Stockyard Gully Tunnel - Southern End - WA



DEG: -29.940821 115.098228
DMS: 29º 56' 26.95" S 115º 05' 53.62" E
UTM: 50 J 6686251mN 316453mE
Altitude: 46.57m


Address & Contact

Warradarge WA
Phone: +61 8 9952 0100
Email: N/A


Stockyard Gully reserve is three hours northeast of Perth and is located within the Shire of Coorow. The caves are best accessed from the southern end via Cockleshell Gully Road. The final 5km of this track becomes a narrow, soft sandy track that is interspersed with rough limestone outcrops. This part of the track is 4WD accessible only.

The feature of the reserve is the tunnel, through which visitors can walk and enjoy the natural limestone cave system.

From the carpark you'll find long-drop toilets, and shelter but there is no water. When visiting the caves you should wear sturdy footwear, carry a torch or wear a headlight (its very dark inside the cave), and carry drinking water in case you explore further than expected.

The main cave is accessed by walking for 5 minutes along the river bed. As you arrive at the entrance to the tunnel look up to see honeycombs made by bees that have nestled in the limestone outcrops. Inside the main cave you'll need your torch to see where you're going - this cave is 300m long with a sandy bottom. It is a wide cavernous cave and is easy for most people to walk through. After walking through the darkness you'll notice the light coming in from the exit. At this point you can choose to return back the way you came, or for the more adventurous you can continue on following the riverbed until you come to the next cave however as at 2019, the next 2 caves in the tunnel system have been closed off due to danger of collapsing rocks. There is a walk trail and vehicle track that connects the 2 ends of the tunnel system outside the cave system. These are still accessible and make a nice way to compliment your exploration of the area. Look out for the blue fair wren, carnaby's cockatoo, and many other small birds and lizards as well as the bees and bats near the caves.

Please note: there is no camping allowed anywhere within this reserve and pets are not allowed.
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Closest Weather Station

Jurien Bay at 14/09:00am WST
Distance from Stockyard Gully Tunnel - Southern End 41.32km S
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Distance from Stockyard Gully Tunnel - Southern End 21.59km NE
Mean Max. °C36.336.333.629.324.320.819.620.622.926.429.933.4
Mean Min. °C18.719.618.115.212.310.
Mean Rain mm7.412.713.625.370.499.793.575.645.

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