Jurien Bay - WA



DEG: -30.30591 115.038254
DMS: 30º 18' 21.28" S 115º 02' 17.71" E
UTM: 50 J 6645687mN 311359mE
Altitude: 6.75m


Place Type

Population - Town


198.7kms NorthWest of Perth - Driving 221 km (2 hours 22 mins)

Address & Contact

64-70 Bashford St
Jurien Bay WA 6516
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Located approx 250km north of Perth, Jurien Bay is the designated regional centre for the WA Mid-west coast, with many State government offices and public health facilities (although no hospital). It has a permanent population of approx 1,500 but this swells greatly during the busy summer period, and peaks during Easter.

Jurien presents as a very prosperous medium sized town with a great number of accommodation opportunities, a good range of shops including a modern supermarket, and has a great range of family friendly facilities along the foreshore including a new state of the art recreational jetty and foreshore, which in turn include playgrounds, lawns and barbecues.

This modern recreational jetty replaced the old commercial fishing jetty in 2012 (see photos) following the demolition of the old jetty on safety grounds. It was partly funded from ratepayers levies and has proven highly popular with locals and visitors alike. Jurien has a number of safe, kid friendly beaches.

Jurien is surrounded by nature reserves, national parks (magnificent rugged Lesueur NP, 20 KM to the east, with its amazing wildflowers is a rare gem and the iconic Nambung NP with its world renowned pinnacles is only 30 KM to the south) and outstanding coastal beaches and scenery.

It lies at the centre of the Turquoise Coast Marine Park and a number of picturesque nearby islands lie offshore. It is renowned for both its commercial rock lobster fishery as well as being a focus, having excellent boating facilities, for Perth fishos targetting a range of deeper water species including West Australian Dhufish.
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Closest Weather Station

Jurien Bay at 14/09:00am WST
Distance from Jurien Bay 0.73km W
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Jurien Bay
Distance from Jurien Bay 0.73km W
Mean Max. °C29.930.829.426.323.320.619.519.921.223.325.828.2
Mean Min. °C17.117.916.614.011.810.
Mean Rain mm6.914.614.328.978.5106.8112.780.244.626.719.17.2

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