Cape Willoughby Lightstation Heritage Walk - Stop 3 - SA

  Walk Track


DEG: -35.840359 138.131393
DMS: 35º 50' 25.29" S 138º 07' 53.02" E
UTM: 54 H 6029958mN 240905mE
Altitude: 31m


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Cape Willoughby Lightstation Heritage Walk
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3. Navigating the Scraper
If you look out towards Cape St. Albans you can see a rough-looking line where the water breaks over the shallows of Scraper Shoal. If there’s a reasonable swell you’ll see big breakers rolling in. The American schooner the Kona was wrecked on the Scraper on a particularly low tide in January 1917. The water depth over the shoal on a low tide is about two metres.
Imagine witnessing, only a few years later in September 1923, the sails of the Garthneill, a large square-rigged barque, in the same waters. Her Captain reported: ‘We sailed through the passage between the Scraper (sic) and Cape St. Albans without a particle of danger.... The channel was about a quarter of a mile wide and we were running before the wind with top sails and top gallant sails set.’ It was at the time ‘hailed as a wonderful feat of navigation for a sailing ship master’. (Magazine source unknown.)
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Closest Weather Station

Cape Willoughby at 12/04:00pm CDT
Distance from Cape Willoughby Lightstation Heritage Walk - Stop 3 0.28km SE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Cape Willoughby
Distance from Cape Willoughby Lightstation Heritage Walk - Stop 3 0.28km SE
Mean Max. °C21.621.820.819.116.914.914.214.515.917.619.120.6
Mean Min. °C15.816.415.614.212.510.89.89.610.311.413.014.4
Mean Rain mm18.318.021.539.561.675.281.573.956.241.928.323.0

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