Bell Gorge - WA



DEG: -16.99025 125.201591
DMS: 16º 59' 24.9" S 125º 12' 5.73" E
UTM: 51 K 8120207mN 734405mE
Altitude: 291.39m


Place Type

Geography - Gorge


787.12kms SouthWest of Darwin - Driving 1 344 km (16 hod

Address & Contact

Bell Creek
King Leopold Ranges WA 6728
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Bell Gorge itself is only accessible via a 1 km walking track which takes under half an hour via a rocky downhill trail. The bottom of the trail brings you to the top of the waterfall and into the gorge. Some people end their walk here – you can get a good view of the falls and can wet your feet in the rock pools above the falls however the more adventurous will want to get right down into the main pool below the falls.

You can either walk directly across the rock pools at the head of the falls (it is slippery and up to knees in some spots) or traverse right around the back of the top pool, although you will still probably need to get your shoes off to make it across.

Bell Gorge is located 20 km off the Gibb River Road along a graded track with a couple of shallow creek crossings. The designated camp with basic facilities operated by National Parks is located at Silent Grove. It is another 10km drive on the track to the carpark at the head of the walking trail to Bell Gorge itself.
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Closest Weather Station

Fitzroy Crossing at 13/07:30pm WST
Distance from Bell Gorge 137.75km S
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Mount Elizabeth
Distance from Bell Gorge 115.05km NE
Mean Max. °C33.032.132.432.529.928.028.530.534.135.936.234.1
Mean Min. °C22.121.820.516.712.
Mean Rain mm255.7226.2163.339.414.712.

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