Niagara Dam Nature Reserve - WA

  National Parks,Reserves


DEG: -29.40143 121.427742
DMS: 29º 24' 5.15" S 121º 25' 39.87" E
UTM: 51 J 6746510mN 347448mE
Altitude: 461.03m


Place Type

Reserves - National Parks,Reserves


603.59kms NorthEast of Perth - Driving 780 km (8 hours 53 mins)

Address & Contact

Kookynie WA
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Niagra Dam is located 60km north east of Menzies, via Kookynie Road for 13km. (dirt track) not far from Kookynie in the WA Goldfields. The dam was originally used for steam engines, now is just collecting water! Good camping at the base of the dam and the surrounding area. You will need to take wood in if you are planning on having a fire. There are toilet facilities there too and there are a couple of walk trails, around the Dam Trail and the Breakaway Trail.

Europeans have been coming to the Niagara district for over a hundred years now, initially in search of gold and then to dam water for the towns and railway. A town sprang up, not far from this reserve and housed more than a thousand people.

Recently Hiagara Dam has become a favoured site for a picnic or to camp overnight. Of course, Aboriginal people have been passing through this area for millennia, and still visit to keep their connections to the land alive.
There is now a Dump Point installed for caravan and motorhome toilets. It is located "downstream" of the dam wall and is the type fully approved by the Caravan and Motorhome Club of Australia. There are signposts directing you to it. Look for the blue signs showing a profile of a motorhome with an arrow pointing down from its centre.
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Closest Weather Station

Leonora Airport at 11/05:30am WST
Distance from Niagara Dam Nature Reserve 59.02km N
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Distance from Niagara Dam Nature Reserve 58.31km N
Mean Max. °C37.035.332.627.922.819.018.420.724.928.932.235.3
Mean Min. °C21.820.918.614.810.
Mean Rain mm24.730.729.220.324.125.018.916.08.99.612.616.8

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