesel to even start the engine in first place; otherwise you wouldn’t be able to start your engine at all. So in same very high temperature, diesel vehicle just drive off….
This fact is not widely known in Australia.
Diesel vehicles should be vigorously advertised as most suitable vehicles, particularly in fire prone areas and in remote outback. This can even safe lives.
We use to have Landy and we loved him, but it was getting bit old for solo driving (bought it new-1998 Tdi Disco) Than in 2009 we bought Troopy, and guess what…we still comparing them……funny ej..
I have to say, that it is better to “go with flow” buy a Toyota… Doesn’t matter what we do, these days Troopy is “the king” of the outback.
Cheers Dana