Head Of Bight - SA

  Tourist Attraction


DEG: -31.4734 131.113007
DMS: 31º 28' 24.24" S 131º 06' 46.82" E
UTM: 52 J 6515998mN 700738mE
Altitude: 44.6m


Address & Contact

Unnamed Road
Yalata SA
Phone: (08) 8625-6201
Email: whalewatching@headofbight.com.au
Web: https://headofbight.com.au


Southern Right Whales visit the Head of Bight each year to give birth, mate and socialise. They arrive in May and depart around October. They spend the rest of the time travelling to or feeding well offshore in the Southern Ocean. In June and July most of the whales you will see are adults. You may be lucky enough to observe these 70 tonne mammals mating (look for groups rolling around on the surface). By late August you can commonly see the mothers swimming along the cliffs with their young calves at their side. At this time there are often 70 or more whales in the area visible from the platform. By the time the whales leave in October the calves have grown and have become strong enough to join their mothers on the long migration south.

The Whale Watching season is Mid May to late October.

Whales with calves tend to stay 'in residence' at the site all season
You are guaranteed to see a whale from June to September
At the height of the season (July/August), over 100 whales can be in the area at one time.

Fess apply for entry. Facilities include toilets, information signage, boardwalks, viewing platform, parking for coaches, and caravans, shaded picnic area (no camping), hot & cold drinks, merchandise.

Opening Times
Whale Season: 1 June to 30 October
8am to 5pm on Monday to Sunday (inclusive) and includes Public Holidays - Gates close at 4:30pm

Off Season: 1 November to 31 May
8.30am to 4pm on Monday to Sunday (inclusive) and includes Public Holidays (except Christmas Day and Proclamation Day) - Gates close at 3:30pm

Pets are not permitted into the Tourist Centre or the boardwalk.
Dogs must remain in vehicles or tied up. If left in vehicle please ensure that the window is left slightly open.

Water for pets is available at the Centre.
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Closest Weather Station

Nullarbor at 10/04:30am CDT
Distance from Head Of Bight 20.59km W
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Distance from Head Of Bight 20.59km W
Mean Max. °C27.927.826.524.821.418.818.219.622.424.326.026.7
Mean Min. °C15.716.
Mean Rain mm11.113.221.822.429.730.227.324.517.818.216.815.3

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