Winton - QLD



DEG: -22.381849 143.042404
DMS: 22º 22' 54.66" S 143º 02' 32.66" E
UTM: 54 K 7523479mN 710281mE
Altitude: 189.37m


Place Type

Population - Town


719.64kms South of Daintree - Driving 1052 km (12 hours 11 mins)

Address & Contact

77 Manuka St
Winton QLD 4735
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Winton is a large metropolis with shops, hotels, restaurants, hotels, and airfield and various attractions. The first performance public performance of Waltzing Matilda took place in Winton's North Gregory Hotel in 1895 and the town's major museum, the Matilda Centre is dedicated to the history surrounding this song and the time and life of the people of the day.

Rodeos and bush poetry competitions are popular annual events in Winton, keeping the bush traditions alive. Qantas' first board meeting also took place in Winton in 1921 so there's a museum called Qantilda Pioneer Place. A special bit of history is kept alive at the open-air Royal Theatre and visitors can enjoy a fun night of old movies, clips and memorabilia with damper and tea weekly.

115km south-west of town is Lark Quarry, where fossilised footprints of dinosaurs are preserved showing a stampede from 100 million years ago. There is no camping here but the adventurous with 4WDs might be able to find the ruins of the Old Cork HS where there's an excellent camp on the banks of the Diamantina River. If you're heading towards Diamantina Lakes NP or to Boulia this is a great spot to spend a night off the bitumen and the jaunt through the dirt tracks makes a good alternative to the main tar from Winton -Boulia, although it joins up near the coloured stacks.
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Closest Weather Station

Winton at 23/05:00pm EST
Distance from Winton 4.79km NE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Winton Post Office
Distance from Winton 1.07km S
Mean Max. °C37.536.
Mean Min. °C23.522.921.
Mean Rain mm83.287.053.822.320.

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