Dimond Gorge - WA



DEG: -17.650379 126.026299
DMS: 17º 39' 1.37" S 126º 01' 34.67" E
UTM: 52 K 8046010mN 184465mE
Altitude: 159.8m


Place Type

Geography - Gorge


772.97kms SouthWest of Darwin

Address & Contact

Fitzroy River
Mueller Ranges WA
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Dimond Gorge is downstream from Sir John Gorge and was named after Cyril Dimond, the head engineer of a project to dam the Fitzroy River back in the 1950s. The proposed dam would have flooded nearly 1,000 square kilometres, mostly onwhat is now Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary. River access is by 4WD from the campsites. The upstream end of the gorge is visible and continues in a bend through the ranges, passing the proposed damsite some km downstream.
The sanctuary is great for bird watching with over 180 species found on the property including the threatened Gouldian Finch. The Fitzroy River was named after Captain Robert Fitzroy, one time commander of "HMS Beagle", during one of the ship's voyages commissioned to chart the northern Australian coast.
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Closest Weather Station

Fitzroy Crossing at 15/01:30pm WST
Distance from Dimond Gorge 76.76km SW
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Fitzroy Crossing Aero
Distance from Dimond Gorge 76.76km SW
Mean Max. °C37.736.536.436.533.030.130.733.337.239.840.739.1
Mean Min. °C25.224.723.920.715.612.512.113.718.722.825.425.7
Mean Rain mm165.9173.8127.833.311.

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