Eucla Telegraph Station - WA

  Historic Site


DEG: -31.713572 128.886505
DMS: 31º 42' 48.86" S 128º 53' 11.42" E
UTM: 52 J 6491306mN 489247mE
Altitude: 7.76m


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Eucla WA
Phone: N/A
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Operating between 1877 and 1927 and situated on the Roe Plains below the Hampton Tablelands (WA), Old Eucla Telegraph & Repeater Station was a vital link between WA-SA, at one time being the busiest communication centre outside of capital cities.

When the telegraph line opened in 1877, Eucla was one of the most important telegraph stations on the line. The town was proclaimed a township and gazetted in 1885, and reached its peak in the 1920s, prior to the construction of a new telegraph line further north alongside the Trans-Australian Railway in 1929. Many of the pioneer farmers and telegraph operators were buried at Eucla, but as the sand dunes encroached onto their graves, some of the headstones and plaques were removed and can now be seen at the museum at Eucla.

The original town was abandoned after severe erosion caused sand drifts to encroach on the town and so a new townsite was established about 4 km to the north and higher up on the escarpment in the location that visitors now pass along the Eyre Highway.

The ruins of the telegraph station still stand amongst the dunes, and are a local tourist attraction.
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Closest Weather Station

Eucla at 21/01:30pm WST
Distance from Eucla Telegraph Station 3.83km N
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Distance from Eucla Telegraph Station 3.83km N
Mean Max. °C25.925.725.223.621.118.718.019.121.323.124.324.8
Mean Min. °C16.617.015.913.310.
Mean Rain mm14.618.323.026.430.930.

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