Pentecost River Crossing - WA

  River Crossing


DEG: -15.796808 127.88105
DMS: 15º 47' 48.51" S 127º 52' 51.78" E
UTM: 52 L 8253222mN 380155mE
Altitude: 3.49m


Address & Contact

Wyndham Karunjie Rd
Durack WA 6743
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


This is a major river crossing. At this point, the river is 60 metres wide and the water will be flowing quite quickly just after the end of the Wet. i.e. April. Care should be taken at high water levels due to the flow of the water exerting extreme pressure on the side of the vehicle. However, as the dry season proceeds, the flow is greatly reduced with the depth less than 30 cm and it is safer to ford. This is a scenic area with panoramic views to the Cockburn Ranges. Campsites are along the east and west banks of the river. Beware of salt water crocodiles which have been sighted in the area. The ford is only a few km above the tidal salt water of the estuary and salties can easily swim this far.
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Closest Weather Station

Wyndham Airport at 13/08:30pm WST
Distance from Pentecost River Crossing 42.96km NE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Wyndham Aero
Distance from Pentecost River Crossing 42.96km NE
Mean Max. °C36.435.635.436.533.830.831.733.837.639.239.938.0
Mean Min. °C26.225.825.523.418.915.
Mean Rain mm189.7216.6155.

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