Angledool - NSW

Place Satellite Image


DEG: -29.10631 147.909454
DMS: 29º 06' 22.72" S 147º 54' 34.04" E
UTM: 55 J 6779894mN 588492mE
Altitude: 153.65m


Address & Contact

Angledool NSW
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Angledool (otherwise known as Angledool Village) is an isolated tightly knit small community miles from anywhere. It is about 45km north of Lightening Ridge. Angledool is too small to be a town and is considered a "locality". At the 2006 census, Angledool had a population of 84 people.

Angledool was previously known as New Angledool when it was established in the 1870s. Prior to World War II Angledool had a bakery, several hotels, a post office, court house and a general store. The village now has an old cemetery, a church, a few houses and several buildings that are over 120 years old. The town hall made from locally made mud bricks is a classic example of early local architecture. The Town Hall is a classic example of early architecture, for it is still standing and is a building made from locally made mud bricks.

Here the temperatures range from -4C to +56C, no running water - satellite communications if you can afford it -no garbage collection, but the air is as clean as Everest and the silence is only broken by a passing kangaroo thumping the ground. Great place to confront yourself or read. A place hidden from view just off the highway.

In 2016 a town bore was sunk.
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Closest Weather Station

Lightning Ridge at 24/09:00am EDT
Distance from Angledool 36.59km S
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Lightning Ridge Visitors Information Cen
Distance from Angledool 36.59km S
Mean Max. °C36.134.532.127.822.919.318.921.626.229.031.734.2
Mean Min. °C22.521.618.614.
Mean Rain mm52.149.842.429.828.236.735.216.629.145.064.462.7

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