St Helens - TAS



DEG: -41.32147 148.24922
DMS: 41º 19' 17.29" S 148º 14' 57.2" E
UTM: 55 G 5424803mN 604550mE
Altitude: 7.25m


Place Type

Population - Town


189.34kms NorthEast of Hobart
480.93kms SouthEast of Melbourne

Address & Contact

47 Cecilia St
St Helens TAS 7216
Phone: +613 6376 7900


St Helens is the largest town on Tasmania's north-east coast and the last town before the highway turns from the coast and heads inland over the ranges to Launceston and the north coast. The town overlooks the expansive waters of Georges Bay, which is base for a substantial fishing industry and recreational fishing. The state's second largest fishing port, it is renowned for its catches of deep sea fish and lobster.

St Helens offers all the services of a busy town with a positively laid back life style, and that's just the way the locals and visitors like it. There are a good choice of places to eat including at the port area where the fishing fleet is based.

The town has a population of about 2,000 with a substantial increase at holiday time. The area was first known as Georges Bay and was a whaling base. A post office opened in 1869. The town was renamed St Helens in 1882. It was a fishing, timber and farming area initially but when tin was discovered in the area in 1874 its economy received a boost as it provided services to the miners and handled the shipping of tin ore.

St Helens offers a wide range of accommodation to visitors who come for the beaches, fishing and the scenery. Launceston is about a two hour drive away.
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Closest Weather Station

St Helens at 23/06:00pm EDT
Distance from St Helens 3.11km SE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

St Helens Aerodrome
Distance from St Helens 3.11km SE
Mean Max. °C22.721.820.818.416.013.913.514.315.917.319.321.0
Mean Min. °C13.213.311.
Mean Rain mm50.764.

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