Omeo to Dargo and Licola to Jamieson

Submitted: Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 00:07
ThreadID: 99777 Views:5323 Replies:5 FollowUps:4
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We want to tow our van from Omeo to Dargo via cassilis road and birregun .road. Also from Licola to Jamieson over the next month. Has anyone taken their van over these roads? We have a Phoenix single axle van and LC100 TD .

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Reply By: Member - Tony (ACT) - Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 06:26

Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 06:26
Have not taken a van Dave, but towed our dual axle camper Omeo - Dargo without any problems. Just be cautious for oncoming drivers going to fast on that road, it gets a bit narrow in parts, with a couple of steep jump ups.

The road to Jamieson is ok as well. A few steep climbs with blind corners. Enjoy the drive, a nice C/Van park in Jamieson.
AnswerID: 501592

Reply By: KSV - Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 08:45

Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 08:45
If my memory serving me correctly immediately after Licola on Licola-Jamieson road there is sign "Not Suitable For Caravans". Though I drove this road few times (fantastic scenery!) and I did not feel that it would be problem for off-road trailer.
AnswerID: 501605

Reply By: Andrew & Jen - Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 10:14

Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 10:14
Hullo Dave
Most of the Birregun Road is OK
However, the section from the Dargo River up Jones Road and then along the ridge to approx Murdering Spur Tk is narrow and winding, with poor sight distance. In particular, if travelling to Omeo from Dargo, you will be on the steep drop off side of Jones Rd as you climb out of the Dargo R valley and there are limited passing opportunities.
IMHO, this road should be marked "Not suitable for caravans" [not that that makes a jot of difference to some people - they just take the attitude that it doesn't apply to them!]
Also be aware that Birregun Rd is a major logging road so there is the potential to meet log trucks - and they generally take no prisoners :-)
As to the Licola - Jamieson road, I don't recall any major issues.
AnswerID: 501615

Reply By: Member - Warrie (NSW) - Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 10:23

Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 10:23
Dave, this time last year we went Jamieson to Licola with our 16' pop top. No traffic nor problems.You'll be lucky to see three or four cars. Enjoy the wildflowers on Mount Skene. It's a really winding and curving road from Glenmaggie to Licola on the tar. I used to expect bends on dirt mountain roads and be psyched up for straighter travel on the tar, but in Vic it's curvy everywhere!!
Have also towed Omeo to Dargo. The fog rolled in so no views off Mt Birregun as per Hema map. Lots of curves along the Dargo River. Enjoy... W

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AnswerID: 501617

Reply By: Member - john y - Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 10:52

Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 10:52
G'Day Just be aware that the Mountain Cattlemens Get-together will be held at Licola on the weekend of 11th -14th of January. You can expect a lot of horse trucks,4wds etc travelling to licola via Jamieson on Friday/Saturday.Avoid this route if travelling that weekend.Otherwise the road is passable but does include some steep climbs and a number of switchbacks.
As a matter of interest details on the Mountain Cattlemens get together can be found on Always a great weekend. Regardsjohn y
AnswerID: 501623

Follow Up By: Member - Tony V (NSW) - Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 20:16

Friday, Jan 04, 2013 at 20:16

Its been a few years since I was in Licola (4 or 5) but I was always under the impression that the road from Licola to Jamieson and visa versa, was not suitable for caravans..?

From Google maps street view.

May be different now...
FollowupID: 777865

Follow Up By: Member - MUZBRY(Vic) - Saturday, Jan 05, 2013 at 08:47

Saturday, Jan 05, 2013 at 08:47
Gday Tony V
Nothing changes very quickly in Victoria. Our government is reactive.

Great place to be Mt Blue Rag 27/12/2012

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FollowupID: 777894

Follow Up By: Member - Warrie (NSW) - Saturday, Jan 05, 2013 at 11:30

Saturday, Jan 05, 2013 at 11:30
Ah Muzbry, I see you are ensuring a life long enough to see the 2194 eclipse by imbibing the Chivas!! Now, pssst, we towed our van on the supposedly unsuitable road and by the sounds of things there's going to be horse floats galore. Makes you wonder when roads get reassessed. The sign looks pretty ancient. Maybe put a length limit for bigger vans. And wouldn't huge logging trucks be using said road... W

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FollowupID: 777911

Follow Up By: Member - Tony V (NSW) - Saturday, Jan 05, 2013 at 15:28

Saturday, Jan 05, 2013 at 15:28
I have never towed anything on this road, but had travelled it many times in my 30 odd years in Victoria. Friends at A1 Mine.

I had got caught up assisting people towing vans there in the past.

Has the road improved that much since 2007? I know the fires ravaged the area and improvements were scheduled.

That said, I personally wouldn't tow through there, not because or anything untoward, except, should something go wrong, will your insurance cover you, when there is a sign stating unsuitable for caravans?

Drop a $30+k van off the side of the road and..... possible the 4WD.
Will a tow truck go through to pick you up?

But that's my choice...

FollowupID: 777954

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